

单词 场所
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ART/CULTURE〕The Art Nouveau Cafe is a popular meeting place for the city's cultured classes. “新艺术咖啡馆”是这个城市文人雅士经常光顾汇聚的场所。朗文写作活用〔GIVE〕The company's application to build a billion dollar leisure complex has been granted by city hall. 公司建造价值十亿美元的休闲场所的申请已得到市政府批准。朗文写作活用〔NSFW〕Warning: many links in this post are NSFW.警告:这篇文章中许多链接都不宜在工作场所观看。剑桥高阶〔PUBLIC〕Jeff was obviously calling from a public place. 显然杰夫是从公共场所打电话来的。朗文写作活用〔UNFRIENDLY〕The new fence is just one example of the city's attempt to make public spaces unwelcoming to the homeless. 该市企图把街头流浪者拒诸公共场所外,新建的栅栏只是其中一例。朗文写作活用〔UNIMPORTANT〕The study found that women were often reduced to secondary roles in the workplace. 研究发现女性在工作场所经常沦为附属的角色。朗文写作活用〔accessibility〕The premises are wheelchair accessible.该场所轮椅可以自由出入。柯林斯高阶〔accommodate〕The new facility will easily accommodate 50 workstations.新场所能轻松摆下50个电脑的工作台。麦克米伦高阶〔aggrieved〕The company's controversial workplace policies had resulted in a long list of aggrieved parties.该公司颇具争议的工作场所规定已经侵害了不少人的权利。外研社新世纪〔aim〕The project aims to provide an outlet for children's creativity.该项目试图为孩子们的创造性提供一个表现场所。麦克米伦高阶〔amphitheater〕An arena where contests and spectacles are held.竞技场所:举行比赛或表演的圆形角斗场美国传统〔apiary〕A place where bees and beehives are kept, especially a place where bees are raised for their honey.养蜂场:放置蜜蜂及蜂窝的场所,尤指为酿蜜而养蜂的场所美国传统〔athenaeum〕A place, such as a library, where printed materials are available for reading.图书馆;阅览室:可供阅读印刷材料的场所,如图书馆美国传统〔balance〕There is a need to balance the demands of the workplace with those of family life.有必要权衡工作场所和家庭生活两者的需求。麦克米伦高阶〔banning〕Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year.加拿大将从今年晚些时候起在办公场所全面禁烟。柯林斯高阶〔beg the question〕The tragic drowning begs the question: why are there no safe places in the area for children to swim? 这起不幸的溺水事件发人深省:为什么这一区域没有供儿童游泳的安全场所?韦氏高阶〔bouncer〕Slang A person employed to expel disorderly persons from a public place, especially a bar.【俚语】 保镖:被雇于在公共场所里驱逐扰事者的人,尤指在酒吧中美国传统〔box seat〕A seat in a box at a public place of entertainment, such as a theater or stadium.包厢席位,正面看台座位:公共娱乐场所,如剧院或体育场的包厢座位美国传统〔carrefour〕A public square; a plaza.集市场所;广场美国传统〔chapter house〕A house in which a chapter of a fraternity or sorority lives and holds its meetings.会堂:大学生联谊会成员生活和开会的场所美国传统〔citywide〕The ban on smoking in public places is citywide.在公共场所的禁烟是全市性的。韦氏高阶〔coincidence〕The premises of Chabert and Sons were situated by the river and, by coincidence, not too far away from where Eric Talbot had met his death.查伯特父子公司的经营场所位于河边,碰巧的是,那儿离埃里克·塔尔博特身亡的地方不太远。柯林斯高阶〔compound〕An enclosed area used for confining prisoners of war.集中营:用于囚禁战俘的封闭场所美国传统〔cruise〕To look in (a public area) for a sexual partner.寻觅性伴侣:在(公共场所)寻觅性伴侣美国传统〔cryobank〕A place of storage that uses very low temperatures to preserve semen or transplantable tissues.冷库:一个用低温来保存种子或可移植组织的储藏场所美国传统〔disability〕Public places are becoming more accessible to people with disabilities.残疾人到公共场所去变得更容易了。朗文当代〔disorderly〕He pleaded guilty to being disorderly on licensed premises.他承认自己在有售酒许可的营业场所滋事。外研社新世纪〔dramatic〕Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.计算机给工作场所带来了巨大的变化。朗文当代〔drug〕Some workplaces have introduced mandatory drug screening.一些工作场所引入了强制药检。牛津搭配〔dunghill〕A foul, degraded condition or place.污秽,可鄙的境地或场所美国传统〔forum〕The club provides a forum for people who share an interest in local history.俱乐部为那些对地方史感兴趣的人们提供了讨论交流的场所。韦氏高阶〔front〕The travel company is just a front for drug trafficking.这家旅行社不过是毒品交易的掩护场所。牛津高阶〔gaff〕A public place of entertainment, especially a cheap or disreputable music hall or theater.低级娱乐场所:一种尤指廉价或低级音乐厅或戏院等的公共娱乐场所美国传统〔grab bag〕The meeting evolved into a grab bag of petty complaints.会议成了抱怨的场所美国传统〔grumble〕Women grumble about inequalities in the workplace.女人们抱怨工作场所中的不平等。外研社新世纪〔half-mast〕Flags have been flying at half-mast, and schools, offices and businesses have been closed.降了半旗,学校、办公楼和商业场所也都关门了。柯林斯高阶〔hive〕A place swarming with activity.喧闹繁忙的场所美国传统〔hot〕They're very hot on safety in the workplace.他们对工作场所的安全要求非常严格。麦克米伦高阶〔hugely〕In summer this hotel is a hugely popular venue for wedding receptions.夏天的时候, 这家酒店是非常热门的婚宴举办场所。外研社新世纪〔inclined〕The club was a notorious hang-out for the criminally inclined.这家俱乐部臭名昭著,是不法之徒频繁出没的场所。牛津搭配〔indoor〕No smoking in any indoor facilities.所有室内场所都不许吸烟。柯林斯高阶〔indulge〕The hotel spa is the perfect place to indulge.该酒店的健康美容中心是让人尽情享受的理想场所。外研社新世纪〔joint〕A building or dwelling.处所,住处:建筑物或居住场所美国传统〔jump〕This joint (= place of entertainment) is really jumping tonight.这个娱乐场所今晚可真热闹。剑桥高阶〔leash〕All dogs in public places should be on a leash.在公共场所, 所有的狗都应当用皮带牵住。外研社新世纪〔leash〕All dogs in public places should be on a leash.在公共场所所有的狗都应该用皮带牵住。柯林斯高阶〔leash〕All dogs must be kept on a leash in public places.在公共场所所有的狗必须用皮带牵住。牛津高阶〔less〕Smoking in the workplace is becoming less and less acceptable.在工作场所抽烟越来越不被接受了。朗文当代〔libel〕If the jury decided there was a libel, it would have to consider its effect on Miss Smith's position.如果陪审团认定诽谤成立, 那么就必须考虑其对史密斯小姐的立场所产生的影响。外研社新世纪〔make〕The hall would make an ideal venue for a wedding reception.这个大礼堂将是办婚宴的理想场所。朗文当代〔meat market〕Slang An establishment, such as a nightclub, where one looks for a sexual partner.【俚语】 性伴侣市场:人们寻求性伴侣的公共场所,例如夜总会美国传统〔monastery〕The dwelling place of such a community.修道院:这种团体居住的场所美国传统〔move〕To begin to occupy a residence or place of business.搬进:开始占据一个住宅地或商业场所美国传统〔non-union〕Management hostility is apparent in about a third of non-union workplaces.在大约1/3不雇用工会会员的工作场所明显可见仇视管理层的现象。柯林斯高阶〔nut house〕A mental health facility.疯人院:治疗精神病的场所美国传统〔offense〕The new law makes it a criminal offense to drink alcohol in public places.新法律将在公共场所饮酒定为刑事犯罪。牛津高阶〔one-night stand〕The place at which such a performance is given.一夜演出的剧场:举行这种表演的场所美国传统〔oracle〕A shrine consecrated to the worship and consultation of a prophetic deity, as that of Apollo at Delphi.神龛:表示崇敬并以求指引的奉给先知神灵的场所,如特尔斐的阿波罗殿美国传统〔parking〕It's hard to find parking near the school.学校附近很难找到停车的场所。麦克米伦高阶〔park〕A tract of land attached to a country house, especially when including extensive gardens, woods, pastures, or a game preserve.庄园:尤指有宽大的花园、树林、草原或游戏场所的附属于乡村住房的一块土地美国传统〔per se〕The authors' argument is not with the free market per se but with the western society in which it works.作者的论点与自由市场本身无关,而是与自由市场所处的西方社会有关。柯林斯高阶〔population〕The estuary is home to the largest breeding population of birds in Australia.该河口是澳大利亚最大的鸟类种群繁殖场所。牛津搭配〔premises〕Banks and business premises were damaged by yesterday's bomb.银行和商行的营业场所被昨天的炸弹炸毁了。麦克米伦高阶〔premises〕While on the premises, all visitors must carry some form of identification.在生产场所,所有的参观者都必须佩带某种身份证明。麦克米伦高阶〔premise〕The premises were searched by the police.警方搜查了这个经营场所。韦氏高阶〔protect〕Many of these sites-of immense scientific interest-are not legally protected.许多这类具有重大科学意义的场所没有得到法律的保护。牛津搭配〔proving ground〕High-crime areas are proving grounds for new police officers.犯罪高发地区是考验新任警察的理想场所。朗文当代〔purpose〕We haven't yet managed to find new premises that are suitable for our purposes.我们还未找到符合我们需要的新营业场所。剑桥高阶〔quarter〕Often quarters A proper or assigned station or place, as for officers and crew on a warship. 常作 quarters 住舱区:一个适合或被配给的住所或场所,如在军舰上配给军官和船员的美国传统〔rarely〕She is rarely seen in public nowadays.如今在公共场所很少能见到她。牛津高阶〔rialto〕A marketplace.市场所在地美国传统〔sacrilege〕Stealing from a place of worship was regarded as sacrilege.从礼拜场所偷东西是对神灵的亵渎。柯林斯高阶〔setting〕This would be a beautiful/perfect/ideal setting for a picnic.这里会是漂亮/完美/理想的野餐场所。韦氏高阶〔shelter〕An establishment that provides temporary housing for homeless people.收容所:为无家可归的人提供暂时栖息场所的机构美国传统〔shooting gallery〕Police raided a well-known shooting gallery on Thursday night.警方于星期四晚上突击搜查了一个有名的毒品注射场所。剑桥高阶〔showcase〕The club is a showcase for new comics.这个俱乐部是专供初次登台的喜剧演员亮相的场所。英汉大词典〔slap〕The boss slapped down their idea of taking a nap on the job every afternoon.老板断然拒绝他们提出的每天午后在工作场所小睡片刻的意见。英汉大词典〔smoking〕Smoking is now banned in many places of work.现在许多工作场所禁止吸烟。柯林斯高阶〔soften〕The company has softened its stance on dating in the workplace.公司对于在工作场所约会的态度缓和了。韦氏高阶〔spot〕A place of relatively small and definite limits.场所:相对小而又有确定限制的地点美国传统〔storage〕The area underneath provides useful storage.下面那块地方是非常好的贮藏场所。麦克米伦高阶〔tar pit〕An accumulation of natural tar or asphalt at the earth's surface, especially one that acts as a trap for animals and preserves their bones.沥青坑:地表中天然沥青的积集场所,尤指使动物不慎陷入其中并保存了它们的骨骼的天然沥青聚集点美国传统〔underworld〕A region, realm, or dwelling place conceived to be below the surface of the earth.下层社会:设想在地球表面下面的区域、王国和居住场所美国传统〔under〕The UN inspectors would be allowed access to the eight sites, but only under certain conditions.联合国调查人员只是在某些条件下才获准进入这8个场所。麦克米伦高阶〔victory〕Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights.工会领袖们即将赢得争取工作场所权利斗争的胜利。柯林斯高阶〔victory〕Union leaders are heading for victory in their battle over workplace rights.工会领袖即将赢得争取工作场所权利斗争的胜利。外研社新世纪〔warehouse〕The facility has over 6 905 square feet of warehouse space.该场所拥有 6,905 平方英尺的仓储空间。牛津搭配〔worship〕The ceremony must take place in a recognized place of worship .该仪式必须在认可的敬拜场所举行。朗文当代Available extracurricular activities include pottery, chess, choir, badminton and a series of visits to historic houses.现有的课外活动有制陶、弈棋、合唱、羽毛球和一系列参观历史场所活动。剑桥国际Car parking provided free at your workplace is not taxable.工作场所提供的免费停车服务不必纳税。牛津商务Forests have given place to tillage and pasture. 原先的森林已被耕地和牧场所取代。译典通I always make sure I keep the children in view (= am able to see them) whenever we're in a public place.在任何公共场所,我总是留意让孩子们呆在我视线之内。剑桥国际Kuwait Bay is one of the world's most important wintering grounds for wading birds.科威特湾是世界上最重要的涉禽过冬场所之一。剑桥国际Recently there has been official discouragement of smoking in public places.最近官方一直在公共场所进行禁烟。剑桥国际That so-called sale is a scheme to swindle the customers. 那场所谓的大贱卖是一个欺诈顾客的骗局。译典通The Department has issued an approved code of practice for the management of noise in the workplace.部门已颁布了经核准的工作场所噪音管理行业准则。牛津商务The South of France is the playground of the rich. 法国南部是富人的游乐场所。译典通The proportion of men to women in the workplace has changed dramatically over the years.近年来,工作场所的男女比例出现了剧变。牛津商务The strongest evidence against him was the fact that his blood sample matched bloodstains found at the scene of the crime (= the place where the crime had been committed).对他最不利的证据是他的血样和犯罪现场所发现的血迹相符。剑桥国际There is growing concern in the chemical industry about safety standards in the workplace.在化学工业中,工作场所的安全标准正受到越来越多的关心。剑桥国际




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