

单词 化学物质
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HARM〕Research has found that the drug contains a toxic chemical that can cause respiratory problems. 研究发现,这种药品中含有一种有毒化学物质,可引起呼吸系统的毛病。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕Organic produce is free from harmful chemicals. 有机农产品不含有害化学物质。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕At this heat, all the poisonous chemicals are changed into safe compounds. 在这个温度下,有毒的化学物质全部转变为安全的化合物。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕These new industrial cleaners are much lower in ammonia and other dangerous chemicals than before. 这些新型的工业用清洁剂中,氨和其他危险的化学物质含量都较以前的低很多。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕Nowadays more and more people are choosing to buy unadulterated organic food, which has been grown without pesticides and chemicals. 如今越来越多的人愿意购买纯有机食品,其生长过程中没有使用过杀虫剂和化学物质。朗文写作活用〔PURPOSE〕The point of the experiment is to show how this chemical reacts with water. 实验的目的是要显示这种化学物质如何与水发生反应。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕CFC is just one chemical that depletes the ozone layer. 氯氟烃只是其中一种消耗臭氧层的化学物质。朗文写作活用〔accumulate〕Toxic chemicals tend to accumulate in the body.有毒化学物质容易在体内聚积。牛津搭配〔acid〕You will need a special chemical to neutralize the acid.你需要一种特殊的化学物质来中和这种酸。牛津搭配〔allelopathy〕The inhibition of growth in one species of plants by chemicals produced by another species.植物毒素抑制,植物相克:一种植物的生长因另一种植物所产生的化学物质而被抑制美国传统〔antagonist〕Biochemistry A chemical substance that interferes with the physiological action of another, especially by combining with and blocking its nerve receptor.【生物化学】 拮抗药,对抗药:通过与另一种化学物质的结合或阻碍其神经接受体而干扰其生理作用的一种化学物质美国传统〔approve〕The chemical has never been federally approved as a pesticide.联邦政府从未批准将这种化学物质用作杀虫剂。牛津搭配〔arrow〕Arrows on the photograph indicate the presence of the chemical.照片上的箭号表明该化学物质的存在。麦克米伦高阶〔biochemistry〕The study of the chemical substances and vital processes occurring in living organisms; biological chemistry; physiological chemistry.生物化学:对生物中化学物质和生命过程的研究;生物学化学;生理学化学美国传统〔biodegradable〕Biodegradable packaging helps to limit the amount of harmful chemicals released into the atmosphere.可生物降解包装有助于减少排放到大气层中的有害化学物质的数量。剑桥高阶〔build up〕These dangerous chemicals are building up in our lakes and ponds.在我们的湖泊和池塘里这些危险的化学物质越来越多。韦氏高阶〔controlled substance〕A drug or chemical substance whose possession and use are regulated under the Controlled Substances Act.管制药物:对其拥有或使用受到《管制物质法案》制约的药物或化学物质美国传统〔correct〕These medicines are used for correcting chemical imbalances in the brain.这些药物是用来治疗大脑化学物质失衡的。韦氏高阶〔damage〕These chemicals have been found to cause serious environmental damage .这些化学物质被发现会造成严重的环境破坏。朗文当代〔desalinize〕To remove salts and other chemicals from (sea water or soil, for example).除去盐分:从(海水或土壤等物质中)去掉盐份和其他化学物质美国传统〔developer〕A chemical used to render visible the image recorded on a photosensitive surface.显影剂:用于使记录在感光纸上的图象可见的化学物质美国传统〔develop〕To process (a photosensitive material), especially with chemicals, in order to render a recorded image visible.洗相:为了使记录的图象可见,可处理(光敏物质),尤指用化学物质处理美国传统〔discharge〕The factory was fined for discharging chemicals into the river.这家工厂因往河里排放化学物质而被罚款。牛津高阶〔discharge〕Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.成千上万条鱼被附近工厂排出的有毒化学物质毒死。剑桥高阶〔disgorge〕The pipe was found to be disgorging dangerous chemicals into the sea.人们发现这个管道在向海里大量排放危险的化学物质。剑桥高阶〔dispersal〕The explosion led to the widespread dispersal of a poisonous chemical into the atmosphere.爆炸导致一种有毒化学物质在大气中大面积扩散。外研社新世纪〔dispose〕The body releases a chemical that disposes you towards sleep.体内释放出一种使人昏昏欲睡的化学物质。朗文当代〔effect〕Scientists are studying the chemical's effect on the environment.科学家正在研究该化学物质对环境的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔exposure〕She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.她大量接触到有毒化学物质。牛津搭配〔flavorist〕One whose profession is blending artificially isolated chemicals to create the taste and smell of a particular food.调味专家:职业为人工混合各种不同化学物质以生成特定食品的味道和气味的人美国传统〔food chain〕The whole food chain is affected by the over use of chemicals in agriculture.整个食物链因农业中过度使用化学物质而受到影响。柯林斯高阶〔fungicide〕A chemical substance that destroys or inhibits the growth of fungi.杀真菌剂:杀死真菌或抑制其生长的化学物质美国传统〔hazardous〕The chemicals in paint can be hazardous to health .油漆中的化学物质可能对健康有害。朗文当代〔hazardous〕These chemicals are hazardous to human health.这些化学物质危害人体健康。麦克米伦高阶〔hypersensitive〕People who are hypersensitive to the chemical may have violent reactions even to small amounts.对这种化学物质过敏的人即使很小的剂量也可能会有十分强烈的反应。韦氏高阶〔hypothesize〕Psychologists hypothesized that his odd behavior was caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.心理学家猜测,他奇怪的行为是由大脑中的化学物质失衡引起的。韦氏高阶〔imbalance〕Her depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain.她的抑郁症是大脑中化学物质失衡引起的。韦氏高阶〔impart〕The chemicals imparted a bluish color to the paper.这些化学物质使纸张呈现出淡蓝色。韦氏高阶〔insignificant〕The levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant.河水中的化学物质含量不容忽视。牛津高阶〔insoluble〕These chemicals are practically insoluble in water.这些化学物质几乎不溶于水。牛津搭配〔interact with〕These two chemicals interact with each other at a certain temperature.这两种化学物质在一定的温度下相互作用。21世纪英汉〔interact〕Perfume interacts with the skin's natural chemicals.香水和皮肤的天然化学物质相互作用。牛津高阶〔interact〕We are studying how these two chemicals interact.我们在研究这两种化学物质是如何相互作用的。剑桥高阶〔interact〕You have to understand how these chemicals interact.你得知道这些化学物质是如何相互作用的。外研社新世纪〔intoxicate〕To stupefy or excite, as by the action of a chemical substance such as alcohol.使喝醉:使麻木或使兴奋,通过例如酒精等化学物质的作用美国传统〔intoxication〕Stupefaction or excitement by the action of a chemical substance.迷醉:化学物质发挥效用所引起的恍惚或是兴奋美国传统〔into〕Poisonous chemicals had got into the water supply.有毒化学物质已经进入了供水系统。外研社新世纪〔laboratory〕A place where drugs and chemicals are manufactured.药厂:用于生产药品和化学物质的地方美国传统〔leach〕The chemical eventually leaches away from the soil.这种化学物质最终从土壤里被滤除。韦氏高阶〔may〕Some chemicals may cause environmental damage.有些化学物质可能会给环境造成破坏。朗文当代〔mimic〕Opiate drugs, like pethidine, mimic natural pain-relieving chemicals.含鸦片的药物 , 例如哌替啶, 可起到类似天然止痛化学物质的作用。外研社新世纪〔mimic〕The drug mimics the action of the body's own chemicals.这种药是模仿人体自身化学物质的作用。朗文当代〔moderate〕There were moderate levels of chemicals in the lake.这条湖的化学物质含量中等。韦氏高阶〔naturalness〕Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water and the soil.硝酸盐是水和土壤中自然存在的化学物质。柯林斯高阶〔neurotransmitter〕A chemical substance, such as acetylcholine or dopamine, that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse.神经传送体:通过神经键传递神经脉冲的化学物质,如碱性有机化合物或多巴胺美国传统〔occur〕Nitrates are chemicals that occur naturally in water.硝酸盐是水里天然存在的化学物质。外研社新世纪〔owe〕The fruit owes its extraordinary aroma to a mixture of three main chemicals.这种水果独特的芳香来自于3种主要化学物质的混合。柯林斯高阶〔painkiller〕The body produces chemicals that are natural painkillers.人体会产生一些化学物质,它们是天然的止痛剂。剑桥高阶〔passive transport〕The movement of a chemical substance across a cell membrane without expenditure of energy by the cell, as in diffusion.被动运输:化学物质穿过细胞膜而不需消耗细胞能量的运动,如在扩散中美国传统〔pass〕The chemical passes from a liquid to a solid state during the cooling process.这种化学物质在冷却过程中由液态转化为固态。朗文当代〔permeate through〕Dangerous chemicals may permeate through the soil.危险化学物质有可能会渗入土壤中。外研社新世纪〔phytochemical〕A nonnutritive bioactive plant substance, such as a flavonoid or carotenoid, considered to have a beneficial effect on human health.植物性化学成分,植物化学物质:非营养生物活性的植物成分,如类黄酮或胡萝卜素,被认为有益人类身体健康美国传统〔pollution〕The chemicals have been identified as a source of pollution .这些化学物质被确定为是一种污染源。朗文当代〔polyurethane〕Any of various resins, widely varying in flexibility, used in tough chemical-resistant coatings, adhesives, and foams.聚氨基甲酸乙酯;聚氨酯:一种在韧性上差别很大的树脂,用于坚固的抗化学物质涂面、黏合剂和泡沫中美国传统〔presence〕These chemicals could indicate the presence of water on the planet.这些化学物质可能表明这颗行星上有水。牛津搭配〔produce〕The body produces chemicals called endorphins to control the pain.身体自然产生叫做内啡肽的化学物质来控制疼痛。麦克米伦高阶〔release〕During exercise, the body releases chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动过程中,身体在大脑中释放出令人感觉良好的化学物质。韦氏高阶〔release〕Exercise triggers the release of chemicals in the brain that make you feel better.运动促使大脑释放出能令人感觉良好的化学物质。韦氏高阶〔resist〕Chemicals form a protective layer that resists both oil and water-based stains.化学物质形成了一个抗油污和水渍的保护层。外研社新世纪〔responsible〕The chemical is directly responsible for those deaths.这种化学物质直接导致了那些人的死亡。麦克米伦高阶〔rodenticide〕A chemical substance used to kill rodents.灭鼠剂:一种用于杀灭啮齿目动物的化学物质美国传统〔safety match〕A match that can be lighted only by being struck against a chemically prepared friction surface.安全火柴:只在备有化学物质的表面上磨擦才能点燃的火柴美国传统〔shield〕A face shield protects your eyes from harmful chemicals.面罩能保护眼睛不受有害化学物质的伤害。牛津搭配〔silvichemical〕Any of various chemicals derived from wood.一种从树木中提炼出来的化学物质美国传统〔sit by〕The use of ozone-depleting chemicals grew dramatically and the government sat idly by.消耗臭氧的化学物质的使用急剧增多,政府却坐视不理。柯林斯高阶〔sit by〕The use of ozone-depleting chemicals grew dramatically and the government sat idly by.破坏臭氧层的化学物质的使用急剧增加, 而政府对此却坐视不理。外研社新世纪〔throat〕The chemical causes eye, nose and throat irritations.这种化学物质会引起眼睛、鼻子和喉咙发炎。牛津搭配〔toxic〕The fumes from that chemical are highly toxic.那种化学物质产生的气体有剧毒。韦氏高阶〔unlock〕A chemical has been discovered that may be the key to unlocking the mysteries of Parkinson's disease.已发现一种化学物质,这可能是解开帕金森氏病之谜的钥匙。剑桥高阶〔vaporize〕Pressure causes the chemical to vaporize.加压可以使这种化学物质汽化。韦氏高阶〔vitamer〕One of two or more related chemical substances that fulfill the same specific vitamin function.类维生素:两种或两种以上的相关化学物质之一,起同样特定维生素功能美国传统〔volatile〕It's thought that the blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.人们认为,易挥发的化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。柯林斯高阶〔volatile〕The blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.挥发性化学物质爆炸时产生了冲击波。外研社新世纪Bitter almonds contain a chemical which gives them a bitter taste.苦杏仁含有一种使其发苦的化学物质。剑桥国际Celery contains a valuable chemical substance that helps lower blood pressure.芹菜含有一种有助于降低血压的珍贵的化学物质。剑桥国际Cigarette smoke contains thousands of harmful chemicals.香烟的烟雾中含有上千种有害化学物质。剑桥国际Dangerously high levels of poisonous chemicals were found in the river.在这条河里发现了危险的高标有毒化学物质。剑桥国际He said that toxic chemicals are having a seriously harmful effect on the human gene pool.他说有毒化学物质对人类基因库有很严重的危害。剑桥国际It has been alleged that the factory is dumping noxious chemicals in the river.据称,这家工厂把有害的化学物质倾入这条河中。剑桥国际It is frightening to consider the possible outcome of releasing dangerous chemicals into the environment.想到将危险的化学物质排放到环境中所可能产生的后果,可真是骇人。剑桥国际Scientifically (speaking) (= According to scientific opinion), this chemical is a salt, although you wouldn't want to eat it.科学地说,这种化学物质是一种盐,尽管你不会想去吃它。剑桥国际Sulphur, which burns with a blue flame and a pungent smell, is used in making matches and gunpowder.硫磺,一种燃烧时会发出蓝色火焰和刺激性气味的化学物质,可用来制火柴和火药。剑桥国际The chemical leak had poisoned the water supply.化学物质的泄漏污染了供水。剑桥国际The cumulative effect of using so many chemicals on the land could be disastrous.长期使用大量化学物质其累积影响对土地极为有害。剑桥国际The pipe was found to be disgorging dangerous chemicals into the sea.人们发现危险的化学物质正通过这条管道流入大海。剑桥国际There is great public concern about some of the chemicals used in food preservation.公众很关注一些用于食物保鲜的化学物质。剑桥国际These chemicals are thought to deplete the ozone layer.这些化学物质被认为是会破坏臭氧层的。剑桥国际These chemicals quickly degrade into harmless compounds.这些化学物质迅速分解成无害化合物。剑桥国际This cloth has been impregnated with special chemicals for cleaning computer screens.这布浸过擦洗电脑屏幕用的特殊化学物质。剑桥国际Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a discharge of poisonous chemicals from a nearby factory.附近一家工厂排放的有毒化学物质造成成千上万的鱼儿死亡。剑桥国际




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