

单词 周期性
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aperiodic〕aperiodic floods 非周期性洪水英汉大词典〔bout〕periodic bouts of instability in the financial markets 周期性的一次次金融市场不稳定麦克米伦高阶〔cycle〕occur in cycles 周期性地发生英汉大词典〔cyclical〕cyclical stocks (价值随商业周期性的高涨、衰退而起落的)周期性股票英汉大词典〔cyclical〕the cyclical nature of the airline business. 航空业的周期性柯林斯高阶〔cyclical〕the cyclical nature of the airline business航空业的周期性外研社新世纪〔cyclic〕cyclical changes in the economy 经济的周期性变化朗文当代〔cyclic〕events that occur cyclically 周期性出现的事情牛津高阶〔cyclic〕the cyclic movement of a planet 行星的周期性移动文馨英汉〔orgasm〕the periodic orgasm of war 战争的周期性爆发英汉大词典〔periodically〕periodically repeating configurations周期性重复配置外研社新世纪〔periodic〕a periodic occurrence 周期性现象英汉大词典〔periodic〕a periodic sound wave周期性的声波外研社新世纪〔periodic〕periodic attacks of dizziness [fever] 周期性的眩晕[发烧]文馨英汉〔periodic〕periodic bouts of illness. 周期性发病柯林斯高阶〔periodic〕periodic feelings of anxiety. 周期性焦虑。美国传统〔periodic〕the periodic rise and fall of the tide 潮汐的周期性涨落英汉大词典〔recurrent〕a recurrent illness.周期性发作的病。牛津同义词a cyclical downturn (= period of difficulty) in the advertising industry 广告业的周期性衰退牛津商务cyclical unemployment 周期性失业牛津商务the cyclical demand for steel products 对钢材的周期性需求牛津商务




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