

单词 向上翻
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔hyponasty〕An upward bending of leaves or other plant parts, resulting from growth of the lower side.偏下性:植物叶子或其他部位向上翻,这种现象是软低部分生长的结果美国传统〔shovel hat〕A stiff, broad-brimmed, low-crowned hat, turned up at the sides and projecting in front, worn by some English clergymen.铲形宽边帽:一种英国教士戴的硬挺的、宽边的低顶帽子,侧部向上翻起,前面突出美国传统〔snap-brim〕A hat having a flexible brim, usually turned down in front and up at the back.翻檐帽:一种帽檐可折叠的帽子,通常前面向下翻,后面向上翻美国传统〔turn〕She turned up her eyes in horror at the idea.她想起这一点就吓得两眼向上翻。英汉大词典〔upturn〕To turn over or up.向上翻转美国传统The collar of his ragged coat was turned up. 他那破烂上衣的领子向上翻著。译典通




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