

单词 在一起
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔GROUP〕a group of things that are tied together or fastened together 被捆在一起或系在一起的一组东西朗文写作活用〔MIX〕different emotions that are mixed together 交织在一起的不同感情朗文写作活用〔MIX〕substances that have been mixed together 混合在一起的物质朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕to be together again after being separated 分开后再走在一起朗文写作活用〔bind〕different groups bound together by a common interest 由共同兴趣联合在一起的不同团体韦氏高阶〔bundle〕to bundle things up together.把东西捆在一起。牛津同义词〔cane〕woven strips of cane 编织在一起的藤条韦氏高阶〔chain〕rows of chained up bikes 几排锁在一起的自行车麦克米伦高阶〔clip〕clip a sheet of paper to another 将一文件与另一文件夹在一起文馨英汉〔close〕stay / keep close We must all stay close. 我们都必须紧紧地呆在一起。朗文当代〔connect〕no reason to connect the two events.See Synonyms at join 没有理由把这两件事联想在一起 参见 join美国传统〔continuum〕passengers squeezed together into a continuum of flesh 挤得像下肉饺子似的粘在一起的乘客们英汉大词典〔coupling〕a coupling of Mozart's Prague Symphony and Schubert's Unfinished Symphony(= for example, on the same CD) 编排在一起的莫扎特的《布拉格交响曲》与舒伯特的《未完成交响曲》(如在同一张光盘上)牛津高阶〔enjoy〕enjoy sb.'s company 乐意和某人在一起英汉大词典〔happily〕live happily with one's family 与家人幸福地生活在一起英汉大词典〔knot〕knot two ropes together 把两根绳结在一起英汉大词典〔lash〕lash logs together to make a raft 将圆木捆扎在一起造一个筏子英汉大词典〔lock〕lock one's fingers 将两手的指头交叉在一起英汉大词典〔mingle〕a lot of emotions all mingled together 交织在一起的多种情感牛津搭配〔mix〕mix cement, sand and stones 把水泥、沙和石子混和在一起英汉大词典〔narrowing〕the narrow strip of land joining the peninsula to the rest of the island. 把半岛和岛屿其他部分连在一起的狭长陆地柯林斯高阶〔nervous〕be nervous with sb. 同某人在一起时忐忑不安英汉大词典〔nest〕plates that nest easily to move摞在一起的盘子好端21世纪英汉〔oik〕a dozen public-school oiks standing and screeching at each other十来个站在一起互相叫嚷的公立学校的蠢货外研社新世纪〔pin〕pin papers together 把文件别在一起 英汉大词典〔promiscuity〕the dazzling, promiscuous display of new styles. 各种新的风格混杂在一起,令人眼花缭乱柯林斯高阶〔relaxing〕a relaxing evening with friends 和朋友在一起的轻松夜晚牛津高阶〔romper〕rompers A loosely fitted, one-piece garment having short bloomers that is worn especially by small children for play. rompers 连衫裤:尤指小孩穿着玩耍的一种有短灯笼裤的宽松且上下身连在一起的外衣美国传统〔rope up〕to be roped up被用绳子系在一起外研社新世纪〔scheme〕their favourite pastimes of scheming and gossiping. 她们最喜欢在一起交头接耳、说长道短来消磨时光柯林斯高阶〔screw〕several aluminium poles that screw together to give a maximum length of 10 yards. 几根旋接在一起、最长为 10 码的铝杆柯林斯高阶〔secular〕a secular priest 与教区民众住在一起的牧师韦氏高阶〔side〕to side somebody与某人在一起21世纪英汉〔solder〕a friendship soldered by common interests 被共同利害关系联结在一起的友谊英汉大词典〔solidarity〕declare one's solidarity with sb. 宣称同某人站在一起英汉大词典〔strap〕to strap things together.把东西束在一起。牛津同义词〔strategically〕integrating politics, economics and military affairs, thinking strategically, setting priorities and making choices. 将政治学、经济学和军事结合在一起,从战略的角度思考问题,确定主次关系,并作出选择柯林斯高阶〔tie〕friends who were tied by common interests; people who are tied by blood or marriage. 被共同利益联系在一起的朋友;被血缘或婚姻联系到一起的人美国传统〔untwist〕untwist the tangled strands of the rope 解开缠结在一起的几股绳英汉大词典〔with〕mix blue with yellow把蓝色与黄色混合在一起21世纪英汉




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