

单词 发脾气
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(at) any moment (now)〕He could lose his temper at any moment.他随时都会发脾气。韦氏高阶〔ANGRY〕I was embarrassed by my husband's outburst. 我丈夫大发脾气,我觉得很尴尬。朗文写作活用〔MAKE FUN OF〕She went on taunting him until he lost his temper. 她不断奚落他,直到他发脾气。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕I know I'm late, but that's no reason to lose your temper. 我知道我迟到了,但你也没理由发脾气。朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕He acknowledges that when he's tired he gets bad-tempered.他承认自己累了就会发脾气。朗文当代〔angry〕He was beginning to get angry .他开始发脾气了。朗文当代〔bad-tempered〕She's very bad-tempered in the mornings! 她上午的时候容易发脾气!剑桥高阶〔banter out of〕Don't banter her out of her temper.不要惹她发脾气。21世纪英汉〔bite〕There's no need to bite my head off. I was just asking a simple question.你没有必要对我发脾气。我只是问一个简单的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕I'm sorry I blew up at you.对不起,我对你发脾气了。牛津高阶〔blow〕Informal To lose one's temper.【非正式用语】 发脾气美国传统〔blow〕The trouble with Roy is he's likely to blow a fuse and hit someone.罗伊的缺点是他可能会突然大发脾气去打人。麦克米伦高阶〔blow〕To lose one's temper.发脾气,失去耐性美国传统〔cannot help something〕I know I shouldn't be angry, but I can't help it—it's just the way I feel.我知道不该生气,但我就是忍不住要发脾气。韦氏高阶〔character〕Mary is a nice girl; her fit of temper was indeed out of character.玛丽是个温文和善的姑娘;她突然大发脾气实在是料想不到的。英汉大词典〔conciliable〕He conciliated his angry daughter with a piece of candy.他用一块糖果来哄他发脾气的女儿。21世纪英汉〔cool〕I must keep my cool, she thought; losing my temper isn't going to help.我必须保持冷静,她想,发脾气无济于事。朗文当代〔crabby〕I'm pretty crabby when my work isn't going too well.工作进展不顺利时, 我很容易发脾气。外研社新世纪〔crank〕She's always a crank first thing in the morning.她早上一起来总爱发脾气。剑桥高阶〔cross〕Don’t cross him when he’s in a temper.他发脾气的时候别跟他作对。牛津同义词〔cue〕Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.他也学着像同伴那样,为先前发脾气道歉。柯林斯高阶〔cut〕He cut up rough when the nurse tried to stop him from seeing his wife.当护士想拦阻他看望他的妻子时,他大发脾气。英汉大词典〔expedient〕His tantrum was simply an expedient to get his own way.他发脾气无非是为所欲为的手段。牛津同义词〔far〕He loses his temper far too often.他太爱发脾气了。剑桥高阶〔fit〕My Mum will have a fit when she sees the carpet!要是我妈妈看到地毯的样子她会大发脾气的!外研社新世纪〔flare up〕Mary flared up when Jim angered her.吉姆把玛丽惹怒了,于是她大发脾气。21世纪英汉〔fly out〕He is apt to fly out in a rage.他容易发脾气。21世纪英汉〔fly〕He flies off the handle every time the mail is late.每次邮件迟到,他都会无缘无故地大发脾气。麦克米伦高阶〔fly〕She let fly at him for being late.她因他迟到而对他发脾气。英汉大词典〔foam〕Stewart was foaming at the mouth about an incident the previous afternoon.斯图尔特正为头天下午的事件而大发脾气。柯林斯高阶〔foam〕Stewart was foaming at the mouth about an incident the previous afternoon.斯图尔特正为头天下午的事情而大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔gain〕There's nothing to be gained (=it will not help you) by losing your temper.发脾气无济于事。朗文当代〔handle〕He flew off the handle at the slightest thing.他为一点小事就大发脾气。柯林斯高阶〔have〕The troublemaker has gone for good. I regretted that I had lost my temper. They will have finished by the time we arrive.那捣蛋鬼已走上了正路。我对我曾大发脾气感到后悔。他们会在我们到那里的时候完成的美国传统〔hysterics〕If she got home late, her mother would have hysterics.一旦她回家晚了, 她妈妈就会大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔imperturbable〕Although he seems outwardly imperturbable, he can get very angry at times.他虽然外表看起来冷静,但有时也会大发脾气。韦氏高阶〔inability〕Her outbursts reflected her inability to cope with the loss of her brother.她的突然发脾气说明她无法应对失去兄弟这一事实。牛津搭配〔inconsistent〕The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated.这样大发脾气与他所树立的个人形象不相称。柯林斯高阶〔keep back〕Her lips tightened to keep back the angry words.她抿紧双唇, 强忍着不发脾气。外研社新世纪〔least〕She hardly ever lost her temper – least of all with Anne.她几乎从不发脾气 — 对安妮就更不用说了。朗文当代〔like〕It's not like you to take offense.你不象会发脾气的人美国传统〔like〕Why did he lose his temper like that? It's not like him.他怎么会那样大发脾气?这可一点都不像他。外研社新世纪〔madden〕He is calmed by a lullaby, but maddened by any sudden loud noise.他在催眠曲的安抚下平静下来,但任何突发的巨响又会让他大发脾气。柯林斯高阶〔master〕She struggled hard to master her temper.她竭力按住性子,不发脾气。牛津高阶〔now〕He loses his temper now and then, but not often.他有时要发发脾气,但不是常发。英汉大词典〔nut〕We heard your sister doing her nut.我们听到你妹妹在大发脾气。柯林斯高阶〔obnoxious〕When she's in a bad mood she's obnoxious to everyone.她发脾气的时候,人人都很讨厌她。剑桥高阶〔occasion〕He has been known on occasion to lose his temper.大家都知道他有时会发脾气。牛津高阶〔old woman〕What an old woman Dave is - he nearly had a fit because he got mud on his shoes! 你知道戴夫是多爱大惊小怪的一个人——就因为鞋子上沾了几点泥巴,他就差一点大发脾气!剑桥高阶〔once〕All at once she lost her temper.她突然大发脾气。牛津高阶〔outburst〕A player was cautioned for his angry outburst against the referee.一名队员因对裁判大发脾气而受到警告。牛津搭配〔outburst〕He later apologized for his outburst.他后来为自己发脾气而道歉。朗文当代〔paddy〕She was in a right paddy temper.她大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔paddy〕There's no need to get in/into a paddy.没必要大发脾气。剑桥高阶〔petulant〕She becomes petulant when people disagree with her.别人不同意她的意见时她就发脾气。英汉大词典〔petulant〕Unreasonably irritable or ill-tempered; peevish.任性的,脾气坏的:无理由地激怒的或发脾气的;易怒的美国传统〔pitch a fit/tantrum〕My three-year-old pitched one of her temper tantrums when we tried to leave the party early.我三岁大的女儿在我们试图提早离开聚会时大发脾气。韦氏高阶〔possible〕Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible(= if you can).尽可能别发脾气。牛津高阶〔prisoner〕When he loses his temper, he takes no prisoners.他发脾气时就什么都听不进去了。外研社新世纪〔provocation〕He would lose his temper at the slightest provocation.只要稍有招惹,他就大发脾气。牛津搭配〔racket〕McEnroe received a warning for racket abuse in the second set.第二盘时,麦肯罗因发脾气乱摔球拍而受到警告。牛津搭配〔rage〕If something's too difficult she gets in a rage.如果事情太难,她就会大发脾气。牛津搭配〔rage〕Monroe was on the phone, raging about her mistreatment by the brothers.门罗正在打电话, 为兄弟们对她的虐待而大发脾气。外研社新世纪〔ratty〕He gets ratty if he doesn't get enough sleep.他要是睡眠不足动不动就发脾气。牛津高阶〔ratty〕I feel guilty about getting ratty with the children.我对孩子们乱发脾气,心里感到很内疚。朗文当代〔ruffle〕To become flustered.发脾气,烦恼美国传统〔run〕Her temper ran away with her.她按捺不住,大发脾气。英汉大词典〔seethe〕Don't go into his office now, he's seething.现在别进他的办公室,他正在大发脾气。21世纪英汉〔shirty〕He got quite shirty with me.他对我大发脾气。柯林斯高阶〔shirty〕He was/got shirty with the people who arrived late.他对迟到的人发脾气。韦氏高阶〔snippy〕I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get snippy with you.对不起,我不是故意对你发脾气的。韦氏高阶〔sorry〕I'm sorry for making such a fuss.我这样大发脾气,真是不好意思。朗文当代〔spleen〕He gave vent to his spleen.他发脾气。牛津同义词〔stroppy〕It's no use getting stroppy - I said no and I meant it! 发脾气也没用——我说不行就不行!剑桥高阶〔suggestion〕At the slightest suggestion of criticism, he loses his temper.即使是一丁点儿批评,他都会发脾气。牛津搭配〔tantrum〕All kids have the occasional tantrum.所有的孩子都会偶尔发发脾气。牛津搭配〔tantrum〕She began to throw tantrums.她开始发脾气了。英汉大词典〔tantrum〕She throws a tantrum when she can't have the toy she wants.她得不到想要的玩具就会大发脾气。朗文当代〔tearful〕Paul was tearful and shocked by how angry his father was.父亲大发脾气, 把保罗吓哭了。外研社新世纪〔temper〕It's often difficult for parents not to lose their tempers.家长们往往难以做到不发脾气。韦氏高阶〔temper〕She loses her temper easily.她动不动就发脾气。牛津搭配〔tetchy〕He was sacked for being tetchy with a titled client.他因向一位有头衔的顾客突然发脾气而被解雇。英汉大词典〔thing〕He loses his temper at the slightest thing.一丁点儿小事他都会发脾气。牛津搭配〔throw〕My mother threw a fit when she saw what a mess we'd made of her kitchen.我母亲看到我们把厨房弄得一团糟时,她大发脾气。剑桥高阶〔thump〕Some fathers might have ranted and thumped the table.有些父亲可能已经发脾气拍桌子了。外研社新世纪〔ticklish〕Easily offended or upset; touchy.易怒的,易变的:容易被触犯或打扰的;易发脾气的美国传统〔to〕Charlotte was often reduced to tears by his angry outbursts.夏洛特经常因为他大发脾气而泪流满面。麦克米伦高阶〔untypical〕Her angry outburst was untypical; she's usually a very quiet woman.她一般不会这样发脾气,平时她是一个很安静的人。剑桥高阶〔word〕When she was tired she was anxious and easily upset, and her temper flared at a word.她累的时候会焦虑, 很容易不开心, 一言不合就大发脾气。外研社新世纪Alexander throws a tantrum when he doesn't get his own way.亚历山大感到不称心,就大发脾气。剑桥国际Don't be so bad-tempered (= unpleasant to everyone)! 不要发脾气!剑桥国际Graham has a fairly equable temperament--I haven't often seen him really angry.格雷厄姆的性格相当平和----我很少见他真的发脾气。剑桥国际Her refusal to become angry with those naughty children spoke volumes for her patience. 她不对那些淘气的孩子发脾气足见她很有耐心。译典通His father is in a temper today. 他父亲今天在发脾气。译典通It's no use getting stroppy--I said no and I meant it! 发脾气也没用----我说不就是不!剑桥国际Johnny had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him any sweets.我不愿给约翰尼买糖,他便在商店里大发脾气。剑桥国际She stormed at her son for talking back. 她因儿子顶嘴而对他大发脾气。译典通There's no need to vent your anger/rage/spleen on me.你没有必要对我生气/发怒/发脾气。剑桥国际You can't lose your temper with everyone like that one minute, and expect everything/things to be (all) hunky dory the next.你不能在对每个人都那样发脾气后希望马上就事事顺心。剑桥国际You must learn to control your temper. 你必须学会克制著不发脾气。译典通




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