

单词 可乐
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVERTISING〕There was a big poster advertising a well-known brand of cola. 有一张大型海报登着一知名品牌可乐的广告。朗文写作活用〔BETTER〕Coca Cola's prize-winning advertising campaign has put all others in the shade. 可口可乐公司那获奖的广告宣传活动使其他公司的宣传活动黯然失色。朗文写作活用〔BOTH〕I usually drink either coke or beer with pizza. 我一般吃比萨饼时要么喝可口可乐,要么就喝啤酒。朗文写作活用〔Catapres〕A trademark used for the drug clonidine.降血压药(商品名):氯压定、可乐宁药剂的商标美国传统〔EAT〕He bolted down two hamburgers then washed them down with Coca-Cola. 他三口两口就吃掉了两个汉堡包,然后喝可口可乐把食物顺了下去。朗文写作活用〔FAMOUS〕Coca-Cola is a household name all over the world. 可口可乐的品牌在全世界都家喻户晓。朗文写作活用〔IN GENERAL〕I drink sugar-free colas, mostly. 一般我都喝无糖可乐。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕The Coca-Cola bottle is one of the classic designs of our century. 可口可乐的瓶子是本世纪的经典设计之一。朗文写作活用〔MEAL〕Joe ordered a slice of pizza and a Coke to go. 乔要了一块比萨饼和一杯可口可乐带回去吃。朗文写作活用〔NOW〕Coca-Cola's current advertising campaign 可口可乐公司目前正在进行的广告活动朗文写作活用〔PAY〕The new league will be sponsored by Pepsi Cola. 新联盟将由百事可乐赞助。朗文写作活用〔PUT〕Gary plunked a dollar down on the counter to pay for his Coke. 加里把一美元重重地放在柜台上付可乐的钱。朗文写作活用〔SQUASH〕There was a flattened Coca-Cola can on the ground. 地上有一个压扁了的可口可乐罐子。朗文写作活用〔THIRSTY〕We were dying for a Coke, so we stopped at a fast-food place. 我们很想喝杯可乐,因此就在一家快餐店前停了下来。朗文写作活用〔TWO〕I usually drink either coke or beer. 一般我要么喝可乐,要么喝啤酒。朗文写作活用〔TYPE〕Coke and Pepsi are the most popular brands of cola. 可口可乐和百事可乐是可乐饮料中最有名的品牌。朗文写作活用〔Taste tests〕Taste tests revealed that people prefer this brand of cola over that one.品尝试验表明,人们对这一品牌可乐的喜爱程度超过另一个。韦氏高阶〔WORLD〕You can buy Coca-Cola all over the world. 世界各地都能买到可口可乐。朗文写作活用〔amused〕He won't be very amused (=he will be annoyed) when he finds out what's happened to his garden.等他发现自己花园的遭遇时,他就没什么可乐的了。朗文当代〔arrangement〕They have an arrangement with Pepsi-Cola to share distribution facilities.他们与百事可乐公司有个共用配送设施的协议。麦克米伦高阶〔belt down〕He belted down one cola after another.他一罐接一罐地猛喝可乐。21世纪英汉〔belt〕The boy belted down one cola after another.这男孩一杯接一杯地猛喝可乐。21世纪英汉〔botanical〕The most effective new botanicals are extracts from cola nut and marine algae.这种极其有效的新型植物制剂是从可乐果和海藻中提炼出来的。柯林斯高阶〔brand name〕When it comes to soft drinks Coca-Cola is the biggest selling brand name in Britain.说到软饮料,可口可乐在英国是最大的畅销品牌。柯林斯高阶〔bubble〕The cola bubbled up when I unscrewed the lid.我打开瓶盖,可乐冒出了气泡。朗文当代〔can〕She sipped from a can of Coke.她小口地喝一罐可乐。牛津搭配〔can〕We drank a can of Coke each.我们每人喝了一罐可乐。牛津高阶〔case〕Can you get some more cola? The kids drank the whole case.你再去买些可乐好吗?孩子们把一整箱都喝完了。剑桥高阶〔classic〕The Coca-Cola bottle is one of the classic designs of the last century.可口可乐瓶是上个世纪的经典设计之一。朗文当代〔coke〕Can I have a Diet Coke? 能给我来一罐低热量可乐吗?牛津高阶〔coke〕I'll have a Coke, please.请给我一杯可乐。牛津搭配〔cola〕Coke and Pepsi are types of cola.可口可乐和百事可乐都是碳酸类饮料。剑桥高阶〔drink〕Rosie drank thirstily from a can of cola.罗西大口地喝一罐可乐。麦克米伦高阶〔drip〕The children kept dripping Coke on the carpets.孩子们老往地毯上滴可乐。柯林斯高阶〔faceless〕The meetings served as a reminder that Pepsi wasn't the typical, faceless corporation.这些会议提醒人们, 百事可乐并非那种通常意义上的不知名的公司。外研社新世纪〔fresh〕I'm fresh out of beer. Will you take a cola instead? 啤酒刚刚没了,可乐你要吗?朗文当代〔household〕Coca Cola is a household name around the world.可口可乐是全世界都家喻户晓的名字。朗文当代〔ice〕Would you like some ice in your Coke? 你的可乐中要放些冰块吗?英汉大词典〔juice〕A coke and a tomato juice, please.请来一杯可乐和一杯番茄汁。朗文当代〔lace with〕Jim often laces a glass of Coke with beer.吉姆常常在一杯可口可乐里掺啤酒。21世纪英汉〔matter〕Steve, what do you want?—Coke, Pepsi, it doesn't matter.史蒂夫, 你想喝什么?——可口可乐, 百事可乐, 随便什么都行。外研社新世纪〔name〕Coca Cola's global brand name recognition 可口可乐在全球的品牌认知牛津搭配〔national〕Coke went national with ads.可口可乐的广告遍布全国。英汉大词典〔polish ... off〕They polished him off by crowning him with a Coca-Cola bottle.他们用可口可乐瓶子揍他的脑袋,把他打昏过去。21世纪英汉〔polish〕They polished him off by crowning him with a Coca-Cola bottle.他们用可乐瓶把他打昏了。英汉大词典〔pop〕He pulled a Coke from the fridge and popped the tab.他从冰箱里拿出一罐可乐, 砰的一声拉开拉环。外研社新世纪〔promisable〕His second voyage promised no better.他的第二次航行前景同样未可乐观。21世纪英汉〔promise〕So far, his third voyage promised no better.从到目前为止的情况看,他的第三次航行前景同样未可乐观。英汉大词典〔quench〕She quenched her thirst with a glass of Coke.她喝了一杯可乐解渴。21世纪英汉〔regular〕Do you want regular or diet cola? 你要普通的还是低热量的可乐?牛津高阶〔regular〕Regular or large Coke?可乐要中杯还是大杯?外研社新世纪〔rum〕He ordered a rum and Coke.他点了一杯朗姆酒加可乐。外研社新世纪〔screwdriver〕Al-Shehhi was drinking screwdrivers while a companion drank rum and Coke.阿尔希西在喝“螺丝起子”鸡尾酒, 一位同伴则在喝朗姆酒加可乐。外研社新世纪〔slake〕I slaked my thirst with three cans of Coke.我喝了 3 罐可乐解渴。柯林斯高阶〔small〕Would you like a large or small cola with your burger? 你的汉堡包要配大可乐还是小可乐?剑桥高阶〔sponsor〕I understand Coca-Cola are to be named as the new sponsors of the League Cup later this week.我知道可口可乐公司将在本周晚些时候被指定为联赛杯的新赞助商。柯林斯高阶〔swig〕He was still hanging around, swigging the Coke out of the can.他还在闲逛,拿着一罐可乐大口大口地喝着。柯林斯高阶〔swig〕She took a long swig of coke.她喝了一大口可乐。朗文当代〔thirst〕Coca is well-known for reducing hunger, thirst and fatigue.人们都知道可乐能消饿、止渴和解乏。柯林斯高阶〔trade secret〕The Coca-Cola formula is a well-kept trade secret.可口可乐的配方是一个严格保密的商业机密。朗文当代〔trade secret〕The exact ingredients of Coca-Cola are a trade secret.可口可乐的确切成分属于商业秘密。剑桥高阶〔variant〕There are many colas on the market now, all variants on the original drink.现在市场上有多种可乐,都跟最初的差别不大。剑桥高阶〔wit〕His wit made even troubles seem amusing.他的风趣甚至使麻烦事也变得似乎可乐起来。英汉大词典Coke and Pepsi are types of cola.可口可乐和百事可乐都是碳酸类饮料。剑桥国际I had a Pepsi at a refreshment booth around the corner. 我在转角处的餐饮摊喝了一杯百事可乐。译典通I only drink decaffeinated coffee/tea/Coke these days.近来我只喝不含咖啡因的咖啡/茶/可乐。剑桥国际I'd like three Coca Colas and a lemonade.我要三杯可乐和一杯柠檬苏打水。剑桥国际I'll have a cola float, please.请给我来一份冰淇淋可乐。剑桥国际I've drunk a whole litre bottle of Coca Cola.我喝了一整瓶一升的可乐。剑桥国际In blind tests, consumers chose our cola over more established brands.在盲测中,消费者选择我们的可乐饮品超过更为知名的品牌。牛津商务MacDonald and Coco Cola are two American products that are ubiquitous in the world. 麦当劳和可口可乐是全世界无所不在的美国商品。译典通Pepsi is my favorite drink. 百事可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。译典通Pepsi is my favourite drink. 百事可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。译典通Rum and coke is my favourite drink.朗姆酒与可乐是我最喜欢的饮料。剑桥国际The exact ingredients of Coca Cola are a trade secret.可口可乐的确切成分是一个行业秘密。剑桥国际Their clients included Unilever and Coca-Cola.他们的客户包括联合利华公司和可口可乐公司。牛津商务There are many colas on the market now, all variants on the original drink.现在市场上有许多种可乐,都是原先那种饮料的变体。剑桥国际What is the origin of the name ‘Coca-Cola’? “可口可乐”这一名称缘何而来?牛津商务




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