

单词 后阶段
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Indian summer〕the Indian summer of the administration. 统治时期最后阶段所呈现的兴盛美国传统〔closing〕the closing stages of the election campaign竞选活动的最后阶段外研社新世纪〔countdown〕the countdown to the general election大选前的最后阶段外研社新世纪〔downstream〕downstream effects/costs 后阶段的效果/成本麦克米伦高阶〔downstream〕invest money downstream 把钱投资在后阶段工序英汉大词典〔endgame〕the diplomatic endgame that led to the treaty. 促成条约的外交最后阶段美国传统〔end〕the end point/stage of the operation 操作的终点/最后阶段韦氏高阶〔final〕the final stages in their relationship 他们之间关系的最后阶段朗文当代〔home stretch〕as the election campaign headed into the home stretch 随着选举活动进入最后阶段朗文当代〔phase〕during the first/next/last phase 在第一╱下一╱最后阶段牛津高阶〔phase〕the initial/final phase of the project 工程的初始╱最后阶段牛津高阶〔sprint〕put on a final sprint to prepare for the Olympic Games 为奥林匹克运动会进行最后阶段的紧张准备英汉大词典〔throes〕the last throes of my career 我职业生涯惨淡的最后阶段麦克米伦高阶




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