

单词 anatomical
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adhesion〕Medicine A fibrous band of scar tissue that binds together normally separate anatomical structures.【医学】 粘连:连接通常分离的解剖结构的疤痕组织纤维带美国传统〔adnexa〕Accessory or adjoining anatomical parts, as ovaries and oviducts in relation to the uterus.附件:附属的或邻接的解剖学部分,如与子宫相连的卵巢与输卵管美国传统〔anatomical〕All medical students are required to do an anatomical dissection of a human body.按要求,所有医学院学生都要做一次人体解剖。剑桥高阶〔anatomical〕Her drawings contain an astonishing level of anatomical detail.她绘制的人体解剖图所含细节之丰富令人惊叹。剑桥高阶〔anatomical〕It was the first time a complete anatomical reconstruction of a dinosaur had been attempted. 那是第一次尝试绘制完整的恐龙身体结构图。剑桥高阶〔atrial〕Of or relating to an anatomical atrium.心房的:解剖学中心房的,或与其相关的美国传统〔bionic〕Having anatomical structures or physiological processes that are replaced or enhanced by electronic or mechanical components.仿生替代增强:通过电子或机械部件取代或增强的解剖学结构或生理过程的美国传统〔brachium〕An arm or a homologous anatomical structure, such as a flipper or wing.臂的同源结构:臂或同源的解剖结构,如鳍状肢或翅膀美国传统〔cascade〕The three anatomical structures involved in this chemical cascade are known collectively as the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis.这一化学级联反应涉及的三个解剖结构合称为丘脑-垂体-肾上腺轴。外研社新世纪〔cervix〕A neck-shaped anatomical structure, such as the narrow outer end of the uterus.器官的颈部:一种颈状解剖结构,如子宫末端狭窄的外端美国传统〔columella〕Any small columnlike structure in various plants and animals, often forming the central axis of development for the organism or an anatomical structure.小柱:植物和动物中的一种小的柱状结构,通常构成有机体发展或解剖架的中轴美国传统〔dissect〕To cut apart or separate (tissue), especially for anatomical study.解剖,把东西切开:把组织切割或分成(小块),尤指为了解剖研究美国传统〔falx〕A sickle-shaped anatomical structure.镰刀状结构美国传统〔filum〕A threadlike anatomical structure; a filament.丝,丝状组织:丝状的结构;细丝美国传统〔flabellum〕A fan-shaped anatomical structure.扇形器官:扇形的解剖结构美国传统〔fornix〕An archlike anatomical structure or fold, such as the arched band of white matter located beneath the corpus callosum of the brain.穹,穹隆:一种弓状或皱襞状结构,如大脑胼胝体下面的白色的穹束状的神经纤维束美国传统〔fulcrum〕Zoology An anatomical structure that acts as a hinge or a point of support.【动物学】 转节:解剖学上用作支点或转节的结构美国传统〔heel〕A similar anatomical part, such as the fleshy rounded base of the human palm or the hind toe of a bird.踵状物:一个类似的组织部分,如人类手掌的圆形回基部分或者鸟类的后脚趾部分美国传统〔histology〕The anatomical study of the microscopic structure of animal and plant tissues.组织学:对动植物组织的微以构的解剖研究美国传统〔histopathology〕The study of the microscopic anatomical changes in diseased tissue.组织病理学:关于病态组织的微小的构造上的变化的研究美国传统〔introvert〕Medicine An anatomical structure that is capable of being introverted.【医学】 内翻的器官:能够被内翻的解剖结构美国传统〔labyrinth〕A group of complex interconnecting anatomical cavities.迷路:一群复杂相连的解剖腔美国传统〔manikin〕An anatomical model of the human body for use in teaching.人体模型:用于教学的人体解剖模型美国传统〔patella〕A dish-shaped anatomical formation.膝节:一种盘形的结构组织美国传统〔prosector〕One who dissects cadavers for anatomical instruction or pathological examination.解剖员:为解剖教学或病理检查而解剖尸体的人美国传统〔rete〕An anatomical mesh or network, as of veins, arteries, or nerves.网,丛:解剖的网状物或网络,如静脉、动脉或神经网美国传统〔snuffbox〕Pain is in the area of the anatomical snuffbox and is worse with wrist flexion.解剖学鼻烟盒区域疼痛,手腕屈曲时更为严重。剑桥高阶〔somatology〕The physiological and anatomical study of the body.躯体学:对躯体的生理学研究或解剖学研究美国传统〔submaxillary〕An anatomical part, such as a gland or nerve, that is situated beneath the maxilla.颌下腺,颌下神经:位于下颌内下方的解剖结构,如腺或神经美国传统〔topography〕The study or description of an anatomical region or part.局部解剖学:对某一解剖后的局部或部分的研究或描述美国传统〔topology〕Medicine The anatomical structure of a specific area or part of the body.【医学】 局部解剖:身体某特定区域或部分的解剖后的结构美国传统〔trochlea〕An anatomical structure that resembles a pulley, especially the part of the distal end of the humerus that articulates with the ulna.滑车:类似滑车的解剖结构,尤指与尺骨以关节相连的肱骨远侧末端部分美国传统〔urinary tract〕A continuous anatomical tract, including the kidneys, ureters, and urethra, involved in the formation and excretion of urine.尿束:与尿的形成与排泄有关的连续的结构束,包括肾,输尿管及尿道美国传统




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