

单词 口哨
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cheerful〕to laugh/nod/whistle cheerfully 欢快地笑╱点头╱吹口哨牛津高阶〔chufa〕alteration of chuflar [to whistle, ridicule] chuflar的变化 [吹口哨,嘲笑] 美国传统〔cutting〕a cutting whistle 尖利的口哨声英汉大词典〔handclap〕boos, catcalls, and slow handclaps嘘声、口哨声和一下接一下的拍手喝倒彩声外研社新世纪〔high-pitched〕a high-pitched voice/whistle 尖嗓子;尖锐的口哨声牛津高阶〔lanyard〕a whistle lanyard 口哨带牛津高阶〔learn〕learn tolerance; learned how to whistle. 学会宽容;学会吹口哨美国传统〔persiflage〕siffler [to whistle] from Old French from Late Latin sīfilāre alteration of Latin sībilāre siffler [吹口哨] 源自 古法语 源自 后期拉丁语 sīfilāre 拉丁语 sībilāre的变化 美国传统〔pipe〕pipe all hands on deck 吹长口哨召集全体水手上甲板英汉大词典〔pipe〕pipe the admiral aboard 用长口哨迎接海军上将登舰英汉大词典〔round〕round one's lips to whistle 鼓圆嘴唇吹口哨英汉大词典〔shrilly〕whistle shrilly 尖声地吹口哨英汉大词典〔tuneless〕tuneless whistling 刺耳的口哨声剑桥高阶〔whistleable〕a whistleable tune 可用口哨吹的曲子英汉大词典〔whistler〕a whistler of popular tunes. 吹着流行曲调的口哨者美国传统〔whistle〕a shrill whistle 尖厉的口哨声牛津高阶〔whistle〕to whistle a tune 用口哨吹曲子牛津高阶〔whistle〕to whistle a tune.用口哨吹个调子。牛津同义词〔whistle〕whistle a dog back 吹口哨把狗唤回英汉大词典〔whistle〕whistle an air 用口哨吹一首曲调英汉大词典〔whistle〕whistle away fear 吹口哨壮胆英汉大词典〔whistle〕whistle merrily (shrilly) 愉快地(尖声地)吹口哨英汉大词典〔whistle〕whistle to a dog 吹口哨唤狗英汉大词典




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