

单词 嘉宾
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TELEVISION/RADIO〕My most shocking moment as an interviewer was when a movie star came on drunk and threatened to hit my other guests. 我的访问经历中最令人震惊的一刻,是一位电影明星喝醉了酒上来并且威胁要殴打其他嘉宾。朗文写作活用〔THEN〕Miles got up to make his speech, and at that point several of the guests quietly slipped out of the room. 迈尔斯站起来准备演讲,就在此时有几位嘉宾悄悄溜出了房间。朗文写作活用〔TRANSLATE〕We'll have to find someone who speaks Chinese to interpret the questions and answers for our guests. 我们得找个会说汉语的人来为我们的嘉宾口译问题和答案。朗文写作活用〔all〕First of all, I want to welcome our guest speaker.首先,我想欢迎我们的演讲嘉宾。麦克米伦高阶〔annoyance〕In his later years, he changed from a slight annoyance into an eagerly-awaited visitor.在晚年,他从一个有点儿惹别人讨厌的角色变成被人热切等候光临的嘉宾。英汉大词典〔artist〕The Blue Note Quartet will be the guest artists tomorrow night.“蓝调”四人组合将成为明晚的艺人嘉宾。牛津搭配〔big〕Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight.女士们、先生们,让我们热烈鼓掌欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。牛津高阶〔brass〕The guest list was top-heavy with police brass.嘉宾名单上的高级警官人数过多。外研社新世纪〔cast〕Guests will have the opportunity to cast a vote for their favourite act.嘉宾有机会为他们最喜爱的表演投票。外研社新世纪〔conclusion〕In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.最后,我要感谢我们的演讲嘉宾。剑桥高阶〔do the honors〕The Ambassador did the honors by introducing the guest speaker.那位大使尽主人之谊介绍了演讲嘉宾。韦氏高阶〔guess〕Can you guess the identity of this week's special guest? 你们猜得出本周的嘉宾是谁吗?朗文当代〔guest〕Among the invited guests were Jerry Brown and Elihu Harris.受邀的嘉宾中有杰里‧布朗和伊莱休‧哈里斯。朗文当代〔guest〕Camfield was lucky in getting Cage and Rampling as guest stars.卡姆菲尔德有幸请到了凯奇和兰普林两位明星嘉宾。朗文当代〔guest〕Fontaine appeared as a guest on the show.芳登以客串嘉宾的身份出现在节目中。朗文当代〔guest〕Guest artists from all over Europe will take part in the concert.来自欧洲各地的艺人嘉宾将参加这个音乐会。牛津搭配〔guest〕He guests on their latest video.他在他们最近录制的节目里担任特邀嘉宾。剑桥高阶〔guest〕He is a frequent chat-show guest.他经常在谈话节目中做嘉宾。外研社新世纪〔guest〕He played at the country club as a guest of one of the members.他作为乡村俱乐部一位会员的特邀嘉宾,在俱乐部里打球。韦氏高阶〔guest〕He will make a special guest appearance on next week's show.他将作为特邀嘉宾参加下星期的节目。朗文当代〔guest〕I've nearly finished the guest list for the wedding.我差不多已经把参加婚礼的嘉宾名单准备完毕。朗文当代〔guest〕Madonna made a guest appearance at the concert.麦当娜担任了那场音乐会的特邀嘉宾。剑桥高阶〔guest〕Movie star Matt Damon is one of the special guests on tonight's show.影星马特・达蒙是今晚节目的特邀嘉宾之一。牛津搭配〔guest〕My first guest tonight is famous for both her singing and acting talent.今晚我邀请的第一位嘉宾在歌唱和表演两方面都很有名。麦克米伦高阶〔guest〕Only invited guests are allowed inside the banquet hall.只有受邀嘉宾才可以进入宴会厅。韦氏高阶〔guest〕Our next guest is a bona fide television star.我们的下一位嘉宾是一位名副其实的电视明星。牛津搭配〔guest〕Our special guest on the programme tonight is Robert de Niro.今晚我们节目请到的特邀嘉宾是罗伯特.德尼罗。剑桥高阶〔guest〕Our special guest tonight is… 今晚我们的特别嘉宾是…牛津高阶〔guest〕She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain.她访问英国时做过几个访谈节目的特邀嘉宾。牛津高阶〔guest〕She guested with the band on their new album.她作为特邀嘉宾参与了这支乐队的新专辑的录制。外研社新世纪〔guest〕The band agreed to make a guest appearance on his show.那个乐队同意在他的节目中以嘉宾身份露面。麦克米伦高阶〔guest〕The ceremony will take place before 10,000 invited VIP guests.庆典将在10000名应邀而至的嘉宾面前举行。麦克米伦高阶〔guest〕The show frequently features well-known guest stars.这个节目经常邀请著名的明星嘉宾。麦克米伦高阶〔guest〕They frequently appeared as guests on TV talk shows.他们作为嘉宾经常出现在各种电视脱口秀节目中。韦氏高阶〔guest〕We have some great guests for you tonight.今晚我们为大家邀请了几位特别的嘉宾。朗文当代〔guest〕Welcome, Mr Prime Minister, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.首相先生,各位嘉宾,女士们,先生们,欢迎各位的光临。麦克米伦高阶〔hit top gear〕The party hit top gear when the guest of honour arrived.嘉宾到场后,晚会进入高潮。韦氏高阶〔introduce〕I'd now like to introduce our next guest, who will be singing songs from her latest album.现在我想介绍我们的下一位嘉宾,她将为我们演唱她最新大碟里的歌曲。剑桥高阶〔introduce〕May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight… 请让我介绍今晚节目的第一位嘉宾…牛津高阶〔keynote address〕Many of the convention guests left after the keynote address.许多与会嘉宾在主旨发言后离开了会场。韦氏高阶〔leave off〕She has been deliberately left off the guest list.她被刻意排除在嘉宾名单之外。外研社新世纪〔leave off〕She has been deliberately left off the guest list.她被故意排除在嘉宾名单之外。柯林斯高阶〔line-up〕We've got a star-studded line-up of guests on tonight's show.我们今晚演出的特邀嘉宾中明星云集。剑桥高阶〔master of ceremonies〕The master of ceremonies introduced the guest of honor.典礼官介绍了嘉宾。韦氏高阶〔mystery〕Let's find out the name of this week's mystery guest.让我们来揭晓本周神秘嘉宾的名字。外研社新世纪〔mystery〕There was a mystery guest on the programme.节目中有位神秘嘉宾。牛津高阶〔mystery〕We'll reveal the identity of today's mystery guest after these commercials.广告后我们将揭晓今天的神秘嘉宾。韦氏高阶〔nay〕It is my pleasure, nay (my) privilege, to introduce tonight's guest speaker.我很高兴,也很荣幸介绍今晚的特别演讲嘉宾。剑桥高阶〔none〕The mystery guest turned out to be none other than Cher herself.神秘嘉宾结果正是雪儿她本人。朗文当代〔one〕My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan! 我们今晚节目的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克尔‧乔丹!剑桥高阶〔pleasure〕It gives me enormous pleasure to welcome my next guest.我非常荣幸地欢迎下一位嘉宾。牛津搭配〔pleasure〕It's a great pleasure to introduce tonight's guest speaker, Mr Dennis Taylor.我非常荣幸地向大家介绍今天晚上的演讲嘉宾,丹尼斯·泰勒先生。麦克米伦高阶〔present〕Hannah was the guest of honour and presented the prizes.汉纳是嘉宾并颁发了奖品。麦克米伦高阶〔princess〕Princess Anne topped the guest list.安妮公主列嘉宾名单之首。外研社新世纪〔ranking〕I was the ranking guest, and as such sat at the right of the President.我是首席嘉宾,并以这样的资格在总统右首就座。英汉大词典〔should〕I should like to introduce our guest speaker.我想介绍一下我们的嘉宾发言人。麦克米伦高阶〔singer〕She will perform with two guest singers.她将与两位嘉宾歌手一起演唱。牛津搭配〔social〕The guests came from all social backgrounds.嘉宾来自各个社会阶层。外研社新世纪〔special〕My special guest will be comedian Ben Elton.我的特约嘉宾是喜剧演员本•艾尔顿。外研社新世纪〔special〕My special guest will be comedian Ben Elton.我的特邀嘉宾将是喜剧演员本·艾尔顿。柯林斯高阶〔special〕Our special guest on next week's show will be… 我们下周节目的特邀嘉宾是…牛津高阶〔special〕We have a special guest tonight—the mayor.今晚我们邀请到一位特别嘉宾——市长先生。韦氏高阶〔spot〕The host has several guest spots lined up tonight.节目主持人今晚安排了几个嘉宾出场。韦氏高阶〔star〕The show has plenty of guest stars appearing each week.这个节目每周都邀请许多嘉宾明星到场。牛津搭配〔tease〕Stop teasing us and tell us who your surprise guest is.别逗了,告诉我们你的神秘嘉宾是谁。韦氏高阶〔think〕I'm thinking in terms of about 70 guests at the wedding.我打算邀请 70 位嘉宾参加婚礼。牛津高阶〔warm〕Please give a warm welcome to our special guest.请热烈欢迎我们的嘉宾。朗文当代〔welcome〕A big welcome to our special guest, James Greenan.热烈欢迎我们的特别嘉宾,詹姆斯・格里南先生。牛津搭配〔wooden〕The guest speaker was wooden and uninspiring.这位特邀嘉宾讲起话来呆板乏味,缺乏感染力。韦氏高阶Each week the TV show has a mystery guest.每星期电视节目中都有一位神秘嘉宾。剑桥国际Every Saturday they have a different entertainer on the guest spot.每星期六他们在嘉宾节目中邀请一个不同的表演者。剑桥国际Listeners phoned in to try to guess who was the mystery voice.听众打进电话想猜出谁是无名嘉宾。剑桥国际My final guest on tonight's show needs no introduction. Please welcome the one and only Michael Jordan (= there is no other such person)! 今晚播出的最后一位嘉宾无需介绍。请欢迎独一无二的迈克·乔丹!剑桥国际Our special guest on the programme is Robert de Niro.我们节目的特邀嘉宾是罗伯特·德尼罗。剑桥国际She was invited as the guest speaker.她获邀请为演讲嘉宾。牛津商务




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