

单词 吃点东西
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORT/MAKE SB FEEL BETTER〕It might make you feel better to eat something. 吃点东西可能会让你感觉好些。朗文写作活用〔DRINK〕Give the children a drink of milk and something to eat. 给孩子们喝杯牛奶,吃点东西。朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Do you want to grab a bite to eat, or can you wait until we get home? 你要随便吃点东西,还是能等到我们回到家再吃?朗文写作活用〔EAT〕Shall we stop here and have something to eat? 我们在这儿停停吃点东西好吗?朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕You should have something to eat before you go out. 你出门前应该吃点东西。朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕Do you guys want something to eat? 你们想不想吃点东西?朗文写作活用〔HUNGRY/NOT HUNGRY〕If you get the munchies later on there are some cookies in the kitchen. 如果你过会儿想吃点东西,厨房里有些小甜饼。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕You can have a light meal four hours before the game but only have drinks after that. 赛前四小时你可以稍稍吃点东西,不过此后就只能喝饮料。朗文写作活用〔PAUSE〕Can we stop at the next services and get something to eat? 我们在下一个服务站停下来吃点东西怎么样?朗文写作活用〔THING〕I need to have something to eat before we go out. 我们出门之前我要吃点东西。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕You'll feel better once you've had a wash and something to eat. 梳洗一下再吃点东西你会感觉好些的。朗文写作活用〔anything〕I want something to eat, anything will do.我想吃点东西,随便什么都行。英汉大词典〔be dying for/to do sth〕I'm dying for something to eat.我非常想吃点东西。剑桥高阶〔be yourself〕I'll be myself again once I've had something to eat.我只要吃点东西就会恢复正常。韦氏高阶〔better〕You'll feel better when you've had something to eat.你吃点东西后会感觉好些。麦克米伦高阶〔bite〕We went home for a bite to eat.我们回家吃点东西。外研社新世纪〔bite〕Will we have time to grab a bite before the show? 演出开始之前我们有时间吃点东西填填肚子吗?麦克米伦高阶〔chow down〕It's time to chow down.该吃点东西了。韦氏高阶〔eat〕Do you want to grab a bite to eat before we go? 匆匆吃点东西麦克米伦高阶〔eat〕We stopped at McDonald's to get a bite to eat .我们在麦当劳停下来吃点东西。朗文当代〔eat〕You'll feel better if you eat something.如果吃点东西,你会感觉好些。韦氏高阶〔feed〕That thin little boy needs feeding up.那个瘦小的男孩需要多吃点东西来养养壮。英汉大词典〔first things first〕First things first, let's have something to eat.要紧的是,咱们先吃点东西吧。剑桥高阶〔flake out〕When you start flaking out,have something to eat.你饿得快要不行时,要吃点东西。21世纪英汉〔get〕He still says he's not hungry, and I can't get anything down him.他还是说不饿,我无法让他吃点东西。朗文当代〔grab〕Let's grab a bite to eat before the movie starts.我们在电影开场前随意吃点东西吧。韦氏高阶〔grab〕Let's just grab a quick bite.咱们先赶紧吃点东西吧。剑桥高阶〔grub〕Let's go get some grub.我们去吃点东西吧。韦氏高阶〔indoors〕Let's go indoors and have something to eat.我们进屋吃点东西吧。朗文当代〔keep〕I'd eat something if I thought I could keep it down.要是我认为我能不吐,我会吃点东西的。麦克米伦高阶〔know〕I don't know about you, but I'm ready for something to eat.不管你怎么样,反正我要吃点东西。牛津高阶〔little〕I always like to have a little something around eleven o'clock in the morning.我总喜欢在上午11点左右吃点东西。剑桥高阶〔mind〕I wouldn't mind (= I would like) something to eat, if that's OK.其实我不介意吃点东西。剑桥高阶〔mood〕He was in an eating mood.他想吃点东西。英汉大词典〔munch〕Shall we get some munch, then? 那么我们吃点东西好吗?剑桥高阶〔nearby〕If there's a café nearby, we could stop for a snack.如果附近有小餐馆的话,我们可以停下来吃点东西。剑桥高阶〔nip〕Shall we nip in to the café for a bite to eat? 我们要不要去咖啡馆随便吃点东西?剑桥高阶〔perish〕Let's eat something, we are perished with hungry.让我们吃点东西,我们饿得要命。21世纪英汉〔pick〕I'm not hungry, I was just picking.我不饿, 只是随便吃点东西。外研社新世纪〔poncey〕I don't want to go to some poncey restaurant—I just want something to eat! 我不想去什么花里胡哨的餐馆,我只想吃点东西!牛津高阶〔presume〕I presume you want something to eat.我猜想你要吃点东西。牛津同义词〔rebel〕He knew he ought to eat, but his stomach rebelled.他知道他应该吃点东西,但是他的胃在闹病。朗文当代〔refreshment〕The workers were in need of refreshment.当时工人们需要吃点东西。韦氏高阶〔something〕I want something to eat.我要吃点东西。文馨英汉〔something〕We stopped for something to eat.我们停下来吃点东西。牛津高阶〔something〕Would you like something to eat? 你想吃点东西吗?英汉大词典〔something〕You had better have something before you go.你动身前最好吃点东西。英汉大词典〔take sth in〕I thought we could get something to eat and then take in a movie.我原来想我们可以先吃点东西,然后去看电影。剑桥高阶〔to〕I need to eat something first.我首先得吃点东西。剑桥高阶He stopped at a bar for a little refreshment (= a drink or some food).他在一家酒吧停下来略为吃点东西。剑桥国际I don't really feel like having a proper meal, but I wouldn't mind something to nibble (on/at). [T; I + prep] 我不是真的想吃一顿正正规规的饭,不过吃点东西也无妨。剑桥国际I may eat something later, but I'm not hungry now.晚些时候我会吃点东西,而我现在不饿。剑桥国际I need something to settle my stomach after drinking so much alcohol last night.在昨晚喝了这么多酒之后,我需要吃点东西来缓解我的胃部不适。剑桥国际I need to eat something first.我首先需要吃点东西。剑桥国际If there's a cafe nearby we could stop for a snack.如果这附近有小餐馆,我们可以停下来吃点东西。剑桥国际Let's find somewhere to nosh--I'm starving.让我们找个地方去吃点东西----我饿了。剑桥国际




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