

单词 周末
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔action-packed〕an action-packed thriller/weekend/finale 情节紧张刺激的惊险小说/活动精彩纷呈的周末/高潮迭起的结尾剑桥高阶〔action-packed〕an action-packed weekend 活动安排得满满的周末牛津高阶〔at〕at the end of the week 在周末牛津高阶〔bank holiday〕a bank holiday weekend(= a weekend followed by a Monday which is a holiday) 银行假日周末(之后的星期一为假日的大周末)牛津高阶〔boogie〕to boogie the saturday-night away用跳舞来消磨周末之夜的时间21世纪英汉〔break〕a weekend break for two in Florence 佛罗伦萨周末双人假期麦克米伦高阶〔concession〕the weekend concession rate 周末优惠价英汉大词典〔enjoyable〕an enjoyable weekend/experience 令人愉快的周末╱经历牛津高阶〔fastness〕spend the weekend in the mountain fastness 在山间僻静住所度周末英汉大词典〔foray〕weekend shopping forays to France 周末赴法国购物牛津高阶〔getaway〕a romantic weekend getaway in New York 在纽约度过的浪漫周末牛津高阶〔host〕host a popular weekend television talk show 主持一档颇受欢迎的周末电视访谈节目英汉大词典〔jaunt〕a weekend jaunt 周末短途旅游朗文当代〔job〕a summer/holiday/Saturday/vacation job 暑期╱假日╱周末╱假期工作牛津高阶〔last〕the night/week/weekend/Friday before last前天晚上/上上个星期/上上个周末/上上个星期五外研社新世纪〔late〕late next week/month/year etc (towards end of)下周末/下个月底/明年年底等外研社新世纪〔luxury〕a weekend in the luxury of one of New York's premier hotels 在纽约最好的一家旅馆度过的豪华周末麦克米伦高阶〔pass〕soldiers on a weekend pass 持有周末出入证的士兵牛津搭配〔prorogue〕to prorogue the legislative session by the coming week立法会议休会到下周末21世纪英汉〔pub-crawl〕go on pub-crawls every weekend 每个周末到一家家酒店逐店闹饮英汉大词典〔reading〕light reading for the weekend 供周末阅读的轻松读物 英汉大词典〔restful〕a restful weekend 平静的周末韦氏高阶〔retreat〕a popular weekend retreat 大众度周末的胜地 英汉大词典〔sacrosanct〕weekend rest days were considered sacrosanct. 占用周末休息日被认为没得商量。柯林斯高阶〔sign ... out〕to sign out for the weekends签字登记外出度周末21世纪英汉〔supply〕supplies for the weekend.周末所需的供应品。牛津同义词〔throw in〕a weekend break in Paris, with free beer thrown in在巴黎度个周末, 额外有免费啤酒赠送外研社新世纪〔tripper〕a weekend tripper 周末旅游者英汉大词典〔w/e〕w/e 28 Oct10月28日周末外研社新世纪〔weekend〕a store open around the clock and at (或 on) weekends 一家周末也营业的日夜商店英汉大词典〔weekend〕a weekend excursion 周末远足英汉大词典〔weekend〕a weekend fisherman 周末垂钓者英汉大词典〔weekend〕a weekend in the country 在乡间度的周末英汉大词典〔weekend〕a weekend job; a weekend cottage. 周末工作;周末小屋美国传统〔weekend〕an after-school and weekend workshop 供课余及周末劳动的工场英汉大词典〔weekend〕last weekend上周末外研社新世纪〔weekend〕next weekend下周末外研社新世纪〔weekend〕weekend with sb. at (或in) a place 与某人一起在某地度周末英汉大词典〔week〕the hard work of looking after the children during the week. 除周末外每天都要照看孩子的辛苦柯林斯高阶a bank holiday weekend (= a weekend followed by a Monday which is a bank holiday) 银行假日周末(周一为银行假日的周末)牛津商务




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