

单词 吃完饭
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔after〕Don't tell them until after they've had dinner.等他们吃完饭再告诉他们。韦氏高阶〔bed〕By the time we got back from dinner, Nona was already in bed.我们吃完饭回来时,诺娜已经睡下了。柯林斯高阶〔bell〕I had just enough time to finish eating before the bell rang and I was off to my first class.我刚吃完饭铃声就响了,于是我赶去上第一堂课。柯林斯高阶〔bloated〕I feel really bloated after that meal.吃完饭后,我觉得肚子很鼓。朗文当代〔chuck〕I finished chuck on twelve o'clock.我在12点吃完饭。英汉大词典〔clear ... away〕She always clears away quickly when we have finished eating.我们一吃完饭,她总是很快就收拾好餐桌。21世纪英汉〔devour〕The boy devoured his dinner.那个男孩狼吞虎咽地吃完饭。英汉大词典〔finish〕As soon as he'd finished eating, he excused himself.他一吃完饭就告辞了。外研社新世纪〔gobble〕We gobbled our meal and rushed back to work.我们狼吞虎咽地吃完饭,然后赶去上班。韦氏高阶〔inhale〕After inhaling their dinner, the children ran out the door without even saying goodbye.草草吃完饭后,孩子们没有说再见就跑出门去了。韦氏高阶〔nap〕He ate his meal and had a little nap.他吃完饭后打了个盹。外研社新世纪〔ort〕A small scrap or leaving of food after a meal is completed. Often used in the plural.片:一小块碎片或吃完饭后所剩的食物。经常用作复数形式美国传统〔pick〕He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth after it.他刚吃完饭,正在剔牙。柯林斯高阶〔pick〕He had just had a meal and was picking his teeth.他刚吃完饭, 正在剔牙。外研社新世纪〔pop ... off〕It is rude just to pop off after a dinner at a friend's home.在朋友家吃完饭就匆匆离去是不礼貌的。21世纪英汉〔practically〕He had practically finished his meal when I arrived.我到达时他已差不多吃完饭了。英汉大词典〔rush〕She rushed through dinner.她匆匆吃完饭。韦氏高阶〔sick as a dog〕I was sick as a dog after last night's meal.昨天晚上吃完饭后,我吐得一塌糊涂。剑桥高阶〔silence〕They finished their meal in total silence.他们默不作声地吃完饭。牛津高阶〔strenuous〕Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal.刚吃完饭避免剧烈运动。牛津高阶〔uncomfortable〕I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening.我晚上吃完饭有时会觉得不舒服。外研社新世纪〔uncomfortable〕I sometimes feel uncomfortable after eating in the evening.我晚上吃完饭有时会觉得不舒服。柯林斯高阶〔unfinished〕He left his meal unfinished.他还没吃完饭就走了。麦克米伦高阶〔unfinished〕Rachael left her meal unfinished.雷切尔没有吃完饭。朗文当代〔up〕After dinner they just upped and left/went without saying goodbye.吃完饭后他们就突然起身不辞而别。剑桥高阶〔vote〕I vote for eating before we watch the video.我提议我们吃完饭再看录像。麦克米伦高阶〔when〕When the meal was finished, Rachel washed up and made coffee.吃完饭,雷切尔洗了餐具并泡了咖啡。朗文当代After dinner they just upped and went without saying goodbye.吃完饭后他们突然就走了, 也没有道别。剑桥国际After we'd finished our dinner on the plane, we wiped our hands on the towelette that the flight attendant had brought for us.我们在飞机上吃完饭后用空中小姐给我们的湿餐巾纸擦手。剑桥国际Go away and leave us to finish our dinner in peace.走开让我们太平地吃完饭。剑桥国际He polished off the meal and hurried out. 他匆匆吃完饭,就冲出去了。译典通He put for home after a hurried meal. 他匆匆吃完饭就出发回家了。译典通I can't bear it when my grandma sucks (at) her teeth after a meal. [T; I + at] 我无法忍受奶奶吃完饭后要咂嘴。剑桥国际She cleans her teeth with a toothpick after every meal.每次吃完饭她都用牙签剔牙。剑桥国际The children gobbled up their food and rushed out to play. 孩子们狼吞虎咽地吃完饭就冲出去玩了。译典通We had a hasty meal and then left. 我们匆匆吃完饭然后就离开了。译典通When she had finished her meal, she gave a satisfied smile.当她吃完饭后,她露出了满意的笑容。剑桥国际




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