

单词 吃蛋糕
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FINISH〕Don't eat any more cake or there will be none left for your dad. 别再吃蛋糕了,要不你爸爸就没有了。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Don't eat any cake now. You'll spoil your appetite. 现在不要吃蛋糕了,会影响食欲的。朗文写作活用〔POLITE〕I don't like cake, but I accepted a piece out of politeness. 我不喜欢吃蛋糕,但出于礼貌我要了一块。朗文写作活用〔bit〕I'm having some cake. Do you want a bit? 我在吃蛋糕,给你也来一块怎么样?麦克米伦高阶〔burst〕If I eat any more cake I'll burst (= I cannot eat anything else)! 我再吃蛋糕肚皮就会胀破的!剑桥高阶〔cry for〕Her daughter was crying for some more cake.她的女儿哭闹着还要吃蛋糕。21世纪英汉〔glut with〕She glutted herself with cake.她吃蛋糕过量了。21世纪英汉〔glut〕The boy glutted himself with the cake.这男孩吃蛋糕吃多了。21世纪英汉〔help〕Please help yourself to some cake.请随便吃蛋糕。朗文当代〔justice〕The children did the cake justice.孩子们津津有味地大吃蛋糕。英汉大词典〔like〕Try to avoid fatty foods like cakes and biscuits.尽量不要吃蛋糕和饼干这一类高脂食品。朗文当代〔mumble〕The old woman mumbled the cake.老太太瘪着嘴吃蛋糕。21世纪英汉〔plied〕The housewife plied us with cakes.主妇再三让我们吃蛋糕。21世纪英汉〔press〕She kept pressing cake on us.她非要我们吃蛋糕不可。牛津高阶〔put〕You'll soon put back all the weight that you lost if you start eating cakes again.假如你再开始吃蛋糕的话,你马上会恢复你已减去的体重。英汉大词典〔resist〕I know I shouldn't have any more cake, but I can't resist.我知道我不应再吃蛋糕了,但我控制不住。韦氏高阶〔sail in〕The children sailed into the pile of cakes and in minutes the cakes were gone.孩子们兴高采烈地开始吃蛋糕,不一会蛋糕就被吃完了。剑桥高阶〔scream〕The child screamed for a cake.小孩子哭喊着要吃蛋糕。21世纪英汉〔sick〕If you eat any more cake you'll make yourself sick.你要是再吃蛋糕,就该吐了。牛津高阶〔some〕There's some cake in the kitchen if you'd like it.想吃蛋糕的话,厨房有一些。剑桥高阶〔spoil〕You'll spoil your appetite for dinner if you have a cake now.你要是现在吃蛋糕的话,就没胃口吃晚饭了。剑桥高阶〔sweet〕No cake, thanks. I'm trying to avoid sweets.我不想吃蛋糕,谢谢。我正尝试避免吃甜食。剑桥高阶〔waistline〕Cakes are bad for your waistline.吃蛋糕不利于你保持腰围。外研社新世纪〔weight〕I won't have any cake-I have to watch my weight.我不吃蛋糕,我要控制体重。牛津搭配〔wolf〕The boys wolfed the sandwiches (down) and then started on the cake.男孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃掉了三明治,然后又开始吃蛋糕。剑桥高阶Before eating the cake he licked the chocolate icing off the top.吃蛋糕之前他先把上面的巧克力裱花舔掉。剑桥国际I tried to resist another piece of cake, but my greed got the better of me and I took one.我试图不再吃蛋糕,可是我馋极了,最终还是吃了一块。剑桥国际She ate her cake slowly and with relish.她津津有味地慢慢吃蛋糕。剑桥国际We ate cakes in a patisserie off the boulevard St Michel.我们在圣·米歇尔大街旁的一家法式蛋糕房里吃蛋糕。剑桥国际You'll spoil your appetite for dinner if you have a cake now.如果你现在吃蛋糕的话,等正式开饭时你就没胃口了。剑桥国际




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