

单词 地上
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔-bound〕a glimmer of sun on a frost-bound field. 霜冻土地上的一线阳光柯林斯高阶〔aboveground〕an aboveground swimming pool 地上游泳池韦氏高阶〔agony〕lie writhing on the ground in agony 痛苦地躺在地上扭动英汉大词典〔allegorize〕a story of barnyard animals that allegorizes the fate of Soviet socialism. 讲述关于谷仓前空地上动物的故事讽喻了苏维埃社会主义的命运美国传统〔barefoot〕dancing barefoot in the sand 在沙地上赤脚跳舞麦克米伦高阶〔bulldoze〕bulldoze trees from a building site 用推土机清除建筑工地上的树英汉大词典〔bunk〕bunked down early. 早早地上床了美国传统〔claw〕claw a hole in the earth 在地上挖个洞英汉大词典〔communal〕crops grown on communal land 种在公共土地上的庄稼朗文当代〔complex〕the complex of clans which occupied the land. 生活在这片土地上的关系复杂的氏族群落柯林斯高阶〔crash〕crash the vase to the floor 把花瓶哗啦一声砸碎在地上英汉大词典〔dirt〕sit in the dirt 坐在泥地上英汉大词典〔gambol〕lambs gamboling in the meadow 在草地上嬉戏的羔羊韦氏高阶〔ground〕a hole in the ground 地上的洞牛津搭配〔ground〕sit (lie) on the ground 坐(躺)在地上英汉大词典〔jog〕jogged out to their positions on the playing field. 慢跑到比赛场地上他们的位置美国传统〔keen〕veiled ladies sitting on the ground keening头戴面纱的女子坐在地上唱着挽歌外研社新世纪〔lakefront〕lakefront property; a lakefront house. 湖边平地上的财产;湖边平地上的房屋美国传统〔land〕animals grazing on marginal land 在贫瘠的土地上吃草的动物牛津搭配〔let loose〕cattle let loose to graze on the green fields 在草地上自由地吃草的牛韦氏高阶〔lie〕snow lying on the ground 地上的积雪韦氏高阶〔make〕make a hole in the ground 在地上打洞英汉大词典〔martyred〕the martyred Orthodox Christians of the Soviet lands苏联土地上殉教的东正教基督徒外研社新世纪〔over〕dogs rolling over on the grass 在草地上打滚的狗 英汉大词典〔path〕a well-worn path across the grass 草地上被踩得坑坑洼洼的小径朗文当代〔plant〕planted both feet on the ground. 在地上站稳双脚美国传统〔pounce〕pounce the quarry on the ground 猛扑下去抓住地上的猎物英汉大词典〔rasp〕the rasp of something being drawn across the sand. 在沙地上拖物体发出的摩擦声柯林斯高阶〔reservation〕plants and factories on government reservations 政府专用地上的大小工厂 英汉大词典〔ridge〕the ridges in the wet sand 潮湿沙地上的条条隆脊 英汉大词典〔scuffle〕the scuffle of children's feet on the stone floor 孩子们在石板地上拖着脚步行走的声音英汉大词典〔sink〕to sink a post into the ground 在地上埋入一根杆子牛津高阶〔sprawl〕send sb. sprawling 把某人摔趴在地上英汉大词典〔strew〕clothes strewn across the floor 散落在地上的衣服朗文当代〔swampland〕attempting to build on swampland 试图在沼泽地上盖房子韦氏高阶〔tiller〕a tiller of soil. 在土地上耕作的人美国传统〔to〕drop to the ground 落到地上英汉大词典〔trail〕a rattlesnake trail in the sand 沙地上响尾蛇爬过的痕迹英汉大词典〔underfoot〕a room, high and square with carpet underfoot and tapestries on the walls. 一个高高的四方房间,地上铺有地毯,墙上挂着挂毯柯林斯高阶〔wheeze〕to wheeze upstairs气喘吁吁地上楼21世纪英汉




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