

单词 加者
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FAR〕Participants come from nations as far-flung as Iceland and Japan. 参加者来自像冰岛和日本这样遥远的国家。朗文写作活用〔LAST〕Social Security has reduced poverty, and last, but by no means least, it has been a good deal for participants. 社会保障制度减少了贫困,最后同样重要的一点是,对于参加者来说它是合算的。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕This summer's children's art program had 14 participants. 今夏的儿童艺术计划有14名参加者。朗文写作活用〔arbitrary〕The selection of the 100 participants was completely arbitrary.对100个参加者的选择完全是随意的。麦克米伦高阶〔baseball〕Games A game of darts in which the players attempt to score points by throwing the darts at a target laid out in the form of a baseball diamond.【游戏】 投镖游戏:参加者朝设置的靶子投去以尽力得分,这种游戏在棒球的内场进行美国传统〔campaigner〕She's a campaigner for Friends of the Earth.她是地球之友运动的参加者。剑桥高阶〔categorize〕Participants were categorized according to age.参加者按年龄分组。牛津高阶〔chance〕Participants are given the chance to learn another language.参加者有机会学习另一种语言。麦克米伦高阶〔claim〕The test is entirely physical, laying no claims on the entrants' intelligence.这次测验完全是测体力,对参加者的智力不提任何要求。英汉大词典〔close-order drill〕A military drill in marching, maneuvering, and formal handling of arms in which the participants perform at close intervals.紧密队形操练,近距离军事操练:一种军事操练,包括行军、演习及正式持有武器的操练,参加者在近距离内演习美国传统〔cloze〕Based on or being a test of reading comprehension in which the test taker is asked to supply words that have been systematically deleted from a text.填充测验法的:建立于阅读理解考试基础的或阅读理解考试的,要求考试参加者补充已从文章中有计划地删掉的单词美国传统〔comer〕The class is open to all comers.这个课程对所有参加者开放。韦氏高阶〔conferee〕A participant in a conference.与会者:会议的参加者美国传统〔continuing education〕An instructional program that brings participants up to date in a particular area of knowledge or skills.继续教育:一种使参加者在某一特定领域的知识或技术上跟上时代步伐的教育方案美国传统〔demonstrator〕One that demonstrates, such as a participant in a public display of opinion.示威者:示威的人,例如一个表达意愿的公开集会的参加者美国传统〔dice〕In this game, each player rolls the dice to see who plays first.在这个游戏中,每位参加者都要掷色子来决定谁先玩。韦氏高阶〔discussant〕A participant in a formal discussion.正式讨论会的参加者美国传统〔downtick〕A decrease, especially a small or incremental one.减少:尤指小规模或逐步增加者的减少美国传统〔due〕Thanks are due to all those who took part.谨向全体参加者致谢。朗文当代〔eligibility〕Eligibility to participate is restricted to those meeting the following conditions.参加者须符合下列条件。外研社新世纪〔engagement〕Participants assess their level of engagement with their child's feelings.参加者评估了他们对自己孩子情感的关注程度。麦克米伦高阶〔finalist〕A contestant in the final session of a competition.决赛选手:在比赛最后一轮相遇的比赛参加者美国传统〔game show〕A television show in which contestants compete for prizes by playing games of knowledge or chance.电视知识竞赛:一种电视节目,竞赛参加者通过参与关于知识和机会的比赛而为奖品竞争美国传统〔gentleman's agreement〕An unwritten agreement guaranteed only by the pledged word or secret understanding of the participants.君子协定:一种口头协议,只由参加者口头誓约或秘密协定为保证美国传统〔giant slalom〕A downhill skiing race in which participants must pass between pairs of gates set along a course that is larger and often steeper than a slalom course.大回转滑雪赛:一种由山上向山下的滑雪比赛,参加者必须经过设在几对门中的滑雪道,滑雪道比障碍滑雪要大并且通常较陡美国传统〔grapple〕A contest in which the participants attempt to clutch or grip each other.扭打,搏斗:一种竞赛,参加者尝试着互相抓住美国传统〔huge〕A huge number of people attended.参加者数量众多。剑桥高阶〔life〕Each pool player has three lives at the beginning of the game.每一个赌注式台球的参加者在开局时有3“生”。英汉大词典〔lotto〕A lottery, typically with an accumulating jackpot, in which participants play numbers of their choice in a random drawing.抽奖赌法:一种抽奖方法,具有典型的增值赌注,参加者在抽奖中用数字来代表他们的选择美国传统〔low-key〕The wedding was a low-key affair, with fewer than 30 people attending.婚礼办得很低调,参加者不足30人。剑桥高阶〔masker〕One who wears a mask, especially a participant in a masquerade or masque.戴面具的人:戴面具的人,尤指假面舞会参加者美国传统〔mime〕Each player has to mime the title of a movie, play or book.每一名参加者都得用哑剧动作表现出一部电影、戏剧或一本书的标题。牛津高阶〔modern pentathlon〕An athletic contest in which each participant competes in five events: running, swimming, horseback riding, fencing, and pistol shooting.现代五项全能运动:一种体育竞赛,参加者在五个项目中竞争:赛跑,游泳,障碍赛马,击剑和射击美国传统〔move〕A participant's turn to make a play.走棋:轮到一个参加者参与的次序美国传统〔nucleus〕The Civic Movement could be the nucleus of a centrist party of the future.公民运动参加者可能会成为未来中间派政党的骨干。外研社新世纪〔outsider〕A contestant given little chance of winning; a long shot.获胜机会很少者:不大可能获胜的选手;获胜可能性非常微小地参加者美国传统〔participant〕All the participants in the cooking contest received a free cookbook.烹饪比赛的所有参加者都得到了一本免费的食谱。韦氏高阶〔participant〕She was a willing participant in these campaigns.她是这些运动的自愿参加者。英汉大词典〔persuasion〕It is a national movement and has within it people of all political persuasions.这是一场全国性运动,参加者的政治信仰各不相同。柯林斯高阶〔plus〕Participants will receive a weekly wage of £126 plus travel expenses.参加者每周会领到126英镑的薪水,外加交通费用。麦克米伦高阶〔principal〕A main participant in a situation.首要参与者:某一形势中的主要参加者美国传统〔prisoner's base〕A children's game in which two teams try to capture opposing players by tagging them and bringing them to a base.抓俘虏游戏:参加者分作两队相互捕捉对方队中的越界人员并将其带到基地的儿童游戏美国传统〔recession〕The withdrawal in a line or file of participants in a ceremony, especially clerics and choir members after a church service.退场:在某仪式中一部分参加者一列或一群地退出,尤指做完礼拜后牧师和唱诗班成员退场美国传统〔safety〕Campaigners have challenged the safety of genetically-modified foods.活动参加者对转基因食品的安全性提出了质疑。朗文当代〔sit-in〕An organized protest demonstration in which participants seat themselves in an appropriate place and refuse to move.静坐示威:参加者坐在特定地方并且拒绝离开的有组织的抗议示威美国传统〔start〕To enter (a participant) into a race or game.使(参加者)参赛美国传统〔summiteer〕An official who takes part in a summit conference.最高级会议参加者:参加最高级会议的官员美国传统〔sweepstakes〕A lottery in which the participants' contributions form a fund that is awarded as a prize to one or several winners.赌金独赢制:把参加者的赌注作为奖金奖给一个或几个获胜者的彩票美国传统〔tap into〕The essence of the workshops is to enable the participant to tap into their own creativity.研讨班的主旨就是使参加者充分发挥他们自己的创造力。外研社新世纪〔time trial〕A competitive event, as in sports, that participants must complete within a given period of time, often in order to qualify for another event.(汽车比赛等的)计时赛:为取得参加另一比赛项目资格的一种(运动)比赛项目,参加者必须在固定时间内完成美国传统〔tokenistic〕Campaigners described the study as 'tokenistic and half-hearted'.运动参加者认为这项研究是“半心半意的表面文章”。外研社新世纪〔tontine〕Each member's share of a tontine.金额(联合养老金制中的):联合养老基金中每个参加者的份额美国传统〔treasure hunt〕A game in which the players attempt to find hidden articles by means of a series of clues.寻宝游戏:一种参加者通过一系列线索找到被隐藏的东西的游戏美国传统〔triathlon〕An athletic contest in which participants compete without stopping in three successive events, usually long-distance swimming, bicycling, and running.三项全能运动:一种体育竞赛,其中参加者必须在三个连续的项目中不停顿地进行比赛,一般包括长距离游泳,骑自行车和赛跑美国传统〔trick〕All the cards played in a single round, one from each player.一墩,一墩牌:一圈所打的牌,每个参加者都打出一张牌美国传统〔turnout〕The peace march attracted a large turnout.和平游行吸引了大量的参加者美国传统〔turnout〕This year's festival attracted a record turnout.今年的节日吸引的参加者之多创了纪录。牛津高阶〔upper〕There is no upper age limit for participation.参加者的年龄没有上限。韦氏高阶〔voice〕Participants are encouraged to give voice to their personal hopes, fears and dreams.参加者被鼓励要把自己的愿望、担忧以及梦想表达出来。朗文当代〔walk〕A track event in which contestants compete in walking a specified distance.竞走比赛:一种径赛运动,参加者以走的方式在一段固定的距离内竞争美国传统〔wicket〕Games Any of the small arches, usually made of wire, through which players try to drive their ball in croquet.【游戏】 拱门:通常是用金属线做的小拱门,在槌球游戏中,参加者努力使球穿过拱门美国传统All participants finishing the race will receive a medal.每个跑完比赛的参加者都将获得一枚奖牌。剑桥国际Entry to the competition is restricted to those who have a ticket for the exhibition.竞赛参加者限定在有展览会入场券的人。剑桥国际Jan is an energetic (= active and determined) campaigner for animal rights.简是一位维护动物权益运动积极坚定的参加者。剑桥国际She has become a zealous convert to the environmentalist cause.她已经成为一名环保事业的积极参加者。剑桥国际She's a campaigner for Friends of the Earth.她是地球之友运动的参加者。剑桥国际The participants were mainly young people. 参加者大部分是年轻人。译典通The party was a disaster--not many people went and the few who did left early.这个晚会是个彻底的失败,没有多少人去,寥寥无几的参加者也早早地离开了。剑桥国际We need to approach this from the angle of new participants.我们需要从新参加者的角度来看待这事。剑桥国际




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