

单词 可产生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔a snowball effect〕The more successful you become, the more publicity you get and that publicity generates sales. It's a kind of snowball effect.你越成功,你的媒体曝光度也高,这种曝光度可产生销售额。这是一种雪球效应。剑桥高阶〔acrosome〕A caplike structure at the anterior end of a spermatozoon that produces enzymes aiding in egg penetration.精子头粒蛋白:一种在精子内前端的帽状结构,可产生帮助穿透卵子的酶美国传统〔allseed〕Any of several plants, such as knotgrass, producing numerous seeds.多子植物:一种植物,如两耳草,可产生许多种子美国传统〔binaural〕Of or relating to sound transmission from two sources, which may vary acoustically, as in tone or pitch, to give a stereophonic effect.两路立体声的:从两个声源传来,可能有听觉上的不同(如在音调和音高上),可产生立体声效果的或与之相关的美国传统〔binder〕Something, such as the latex in certain paints, that creates uniform consistency, solidification, or cohesion.粘合剂:可产生均匀的浓度、硬度和粘着度的某物,如涂料中的乳剂美国传统〔brown fat〕A dark-colored, mitochondrion-rich adipose tissue in many mammals that generates heat to regulate body temperature, especially in hibernating animals.肩胛间腺:很多哺乳动物身上深色的、富含线粒体的脂肪组织,可产生热量以调节体温,尤指在冬眠动物体内美国传统〔calamus〕The aromatic, underground stem of the sweet flag, yielding an oil used in perfumery.菖蒲根:甜菖蒲的芳香的地下茎,可产生一种用于香水之中的油美国传统〔chamomile〕The dried flower heads of either one of these plants, used to make an herbal tea and yielding an oil used in commercial flavorings and perfumery.黄春菊花序:上述植物的任一种头状花序,用于做花茶且可产生一种商业上用来做调味品或香水的油美国传统〔inductance〕A circuit element, typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by electromagnetic induction.电感线圈:环绕着的东西,通常是导线,由于电磁感应的原因,线圈可产生电动势能美国传统〔primary color〕Additive, physiological, or light primaries red, green, and blue. Lights of red, green, and blue wavelengths may be mixed to produce all colors.原色:附加的,生理上的或光原色的红、绿、蓝三色。红色、绿色和蓝色的光波混合起来可产生各种颜色美国传统〔put〕The engine puts out one thousand horsepower.这台发动机可产生1000匹马力。英汉大词典〔rpm〕The engine produces 187 horsepower at 6,000 rpm.这台发动机转速达到每分钟6000转时可产生187马力。韦氏高阶〔seminiferous tubule〕One of two or three twisted, curved tubules in each lobule of the testis in which spermatozoa develop.细精管:睪丸每小叶中内两三根弯曲纠缠的小细管,从中可产生精虫美国传统The drug can produce serious side effects.这种药物可产生严重的副作用。牛津商务




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