

单词 后面的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AREA〕Do you mind cleaning the grease spots behind the stove? 麻烦你清理一下炉子后面的油污好吗?朗文写作活用〔BACK〕The rear carriage of the train is reserved for non-smokers. 火车后面的车厢是专门留给不吸烟的乘客的。朗文写作活用〔BEHIND〕They parked in a small carpark at the rear of the hotel. 他们把车停在旅馆后面的小停车场内。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕When it crashed, the plane's fuselage split behind the wings. 飞机失事时,机翼后面的机身部分裂开了。朗文写作活用〔CUT〕Could you just trim my hair at the back? 就把我后面的头发修剪一下好吗?朗文写作活用〔INTERRUPT〕The politician was barracked by students at the back of the hall. 礼堂后面的学生对这位政客起哄。朗文写作活用〔JUST〕His voice was barely loud enough to be heard at the back of the theatre. 剧院后面的人勉强能听到他的声音。朗文写作活用〔KICK〕The boy behind me kept kicking my chair. 我后面的男孩不停地踢我的椅子。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕After three and a half hours, the stragglers were still coming through. 三个半小时以后,还有一些落在后面的人陆续到达。朗文写作活用〔LAUGH〕Ruth tripped and fell as she walked up the steps. The boys behind her sniggered. 露丝上台阶时绊倒,后面的男孩都嗤嗤地笑起来。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕Do you want your hair at the back to be the same length as the sides? 你后面的头发也要剪得和两边一样长吗?朗文写作活用〔PUSH〕Can you tell the people at the back of the queue to stop pushing! 告诉排在队伍后面的人不要挤,好吗?朗文写作活用〔REFLECT〕I saw her in the long mirror behind the bar, staring at me. 我在柜台后面的一面长镜里看到她正盯着我看。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Two police officers burst in, the latter hurriedly flashing his ID card at her as they made their way upstairs. 两名警察闯进来,走向楼上时,后面的一个匆匆地向她亮了一下他的证件。朗文写作活用〔aftermost〕Nearest the end or rear; hindmost or last.最后面的,最后的:最靠近后面或后部的;最后面的或最后的美国传统〔after〕What do those letters after your name mean? 你名字后面的那些字母是什么意思?麦克米伦高阶〔aloud〕You need to speak quite loudly for the people at the back.你得大声说,让后面的人都听见。朗文当代〔assimilate〕The sound “m” often assimilates before a following “n”.“m”音常被后面的“n”音同化。英汉大词典〔background〕The ground or scenery located behind something.背景:位于某物后面的场地或景色美国传统〔back〕Could people at the back of the hall please move forward.大厅后面的人向前挪一下好吗?外研社新世纪〔back〕We came in through the back entrance.我们是从后面的入口进来的。韦氏高阶〔back〕We could only get seats at the back.我们只能坐后面的座位。牛津搭配〔balance〕Although the beginning is funny, the balance of the book is very serious.这本书的开头部分很有趣,但后面的内容很严肃。韦氏高阶〔bar〕I didn't recognize the man who was serving behind the bar.我没有认出站在吧台后面的那个男服务生是谁。牛津搭配〔boo〕People at the back started booing loudly.后面的人开始大声喝倒彩。剑桥高阶〔breech〕The part of a firearm behind the barrel.炮尾:武器的枪炮炮管后面的部分美国传统〔by〕We came by the back road.我们从后面的小路而来美国传统〔confiscatable〕The land behind our house was confiscated by the government.我们房子后面的土地被政府征用了。21世纪英汉〔counter〕He wondered if the girl behind the counter recognised him.他在想柜台后面的那个女孩是否认出了他。朗文当代〔counter〕I asked the woman behind the counter if they had any postcards.我问柜枱后面的女售货员是否有明信片。牛津高阶〔crinkle〕He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses.他古怪地耸了耸肩, 眼镜片后面的双眼眯成一条缝。外研社新世纪〔crinkle〕He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses.他滑稽地耸了耸肩,眼镜片后面的双眼眯了起来。柯林斯高阶〔curtain〕He took a bag from a shelf behind some curtains.他从窗帘后面的架子上拿出一个包。牛津搭配〔decorate〕When they came to decorate the rear bedroom, Jemma had the final say.他们什么时候来粉刷后面的卧室, 耶马说了算。外研社新世纪〔deplane〕Would all passengers please deplane by the rear doors.请所有的乘客从后面的舱门下飞机。剑桥高阶〔ding〕I got a ding in my rear fender.我汽车后面的挡泥板撞瘪了一处。牛津高阶〔dossal〕An ornamental hanging of rich fabric, as behind an altar.幔布:由华美布料制成的装饰性悬挂物,如祭坛后面的幔布美国传统〔drop pass〕A pass, as in hockey or soccer, in which the passer advances beyond the puck or ball, leaving it for a trailing teammate.留(递)球:曲棍球或足球中的传球,传球球员继续向前,将冰球或足球留给跟在后面的队友美国传统〔ease〕She eased into the seat behind the desk.她小心翼翼地坐到了课桌后面的座位上。麦克米伦高阶〔eye〕The man behind the desk eyed us suspiciously.书桌后面的男子怀疑地端详着我们。朗文当代〔fold〕The very back pair of seats fold into the floor.最后面的两个座位可以折叠起来收进地板下。外研社新世纪〔forethought〕With a little forethought, you can save yourself a lot of work later on.只要稍作计划,你后面的工作就会很省力。韦氏高阶〔get〕We had to move the washing machine out to get at the wiring behind it.我们只得把洗衣机挪出来才能够到后面的电源线。朗文当代〔height〕Machine guns were mounted along the heights behind the town.该城镇后面的高地上架设了机关枪。剑桥高阶〔indicate〕We asked how to get to the rear entrance, and he indicated a path leading around the right side of the building.我们询问如何去后面的入口,他指向一条通往大楼右侧的小路。韦氏高阶〔jog〕We were getting more and more uncomfortable as we jogged along in the back of the truck.卡车一路颠簸前行,坐在后面的我们越来越感到不舒服。剑桥高阶〔jump cut〕A cut to slightly later action in the course of a filmed scene, creating an effect of discontinuity or acceleration.跳越剪辑,跳切:在已拍摄的一个镜头中,稍微剪去后面的情节,造成不连贯或加速的效果美国传统〔keep〕One of them would keep a look-out on the road behind to warn us of approaching vehicles.他们中会有一人看着后面的路,提醒我们注意过来的车辆。柯林斯高阶〔later〕This is discussed in more detail in a later chapter.在后面的一章中对这一点有更详细的讨论。牛津高阶〔manoeuvre〕I manoeuvred my way among the tables to the back corner of the place.我在桌子中间穿行,来到后面的角落里。柯林斯高阶〔name〕Is there a name for the part of the leg behind the knee? 膝盖后面的腿部有专门的名称吗?韦氏高阶〔passage〕Read the following passage and answer the questions below.阅读下面这段文章并回答后面的问题。牛津高阶〔pass〕We passed through the gates into a courtyard behind.我们穿过几道门进了后面的院子。朗文当代〔position〕Following behind in fourth position is car number 47.跟在后面的第四名是47号车。麦克米伦高阶〔proclitic〕Forming an accentual unit with the following word and thus having no independent accent.连接发音的:一个词与其后面的词组成一个重音单位,从而没有独立重音的美国传统〔retral〕Situated at, located close to, or directed toward the back.在后面的,接近后面的:处于、接近或朝向后部的美国传统〔riser〕The school choir stood on risers behind the orchestra.学校合唱团站在乐队后面的活动平台上。朗文当代〔rise〕Duncan felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck.邓肯觉得他脖子后面的汗毛都直立起来了。麦克米伦高阶〔run (sth) into sth/sb〕I had to brake suddenly, and the car behind ran into me.我不得不急踩刹车,后面的车就撞上了我的车。剑桥高阶〔set back〕An offensive back who lines up behind the quarterback.进攻的后卫队员:四分卫后面的后卫队员美国传统〔sissy bar〕A narrow bar shaped like an inverted U that is attached behind the seat of a motorcycle or bicycle and supports the operator or a passenger.靠背:一种装置在摩托车或自行车座后面的呈倒U字形的窄金属棒,用于支撑驾驶者或乘客美国传统〔slam〕I had to stop suddenly, and the car behind me slammed into the back of me.我不得不猛地停下,结果后面的车砰地追尾撞到我的车上。剑桥高阶〔sling〕I saw him take off his anorak and sling it into the back seat.我看见他把带帽防寒服脱下来扔在了后面的座位上。柯林斯高阶〔slot〕The legs of the chair are meant to slot into the holes at the back.椅子腿应该要插到后面的孔里。剑桥高阶〔smithy〕They tore down the old smithy behind the general store.他们拆了杂货铺后面的铁匠铺。韦氏高阶〔sneeze〕There was a loud sneeze from someone in the back of the audience.后面的观众中有人大声打了个喷嚏。朗文当代〔sound〕An impatient driver behind me sounded his horn.我后面的一个司机不耐烦了, 按响了喇叭。外研社新世纪〔speak〕You have to speak up. The people in the back can't hear you.你得大点声说,后面的人听不清你说话。麦克米伦高阶〔stack up〕Cars quickly stacked up behind the bus.公共汽车后面的小汽车很快排成了长龙。韦氏高阶〔stand〕A man at the back stood up to ask a question.后面的一个人站起来提问。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕The man standing behind him spoke.站在他后面的人发了言。麦克米伦高阶〔stick〕You've got a bit of hair sticking up at the back.你后面的头发有点翘。麦克米伦高阶〔straggler〕We watched the last of the stragglers come in, three hours after the first runner.我们看到落在最后面的选手跑过来了,他整整落后第一名选手3个小时。剑桥高阶〔table〕There was a really noisy table behind us celebrating someone's birthday.我们后面的一桌人在给人庆祝生日,吵吵闹闹的。剑桥高阶〔tagalong〕The tagalong attaches to an adult's bicycle.这拖车是挂在成人自行车后面的。朗文当代〔take in〕The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance.镜片后面的黑眼睛快速转动着,扫一眼就全都记下了。柯林斯高阶〔that's it〕You switch the computer on at the back. That's it.你把计算机后面的开关打开。对,就这样。剑桥高阶〔thereinafter〕In a later part, as of a speech or book.在下文:演讲或书后面的部分美国传统〔tone〕The opening remarks set the tone for the rest of the interview.开场白给后面的采访定下了基调。麦克米伦高阶〔toot〕A man behind her tooted angrily.她后面的一名男子愤怒地摁着汽车喇叭。外研社新世纪〔trysail〕A small fore-and-aft sail hoisted abaft the foremast and mainmast in a storm to keep a ship's bow to the wind.斜桁纵帆:升在前桅和主桅后面的小纵帆,在风暴中用来保持船头顶风美国传统〔unscrew〕He unscrewed the back of the plug.他卸下插头后面的螺丝。外研社新世纪〔uropod〕One of the last pair of posterior abdominal appendages of certain crustaceans, such as the lobster or shrimp.尾足,尾肢:某些甲壳纲动物(如龙虾和褐虾)腹股最后面的一对足中的一只美国传统〔warm-up〕The exercises can be fun and a good warm-up for the latter part of the programme.这些练习很有趣,而且为该课程后面的部分做了很好的铺垫。柯林斯高阶〔way〕The back way was blocked.后面的通道被堵住了。韦氏高阶〔whole〕Much of the temple was ruined, but the front was whole, as well as a large hall behind it.庙宇的大部分都被毁坏了,但其正面及后面的大厅还保存完好。柯林斯高阶A thick, woolen rug covers the floor behind the desk. 一块厚羊毛小地毯铺在写字台后面的地板上。译典通Feel this fuzzy bit at the back of Ben's neck where the hair is shaved! 本的脖子后面的头发都给剃了,你摸摸那毛茸茸的头发茬子吧!剑桥国际Follow the instructions on the back of the packet carefully.请认真遵照包装袋后面的说明做。剑桥国际He phoned me from the party but I couldn't hear what he was saying because of all the gabble in the background.他从宴会上打电话给我,但我听不清他说些什么,因为后面的背景音太嘈杂了。剑桥国际He told me a gruesome tale about the police finding human remains in the wood behind our house.他告诉我一个关于警察在我们房子后面的树林里找到尸体的可怕的故事。剑桥国际He transports his boat by putting it on a trailer behind his car. 他将小艇放在汽车后面的拖车上运输。译典通I could hear the old man behind me wheezing.我可以听到我后面的老人呼哧呼哧的喘息声。剑桥国际I see--the legs of the chair are meant to slot into the hole at the back.我懂了----椅子腿要插到后面的孔里。剑桥国际I've had a wheeze--why don't we put both kids in the small room and that will leave the back room free.我有一个巧妙的主意----为什么不把两个孩子都放在小房间里,这样就会使后面的房间空出来。剑桥国际In older churches you sometimes see the Ten Commandments written on the wall behind the altar.在较为古老的教堂中,你有时会看见在祭坛后面的墙上写着圣经的十诫。剑桥国际Intruders had entered the house through a back window.盗贼由后面的一扇窗户进入房子。剑桥国际Peel away/off the backing strip and press the label down firmly.把后面的护纸剥掉然后把标签贴牢。剑桥国际The audience at the back craned their necks to see the puppet show. 后面的观众伸长了脖子看木偶戏。译典通We're planning turning the back room into a bedroom for my mother. 我们计划把后面的房间改成我母亲的卧室。剑桥国际




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