

单词 坚固
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEND〕The framework of the aircraft must be rigid yet light. 飞机的骨架必须既坚固又轻盈。朗文写作活用〔HARD〕The tent is made of strong canvas attached to a rigid frame. 帐篷是用结实的帆布系在坚固的支架上搭起来的。朗文写作活用〔TIGHT〕The spare tyre on the back of the Jeep was held fast by three strong bolts. 吉普车后面的备用轮胎被三个坚固的螺栓牢牢固定住。朗文写作活用〔alligator〕A tool or fastener having strong, adjustable, often toothed jaws.鳄口钳:一种工具或夹子,有坚固可调的,通常为齿状的钳口美国传统〔armoured〕The cruiser was heavily armoured.这艘巡洋舰有坚固的装甲。牛津高阶〔base〕The statue has a solid concrete base.这座雕像有个坚固的混凝土底座。牛津搭配〔blast〕The road will have to be blasted out of solid rock.这条路必须从坚固的岩石中炸出来。朗文当代〔blockhouse〕A military fortification constructed of sturdy material, such as concrete, and designed with ports for defensive firing or observation.碉堡:用混凝土等坚固的物质构筑起的军事防御工事,而且设有用于防御时射击或观察的孔口美国传统〔bore〕The drill is strong enough to bore through solid rock.这把钻足以钻透坚固的岩石。牛津高阶〔brace〕Steel columns brace the structure.钢柱使建筑结构更坚固。韦氏高阶〔brave〕To make a courageous show or to put up a stalwart front.做勇敢状或建起一道坚固的前线美国传统〔cartilaginous〕Having the texture of cartilage; firm and tough, yet flexible.软骨性的:有软骨组织结构的;坚固、坚韧而又有弹性的美国传统〔castle〕A fortified stronghold converted to residential use.城堡改装的住宅:转变为居住用的一个坚固的城堡美国传统〔chrysalis〕A pupa, especially of a moth or butterfly, enclosed in a firm case or cocoon.蛹:蛹,特指蛾子或蝴蝶,包在坚固的壳或茧中美国传统〔club〕A stout, heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use as a weapon; a cudgel.棍棒:一种坚固、沉重的棒,通常一端粗大,适于用作武器;短粗的棍棒美国传统〔consol.〕Consolidated.坚固的美国传统〔crack〕This house is very well built. It should last till the crack of doom.这所房子造得很坚固,在世界末日之前倒不了。英汉大词典〔crown〕Here another rugged castle crowns the cliffs and crags.这里另一座坚固的城堡矗立在悬崖峭壁顶上。外研社新世纪〔defense〕The city's defenses were not strong enough to keep out the invaders.这座城市的防御工事不够坚固,难以阻止入侵者。韦氏高阶〔defensive〕The prince drew up his forces in a strong defensive position.亲王将部队布成坚固的防御阵势。朗文当代〔delicately〕Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate.珊瑚虽然看上去坚固,实际上非常易碎。柯林斯高阶〔depth〕The camera must be strong enough to resist the immense water pressure at depth.摄像机一定要足够坚固,以抵御深水处强大的水压。牛津搭配〔doubtful〕Doubtful that the cord would hold, we strengthened it.绳索恐怕不能支撑,让我们使它坚固一点美国传统〔durability〕Bone china is strong and durable.骨灰瓷坚固耐用。柯林斯高阶〔fan〕A machine using an electric motor to rotate thin, rigid vanes in order to move air, as for cooling.电风扇:一种用电力带动薄且坚固的扇轮的机器,用于使空气流动如散热美国传统〔feint〕They feinted and concentrated forces against the most fortified line of the enemy side.他们虚晃一招,然后集中兵力攻打敌方最坚固的阵线。柯林斯高阶〔firm〕To make or become firm.使稳定,使变坚固美国传统〔flask〕Flasks for the transport of spent fuel are extremely strong containers made of steel or steel and lead.运输核废料的容器用钢或钢铅合金制成, 极其坚固。外研社新世纪〔flat〕Tiles can be fixed to any surface as long as it's flat, firm and dry.只要表面平滑、坚固而且干燥, 瓷砖就能贴住。外研社新世纪〔foothold〕A firm or secure position that provides a base for further advancement.据点:提供下一步前进基地的坚固或安全的位置美国传统〔forte〕The strong part of a sword blade, between the middle and the hilt.剑身最强的部分:剑身的坚固部分,即剑身中部到剑柄的部分美国传统〔found〕The castle is founded on solid rock.城堡建筑在坚固的岩石上。21世纪英汉〔found〕The castle is founded on solid rock.这座城堡建在坚固的岩石上。朗文当代〔grab〕I was desperately trying to grab hold of something solid.我拼命想要抓住一个坚固的物体。外研社新世纪〔hag〕A spot in boggy land that is softer or more solid than the surrounding area.沼泽中的软地:在一片沼泽地中比周围地区柔软或坚固的地方美国传统〔hardpan〕A foundation; bedrock.坚固的基础;基本事实美国传统〔hard〕Resistant to pressure; not readily penetrated.坚固的:对有压力的;有抵抗性的美国传统〔headlight〕A lamp mounted on a miner's or spelunker's hard hat.照明灯:一种安装在矿工或洞穴探险者头戴的坚固帽子上的灯美国传统〔honeycomb〕Honeycomb steel is strong, rigid yet incredibly lighter.蜂窝钢坚固而结实,但轻得出奇。英汉大词典〔keep ... up〕The house is strong enough to keep up in a storm.这座房子很坚固,足以抵挡风暴。21世纪英汉〔land〕The solid ground of the earth.陆地:地球上坚固的地面美国传统〔lateral〕The wall is weak and requires lateral support.墙体不坚固,需要从侧面加以支撑。朗文当代〔length〕The prisoner was in the stoutest castle in all the length and breadth of England.囚犯被关在全英格兰最坚固的城堡之中。英汉大词典〔massive〕The fort had massive walls.这个要塞的墙体厚实坚固。韦氏高阶〔melamine resin〕A thermosetting resin used for molded products, adhesives, and surface coatings.三聚氰铵树脂:一种坚固性树脂,主要用于模塑制品、粘合剂和涂料中美国传统〔passage〕The bridge isn't strong enough to allow the passage of heavy vehicles.那座桥不够坚固,无法让重型车辆通过。朗文当代〔plank〕It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.它由3块坚固的木板做成, 很结实。外研社新世纪〔plate glass〕A strong rolled and polished glass containing few impurities, used for mirrors and large windows.平板玻璃:包含很少的混杂物,经过滚压和磨光的坚固的玻璃,用作镜子或大型窗户美国传统〔polyurethane〕Any of various resins, widely varying in flexibility, used in tough chemical-resistant coatings, adhesives, and foams.聚氨基甲酸乙酯;聚氨酯:一种在韧性上差别很大的树脂,用于坚固的抗化学物质涂面、黏合剂和泡沫中美国传统〔resilient〕We try to make things so that they are tough and resilient and lasting.我们试图制造坚固而又经久耐用的产品。英汉大词典〔ride ... out〕This boat is strong enough to ride out any kind of storms.这只船非常坚固,足以经受任何风浪。21世纪英汉〔rigid〕The door is made from galvanized steel with a rigid frame.这道门由镀锌钢材制成,门框坚固。麦克米伦高阶〔rocky〕Resembling or suggesting rock; firm or hard.岩石似的,坚如磐石的:象岩石或使人联想到岩石的;坚固或坚硬的美国传统〔rugged〕Due to its rugged construction, no maintenance should be required.它结构坚固, 不需要维护保养。外研社新世纪〔rugged〕Jeeps are rugged vehicles, designed for rough conditions.吉普车是种很坚固耐用的车,专为崎岖难行的路况而设计的。剑桥高阶〔rugged〕The chair is made of rugged plastic.这把椅子是用坚固耐用的塑料制成的。韦氏高阶〔solidity〕The concrete will stay as solid as a rock.混凝土会像岩石一样坚固。柯林斯高阶〔sound〕Is the building structurally sound? 这座建筑结构上是否坚固?牛津搭配〔sound〕The roof is in reasonably sound condition.屋顶还算坚固。牛津搭配〔stocky〕Solidly built; sturdy.坚固的,结实的美国传统〔strainer〕An apparatus for tightening, stretching, or strengthening.加固器:用来使他它物变结实、延伸或坚固的器具美国传统〔strength〕Calcium is needed for bone strength.钙是坚固骨质所必需的。麦克米伦高阶〔strongly〕The fence was very strongly built, with very large posts.围栏用粗大的木桩建成,非常坚固。柯林斯高阶〔strongly〕The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.这种热水瓶瓶身坚固,不易断裂破碎。柯林斯高阶〔strong〕The locks on the doors were solid and strong.门上的锁都很坚固结实。朗文当代〔strong〕The table should be strong enough to survive the trip.桌子应该足够坚固,经得起这段路程。韦氏高阶〔strong〕The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.这种热水瓶瓶身坚固, 不会轻易断裂破碎。外研社新世纪〔sturdily〕The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod.相机固定在一个坚固的三脚架上。柯林斯高阶〔sturdy〕It's made of sturdy stainless steel.这是用坚固的不锈钢做的。英汉大词典〔sturdy〕The camera was mounted on a sturdy tripod.相机固定在一个坚固的三脚架上。外研社新世纪〔substantive〕Having a solid basis; firm.有坚实基础的,坚固的美国传统〔surfboat〕A strong, seaworthy boat that can be launched or landed in heavy surf.冲浪艇:用于激浪区的一种坚固的经得起风浪的船美国传统〔till〕Glacial drift composed of an unconsolidated, heterogeneous mixture of clay, sand, pebbles, cobbles, and boulders.冰碛,冰碛物:由粘土、沙子、石子、圆石及斫石等多种成分混合构成的不坚固的冰渍物美国传统〔toughness〕In industry, diamond can form a tough, non-corrosive coating for tools.在工业上,金刚石可以用作工具表面坚固、耐腐蚀的覆盖层。柯林斯高阶〔unsound〕The church was structurally unsound.那个教堂的结构很不坚固。外研社新世纪〔wall〕If a load-bearing wall is weakened, the building could fall down.如果承重墙坚固度降低的话,建筑就可能倒塌。牛津搭配〔wave〕These boats aren't strong enough to withstand rogue waves.这些小船不够坚固,无法抵挡滔天巨浪。牛津搭配〔weight〕Those columns have to be strong enough to support the weight of the roof.那些柱子必须足够坚固才能支撑住屋顶的重量。韦氏高阶〔withstand〕The building is strong enough to withstand an earthquake.这个建筑物很坚固,足以抗震。牛津搭配〔withstand〕The material is strong enough to withstand hurricane-force winds.这种材料很坚固,足以抵抗飓风。牛津搭配〔withstand〕We have to make the walls strong enough to withstand high winds.我们必须把这几堵墙砌得坚固,使之能够承受得住大风的冲击。英汉大词典〔workbench〕A sturdy table or bench at which manual work is done, as by a machinist, carpenter, or jeweler.工作台:在上面做手工工作的坚固的桌子或长凳,如机械工人、木匠或珠宝匠的工作台美国传统A race car can withstand a great deal of punishment. 赛车非常坚固耐用。译典通All dams need sound foundations. 所有的堤坝都需要坚固的基础。译典通Equipment will have to be strongly made to endure weather conditions on the ice cap.为了经受住冰盖上的天气条件,设备必须制造得非常坚固。剑桥国际He runs a business making well-crafted, properly jointed furniture out of solid wood.他开了一家公司用坚固的木材制作工艺精良、连接准确的家具。剑桥国际Jeeps are rugged vehicles, designed for rough conditions.吉普车是坚固耐用的车辆,为艰苦的环境而设计。剑桥国际Strong locks are fitted to all of our safes.我们所有的保险箱都配有坚固的锁。剑桥国际The baron lived in a strong castle. 男爵住在一座坚固的城堡中。译典通The building is huge and solid, and capable of withstanding earthquakes by its sheer massiveness (= large size).那幢楼大且坚固,仅凭其庞大的体积便能承受住地震的冲击。剑桥国际The fortress had massive walls and a heavily fortified gateway.那个要塞墙壁坚固,入口防守严密。剑桥国际The house seems very solidly built.这座房子似乎造得很坚固。剑桥国际The jib of a crane is made from a very strong thick piece of steel to stop it from bending under heavy weights.起重机悬臂是用一块很坚固的厚钢制成的,以防止它被重物拉弯。剑桥国际The most effective type of door is made of solid hardwood or has at least a solid hardwood core.最结实的一种门是用坚固的硬木材所做,或至少用坚固的硬木做门的核心。剑桥国际The railway was built on a bed of solid rock.铁路建在一层坚固的岩石上。剑桥国际These bars are bolted to the structure to add rigidity.这些杆子固定在结构上,以增加其坚固度。剑桥国际These toys are made from tough plastic.这些玩具是由坚固的塑料做的。剑桥国际They live in a violent neighbourhood, and have had strong hinges fitted onto their front door to stop it from being jemmied (= removed) from the frame.他们住在一个暴力多发的地段,于是在他们前门上安装了坚固的铰链防止它被撬下门框。剑桥国际You need calcium in your food to grow strong, healthy bones. 为了骨骼长得坚固和健康,你的食物里需要有钙。译典通Your kingside development/attack looks strong.你的王翼(进攻)很坚固。剑桥国际




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