

单词 唇舌
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔USELESS〕He's wasting his breath. There's no way they're going to lend him the money. 他在浪费唇舌,他们绝对不会借钱给他的。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕It's no good trying to make Kit change her mind -- you'd just be wasting your breath. 劝姬特改变主意没有用—你只是白费唇舌。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕It's useless trying to talk to you when you've had a drink. 你喝了酒,我跟你谈白费唇舌。朗文写作活用〔USELESS〕You can argue till you're blue in the face, but it won't do you any good. 你可以费尽唇舌,但是没有用的。朗文写作活用〔beat a dead horse〕I don't mean to beat a dead horse, but I still don't understand what happened.我并不是要白费唇舌,只是我还是不明白究竟发生了什么。韦氏高阶〔blue〕You can tell them till you're blue in the face, but they'll still do what they want.你就算费尽唇舌,他们还是会我行我素。朗文当代〔breath〕He is deaf to advice. You're just wasting your breath.别人的劝告他全听不进去,你这是徒费唇舌。英汉大词典〔breath〕It's useless talking to him-you may as well save your breath.跟他说也没用,你还是不要白费唇舌了。牛津搭配〔glossa〕Zoology A tonguelike structure in the labium of an insect.【动物学】 中唇舌:昆虫唇内的像舌状结构美国传统〔ligula〕A strap-shaped or tonguelike structure, especially a mouth part in certain insects.(昆虫的)唇舌:舌状的或舌尖状结构,尤指一些昆虫的嘴唇美国传统〔persuade〕He did finally come with us, although it took a long time to persuade him.他最终的确和我们一块来了,但说服他也让我们费了半天唇舌。麦克米伦高阶〔tall〕We will have some tall explaining to do.我们将不得不大费唇舌作出解释。英汉大词典〔waste your breath〕Honestly, you're wasting your breath - he doesn't want to hear what anyone else has got to say.说实话,你在白费唇舌——他不想听其他任何人的意见。剑桥高阶〔waste〕Don't try to reason with Paul – you're wasting your breath.不要跟保罗讲理了 — 你是白费唇舌。朗文当代




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