

单词 周围环境
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAPPEAR〕These creatures can change colour in order to blend into their surroundings. 这些动物能变色,这样就能与其周围环境融为一体。朗文写作活用〔THING〕They have so much junk in their yard. It makes the neighborhood look awful. 他们的院子里堆了那么多的杂物,弄得周围环境看起来很不像样。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕Alcohol and drug use often appear as a result of poor adaptation to one's surroundings.酗酒和吸毒常常是人对周围环境适应力差的表现。麦克米伦高阶〔adaptive radiation〕Diversification of a species or single ancestral type into several forms that are each adaptively specialized to a specific environmental niche.适应性辐射:一种物种或单个遗传类型变为多种各自适应特定的周围环境之形式的多样化过程美国传统〔blend into〕These animals blend into their surroundings.这些动物能与周围环境融为一体。21世纪英汉〔blend in〕It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.这势必让我更加下定决心融入周围环境。柯林斯高阶〔camouflage〕Fabric or a garment dyed in splotches of green, brown, tan, and black so as to make the wearer indistinguishable from the surrounding environment.迷彩服:将织物或衣物染成有绿色、棕色、褐色和黑色的斑纹,从而使穿戴者不易被从周围环境中区分开来美国传统〔camouflage〕To conceal by the use of disguise or by protective coloring or garments that blend in with the surrounding environment.伪装:通过伪装或保护色或与周围环境融为一体的迷彩服装来隐藏美国传统〔character〕The house was not in keeping with the character of the surrounding area.这座房子和周围环境不相称。麦克米伦高阶〔disorientation〕Loss of one's sense of direction, position, or relationship with one's surroundings.迷失方向,迷惑:失去了方向、位置或与某个周围环境的关系的判断力美国传统〔ectothermic〕Of or relating to an organism that regulates its body temperature largely by exchanging heat with its surroundings; cold-blooded.变温动物的:通过与其周围环境交换热量来调节体温的动物的或与之有关的;冷血的美国传统〔endothermic〕Biology Of or relating to an organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature, typically above the temperature of its surroundings; warm-blooded.【生物学】 温血的:属于或与能产生热量以维持体温高于其周围环境温度的生物体相关的;温血的美国传统〔endotherm〕An organism that generates heat to maintain its body temperature, typically above the temperature of its surroundings; a homeotherm.恒温动物:能产生热量维持体温的生物体,其体温典型高于其周围环境的温度;温血动物美国传统〔environmental〕Behaviour is affected by environmental influences.行为举止受周围环境影响。外研社新世纪〔environment〕Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.冷血动物的体温随着周围环境的温度而变化。牛津搭配〔eurytopic〕Able to adapt to a wide range of environmental conditions; widely distributed. Used of a plant or an animal.广幅的,广适应性的:能够适应各种周围环境;分布广泛。常用于植物或动物美国传统〔exercise〕People who can exercise some control over their surroundings feel less anxious.能对周围环境有所控制的人就不会那么焦虑。朗文当代〔fit〕A new building must fit in with its surroundings.新建筑必须与周围环境协调一致。朗文当代〔harmonize〕The new building does not harmonize with its surroundings.那栋新楼与周围环境不协调。牛津高阶〔homeothermic〕Maintaining a relatively constant body temperature that is independent of the temperature of the surrounding environment.恒温的:保持相对恒常的体温并不受周围环境温度影响的美国传统〔immune〕We are not immune to the influences around us.我们不能不受周围环境的影响。英汉大词典〔interact〕These devices allow the robot to physically interact with its environment.这些装置使得机器人能够与周围环境互动。牛津搭配〔intrigue〕The novelty of the situation intrigued him.周围环境的独具一格令他着迷。柯林斯高阶〔magnificence〕Greatness or lavishness of surroundings; splendor.周围环境的宏大或者奢华;壮丽美国传统〔master〕This was before man was a total master of his environment.这是在人类完全掌控周围环境之前。外研社新世纪〔mindful〕Travellers ought to be mindful of their surroundings.旅行者应该注意他们的周围环境。麦克米伦高阶〔novelty〕The novelty of the situation intrigued him.周围环境独具一格, 令他着迷。外研社新世纪〔oasis〕Hotel Gault, a 30-room oasis of serenity in the heart of Old Montreal格特酒店, 位于蒙特利尔老城中心, 30间客房, 周围环境安静外研社新世纪〔poikilothermic〕Of or relating to an organism having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of its surroundings; cold-blooded.变温的,冷血的:一种体温随周围环境温度变化的生物的,与之有关的;冷血的美国传统〔poikilotherm〕An organism, such as a fish or reptile, having a body temperature that varies with the temperature of its surroundings; an ectotherm.冷血动物;变温动物:一种体温随周围环境的温度变化的生物体,如鱼或爬行动物;变温动物美国传统〔prominence〕Something prominent, especially an area of land raised above its surroundings.突出物(部):突出来的某物,尤指比周围环境高的地区美国传统〔relation〕She used the map to discover where she was in relation to her surroundings.她对照地图看周围环境来确定她所处的位置。剑桥高阶〔rock garden〕A rocky area in which plants particularly adapted to such terrain are cultivated.岩石园:一个多岩石的地区,该地区种植的植物特别适应那里的周围环境美国传统〔rural〕The atmosphere is so pleasantly rural.周围环境具有宜人的乡村特色。麦克米伦高阶〔situation〕The city is in a beautiful situation.这座城市周围环境优美。外研社新世纪〔surroundings〕The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.这些建筑物设计巧妙,与周围环境浑然一体。牛津高阶〔surroundings〕The external circumstances, conditions, and objects that affect existence and development; the environment.围绕物,周围的事物:周围环境、条件和影响存在和发展的事物;境况美国传统〔surroundings〕The new hotel blends perfectly with the immediate surroundings.新旅馆与周围环境极好地融为一体。牛津搭配〔take〕The chameleon can take on the colours of its background.变色龙可以变成周围环境的颜色。牛津高阶〔warm-blooded〕Zoology Maintaining a relatively constant and warm body temperature independent of environmental temperature; homeothermic.【动物学】 温血的:不受周围环境温度变化影响而保持相对稳定的温暖的体温的美国传统A chameleon takes on the colour of its surroundings.变色龙呈现它周围环境的颜色。剑桥国际A small change in ambient conditions, such as a slight drop in temperature, can cause a musical instrument to go out of tune.周围环境的细小变化,例如温度的轻微下降,都会使乐器走音。剑桥国际Although the building is new, its frontage blends in well with its surroundings.尽管这大楼是新造的,它的正面却与周围环境很好地融合起来。剑桥国际At college I became a social misfit because I didn't like going out in the evenings.在学院的时候我成了一个与周围环境格格不入的人,因为我不喜欢在晚上外出。剑桥国际I wonder how she squares her socialism with the luxury of her surroundings.我不知她是如何使自己的社会主义思想与她周围环境的奢侈一致。剑桥国际Some butterflies blend in with their surroundings (= the area around them) so that it's difficult to see them.一些蝴蝶能与周围环境融为一体所以很难发现。剑桥国际The mellowed brickwork blends well with the surroundings.古色古香的砖墙与周围环境很好地融合在一起。剑桥国际They live in very comfortable/pleasant/drab/bleak surroundings.他们的周围环境非常舒适/单调/荒凉。剑桥国际




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