

单词 周期的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔REM〕The rapid, periodic, jerky movement of the eyes during certain stages of the sleep cycle when dreaming takes place.眼球速动期:快速的,周期性的,在睡眠周期的某个时期做梦时发生的痉挛性的眼睛的运动美国传统〔aperiodic〕Physics Without periodic vibrations.【物理学】 非周期的美国传统〔beta-oxidation〕The oxidative degradation of saturated fatty acids in which two-carbon units are sequentially removed from the molecule with each turn of the cycle.β-氧化作用:饱和脂肪酸的氧化降解,每个周期的转变使得两个碳单位相继从其分子中移出美国传统〔biennial〕Botany Having a life cycle that normally takes two growing seasons to complete.【植物学】 二年生的:需要两个生长季来完成生命周期的美国传统〔cycle〕The figures marked the final low point of the present economic cycle.这些数据显示了目前经济周期的最低点。柯林斯高阶〔glitch〕Astronomy A sudden change in the period of rotation of a neutron star.【天文学】 中子星旋转周期的突然变化美国传统〔heteroecious〕Spending different stages of a life cycle on different, usually unrelated hosts. Used of parasites such as rust fungi and tapeworms.异寄主的:在生命周期的不同阶段,寄生于不同的、通常为不相关的寄生主上的,如锈菌真菌和绦虫等寄生虫美国传统〔homoecious〕Of or being a parasite that spends all stages of its life cycle on the same host.单种宿主寄生的:这种寄生虫在同一宿主身上度过生命周期的每一阶段美国传统〔monocyclic〕Having a single cycle, as of activity or development.单循环的:具有单一周期的,如指活动或发展美国传统〔pachytene〕The third stage of the prophase of meiosis during which the homologous chromosomes become short and thick and divide into four distinct chromatids.粗线期:在同周期的染色体群变短变粗并分裂为四个不同的染色单体过程中减数分裂前期的第三个阶段美国传统〔periodic〕Having or marked by repeated cycles.周期的,周期性的:循环往复的或以此为特征的美国传统〔progestational〕Of or relating to the phase of the menstrual cycle immediately following ovulation, characterized by secretion of progesterone.排卵期前的:紧随着排卵的月经周期的一个阶段的或与其有关的,以黄体激素的隐藏为特征美国传统〔regular〕Having bowel movements or menstrual periods with normal or healthy frequency.恒常的:具有正常或健康的频率的肠胃运动或月经周期的美国传统〔revolving〕Available at regular intervals.周期的:可在有规律的间隔中获得的美国传统〔revolving〕Tending to revolve or happen repeatedly.周期的,循环的:倾向于旋转或重复发生的美国传统〔synodic〕Relating to the conjunction of celestial bodies, especially the interval between two successive conjunctions of a planet or the moon with the sun.会合的,会合周期的:与天体的会合,尤指某颗行星或月亮与太阳的两次连续会合的间隔有关的美国传统〔twitch〕Economists are studying every twitch and hiccup of the business cycle.经济学家们正在对商业周期的每一个突变和停顿做研究。韦氏高阶During a long period of captivity or confinement your biorhythms can re-adjust to a time clock which may not be a 24-hour cycle.经过一段长时间的囚禁或幽禁,你的生物节律可以重新调整到一个可能不是二十四小时一个周期的生物钟上。剑桥国际The improvement in sales could mean we have passed the low point in the economic cycle.销售额的增长可能意味着我们已走出经济周期的谷底。牛津商务The market is at the bottom of the cycle and should start improving soon.市场正处于周期的底部,应该很快开始复苏。牛津商务




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