

单词 地主
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EFFICIENT/NOT EFFICIENT〕Mr Stevenson chaired the meeting firmly and capably. 史蒂文森先生干练有力地主持了会议。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕The landowners have always regarded themselves as an elite group within society. 地主们一向将自己视为社会中的精英。朗文写作活用〔Junker〕A member of the Prussian landed aristocracy, a class formerly associated with political reaction and militarism.容克:普鲁士贵族地主中的成员,先前与政治上的极端保守主义和军国主义联系在一起的阶级美国传统〔LET/ALLOW〕Under the previous administration, rich landowners were given generous tax concessions. 在前一届政府的管治下,富有的地主阶层享有很大的税务优惠。朗文写作活用〔MANAGER〕He spoke as though he were a rich landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm. 他说起话来好像他是有钱的地主,而不是一家小建筑公司里的一个小工头。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕One landowner says he has never had any problems with hikers crossing his property. 一位地主称,穿越他土地的徒步旅行者从未惹上过麻烦。朗文写作活用〔USE〕Peasants in remote areas of the country were being shamelessly exploited by wealthy land owners. 该国偏远地区的农民受到富有地主厚颜无耻的剥削。朗文写作活用〔advice〕Tenants involved in a dispute with their landlord should seek legal advice.与地主有争端的佃农应寻求法律咨询。麦克米伦高阶〔article of faith〕For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.共和党人几乎是坚定不移地主张削减这项税收。外研社新世纪〔article of faith〕For Republicans it is almost an article of faith that this tax should be cut.共和党人几乎是坚定不移地主张这项税收需削减。柯林斯高阶〔attorn〕To agree to remain as a tenant of property after its ownership has been transferred.承认新的地主或产业主:所有权被转让后同意某人继续为地产或财产所有人美国传统〔baron〕A lord or nobleman; a peer.地主或贵族;贵族美国传统〔bathing〕The chief attraction of the resort is bathing.胜地主要吸引人的地方是游泳。英汉大词典〔catch〕Lizzy catches the eye of wealthy landowner Mr Darcy.莉齐引起了富有的地主达西先生的注意。外研社新世纪〔corvée〕A day of unpaid work required of a vassal by his feudal lord.徭役:封建地主要求其奴仆提供的一天的无偿劳动美国传统〔count palatine〕A feudal lord having sovereign powers over his lands.封建主:在自己的土地上有王权的封建地主美国传统〔daimio〕A feudal lord of Japan who was a large landowner.大名:属于大领主的日本封建地主美国传统〔delaying tactic〕This is a publicity stunt and a delaying tactic by a bankrupt landlord.这是破产地主的宣传噱头和缓兵之计。外研社新世纪〔demesne〕Manorial land retained for the private use of a feudal lord.宅邸:为封建地主私人使用的邸宅土地美国传统〔dispossess of〕The government dispossessed the landlords of their property.政府剥夺了地主的财产。21世纪英汉〔enclosure〕An early example of privatization was the enclosure of public land for use by wealthy landlords.早期私有化的一个例子是富有的地主圈占公共土地据为己有。剑桥高阶〔esquire〕Archaic An English country gentleman; a squire.【古语】 英国乡绅;地主美国传统〔expropriate〕The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.布尔什维克征收了地主的财产。柯林斯高阶〔expropriate〕The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.布尔什维克没收了地主的财产。外研社新世纪〔flirt〕To make playfully romantic or sexual overtures.调情,卖俏:开玩笑似地主动表示风骚或性感美国传统〔flit〕The landlord was afraid the young couple were about to do a flit.地主担心那对小两口会撂挑子逃跑。外研社新世纪〔geld〕A tax paid to the crown by English landholders under Anglo-Saxon and Norman kings.捐税:盎格鲁-撒克逊和诺尔曼王朝时期英国地主向君王交纳的捐税美国传统〔heriot〕A tribute or service rendered to a feudal lord on the death of a tenant.租地继承税:佃农死时向封建地主交纳的贡物或提供的劳务美国传统〔interior〕The interior of the island consists largely of swamps.这个岛屿的腹地主要是沼泽。外研社新世纪〔key money〕Payment made to a landlord as an inducement to assure a rental.保证金:付给地主作为保证付租金的一笔钱美国传统〔kindly〕He kindly offered to help us.他热心肠地主动提出帮助我们。外研社新世纪〔laird〕The owner of a landed estate.地主:地产的拥有者美国传统〔landed〕Most of them were the nobility and the landed gentry.他们大多是贵族和地主乡绅。柯林斯高阶〔landlady〕A woman who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.女地主:拥有供出租的土地或居住单元的女性美国传统〔landlord〕A person who owns and rents land, buildings, or dwelling units.地主:拥有或出租土地、建筑物或居住单元的人美国传统〔landowner〕One that owns land.地主:拥有土地的人美国传统〔land〕He owns lands.他是个地主。文馨英汉〔loan〕He had kindly offered to loan us all the plants required for the exhibit.他好心地主动提出把展览所需的所有绿植都借给我们。外研社新世纪〔lord〕The proprietor of a manor.地主美国传统〔mention〕The report failed to mention that most of the landowners do not live on their properties.报告没有提及,大多数地主并不在他们的房地产上居住。朗文当代〔osmosis〕The 19th century was marked by an osmosis between business and the landed aristocracy.19世纪的特点是商界和地主贵族的互相同化。外研社新世纪〔peon〕Such a worker bound in servitude to a landlord creditor.雇农:因欠地主债当雇工者,抵债苦工美国传统〔persuasively〕She argues persuasively that the drug should be legal.她雄辩地主张那种药品应该合法。韦氏高阶〔quixotically〕He volunteered quixotically to go himself.他不切实际地主动要求自己去。外研社新世纪〔reference〕The decision was made without reference to local managers.此决定未征求当地主管的意见。牛津搭配〔relief〕A payment made by the heir of a deceased tenant to a feudal lord for the privilege of succeeding to the tenant's estate.继承权利金:死去佃农的继承人为继承佃农的地产而向封建地主缴纳的钱美国传统〔rise〕The peasants rose up in revolt against the landowner.农民起来反抗地主。麦克米伦高阶〔serf〕A member of a servile, feudal class of people in Europe, bound to the land and owned by a lord.农奴:欧洲地位卑下的封建阶级成员,他们被束缚在土地而且归地主所有美国传统〔sharecropper〕A tenant farmer who gives a share of the crops raised to the landlord in lieu of rent.交租耕种农:将培育出的庄稼的一部分代替租金交给地主的佃农美国传统〔slowly〕Slowly but surely, the old landowning class was losing its power and influence.旧的地主阶级正失去其权力和影响,这一过程虽缓慢但却确定无疑。麦克米伦高阶〔squirearchy〕The landed gentry considered as a group or class.地主阶层,乡绅:被认作一组或一阶层的拥有土地的士绅美国传统〔squire〕An English country gentleman, especially the chief landowner in a district.英国乡绅,尤指一个地区的最大的地主美国传统〔tab〕He kindly offered to pick up the tab (= pay).他客气地主动要求付账。剑桥高阶〔tenant〕Landowners frequently left the management of their estates to tenant farmers.地主们经常将土地的管理交给佃农。柯林斯高阶〔territorialism〕A social system that gives authority and influence in a state to the landowners.地主阶级统治制:一种将国家的权威和影响力赋予地主的社会制度美国传统〔thane〕A feudal lord or baron in Scotland.领主:苏格兰封建地主美国传统〔vassal〕A person who held land from a feudal lord and received protection in return for homage and allegiance.封臣,臣属:从封建地主手中获得土地并接受保护的人,以敬意和忠诚回报美国传统〔visitation〕The church is subject to visitation by our local bishop.这个教堂受我们当地主教的巡视。麦克米伦高阶〔zamindar〕A landholder in British colonial India responsible for collecting and paying to the government the taxes on the land under his jurisdiction.印度地主:在英国殖民统治下的印度地主,他们负责向政府征收和上交其管辖地区的土地税美国传统According to the British royal system, a laird ranks slightly above a gentleman but lower than a baron. 依英国皇室体制,地主的位阶比绅士高一些,但低于男爵。译典通An early example of privatizatioin was the enclosure of public land for private use by wealthy landlords.私有化的一个早期例子是公共土地被富有的地主圈起来作为私用。剑桥国际During this period there was a redistribution of income away from labourers towards landowners and capitalists.这个时期存在着再分配,即劳工的收入转向地主和资本家。剑桥国际Her grandfather was a landowner. 她祖父是个地主。译典通It is a judge's duty to administer justice quickly and fairly.法官的责任就是迅速公平地主持公义。牛津商务Local landlords drove them off their plots. 当地的地主将他们从他们的土地上赶走。译典通Local people are protesting against farmers and landowners who block public footpaths.当地人反对农场主和地主阻断公共便道。剑桥国际On Christmas Eve, the squire would give a party for all the people who worked on his estate.在圣诞夜,大地主会给他庄园的所有工作人员举办个晚会。剑桥国际She was born into a wealthy landowning family.她出生在一个富裕的地主家庭。剑桥国际The home team and the visitors tied. 地主队和客队赛成平局。译典通The nationalists believe fervently in independence for their country.这些民族主义者热切地主张他们的国家独立。剑桥国际There was no real squire in the village. 这个村子没有真正的大地主。译典通




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