

单词 各处
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔around〕get around town 在市区各处走走英汉大词典〔bush〕beat the bushes to find a good job 为找称心工作走遍各处英汉大词典〔darling〕the darling of liberals everywhere 各处自由派的宠儿英汉大词典〔everyplace〕go everyplace on one's trip 在旅途中走遍各处英汉大词典〔far〕from far and near 从各处(参照far and near)文馨英汉〔hither〕looked hither and thither for the ring; ran hither and yon. 到处找戒指;各处乱跑美国传统〔meander〕the meanders of a river 河流的各处河曲牛津高阶〔placement〕the placement of microphones around the room 房间各处麦克风的安放韦氏高阶〔point〕points on an itinerary 旅途经过之各处英汉大词典〔roam〕when dinosaurs roamed the earth 当恐龙活跃在地球各处时牛津搭配〔round〕take sb. round the town 带某人到城里各处看看 英汉大词典〔scattering〕a scattering of isolated farms 分散各处的几个孤零零的农场朗文当代〔scrounge〕scrounge around at night to pick up useful things 晚上到各处去捡有用的东西英汉大词典〔spread out〕the spies that spread out everywhere散开在各处的侦探21世纪英汉〔tag〕tag sb. around 尾随某人去各处 英汉大词典〔tour〕a tour of observation through the town 在全市各处的巡回考察英汉大词典〔vagabond〕the delights of vagabonding around the gulf 在海湾各处漫游的乐趣英汉大词典




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