

单词 向东北
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔North-East〕The land to the north-east fell away into meadows.陆地向东北方向倾斜延伸成了牧场。柯林斯高阶〔North-East〕The streets were jammed with slow moving traffic, army convoys moving north-east.军车队向东北方向行驶,致使街道上车流缓慢,交通拥挤。柯林斯高阶〔Taunus Mountains〕A range of western Germany extending northeast from the Rhine River. The range includes notable vineyards and popular resort areas.陶努斯山脉:德国西部的一列山脉,从莱茵河向东北延伸。该山脉有许多著名的葡萄园和游人众多的度假胜地美国传统〔bora〕A violent, cold, northeasterly winter wind on the Adriatic Sea.布拉风:一种亚得里亚海上暴烈、寒冷、向东北方向吹的冬季风美国传统〔map〕According to the map, we need to head north-east.依照地图,我们需要向东北方向走。牛津搭配〔north-east〕The road runs north-east for another few miles.这条路向东北方又延伸了几英里。麦克米伦高阶〔northeasterly〕Situated toward the northeast.向东北的美国传统〔northeasterly〕They sailed in a northeasterly direction.他们向东北方航行。韦氏高阶〔northeasterly〕They set off in a northeasterly direction.他们向东北方向出发。朗文当代〔northeasterly〕They voyaged northeasterly for several days.他们向东北方向航行了好几天。英汉大词典〔northeastward〕They went in a northeastward direction.他们向东北方向行进。剑桥高阶〔northeastward〕Toward, to, or in the northeast.向东北地(的):向,去,或在东北方向地(的)美国传统〔northeast〕At this point the road turns northeast.路在这里转向东北。英汉大词典〔northeast〕The compass had a northeast reading.指南针指向东北。英汉大词典〔put〕The mariner put the wheel over and steered N.E.海员转动舵轮向东北方向驶去。英汉大词典〔trend〕The prevailing wind trends east-northeast.强风转向东北偏东方向美国传统〔veer〕To shift clockwise in direction, as from north to northeast. Used of the wind.顺转:以顺时针方向变化,如从北向东北。用于风美国传统At this point the road turns northeast. 路在这里转向东北。译典通Go northeast for about five miles.向东北方走大约5英里。剑桥国际The yacht's crew said that they were making relatively slow progress north-easterly.快艇的船员说他们正比较缓慢地向东北方前进。剑桥国际




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