

单词 告诉我
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Megillah〕told us the whole megillah. 将所有的细节都告诉我们美国传统〔battalion〕battalions of experts telling us what to do 告诉我们做什么的大批专家麦克米伦高阶〔example〕gave us a sample of her temper. 举例告诉我们她的脾气如何。美国传统〔flat out〕told me the truth flat out. 直截了当地告诉我真相美国传统〔high sign〕gave me the high sign that it was time to leave. 打个暗号告诉我该离去了美国传统〔lowdown〕gave us the lowdown on what happened at the party. 告诉我们实情:那次聚会上发生了什么?美国传统〔silent〕too secretive to disclose her vacation plans. 她太讳莫如深了,不肯告诉我们她的休假计划。美国传统〔thing〕wouldn't tell me a thing about the project. 不愿告诉我有关那个计划的一点消息美国传统




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