

单词 发给
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔allowance〕cut expenses by strictly allowancing the sales representatives. 通过严格控制发给销售代表的固定费用来削减开支美国传统〔certified〕to certify a physician发给医师执照21世纪英汉〔certify〕certify a teacher 发给教员合格证书英汉大词典〔charter〕apply for a corporate charter 申请发给公司执照英汉大词典〔communication〕a communication from the officer to the general 该军官发给将军的消息牛津搭配〔consideration〕an honorarium given in consideration of her contributions to the project. 为她在这项工程中作出的贡献而颁发给她的酬金美国传统〔dispense to〕to dispense charity to the poor把施舍物分发给穷人21世纪英汉〔distribute〕distribute the prizes among the winners 把奖品分发给获胜者英汉大词典〔distribution〕food for distribution among the homeless 分发给无家可归者的食品牛津搭配〔dole〕dole out one piece of cake a day to each monkey 每天发给每只猴子一块蛋糕英汉大词典〔dole〕to dole out food to the needy少量地发给穷人食物21世纪英汉〔dollop out〕to dollop out food to the needy发给穷人食物21世纪英汉〔incoming〕permanent-resident visas granted to incoming foreigners 发给外国移民的永久居留签证英汉大词典〔issue〕issue a passport to sb. 发给某人护照 英汉大词典〔issue〕prison-issue clothing 监狱发给的囚衣英汉大词典〔largess(e)〕distribute largess(e) to the poor 把赠与物分发给穷人们英汉大词典〔largess〕distribute largess to the poor 把赠与物分发给穷人文馨英汉〔liberality〕distribute things with liberality to the poor 将东西慷慨地分发给贫苦人英汉大词典〔memorial〕memorial plaques to local regiments. 发给驻扎本地的兵团的纪念章柯林斯高阶〔memo〕a memo from the managing director to all heads of department 总经理发给所有部门经理的一份备忘录朗文当代〔mileage〕give sb. mileage 发给某人按英里里程计算的交通补贴英汉大词典〔newcomer〕a special award for the most promising newcomer 颁发给最有前途新人的特殊奖项朗文当代〔pension〕a pension paid to a disabled soldier发给伤残军人的补助金外研社新世纪〔ration〕rations Food issued or available to members of a group. rations 给粮:发给或能发给集体成员的粮食美国传统〔recharter〕to recharter the national bank发给国家银行新的特许状21世纪英汉〔retroactive〕a court ruling requiring the company to pay the workers five years' retroactive wages 公司必须补发给工人们过去5年工资的法院裁定英汉大词典〔share〕share out food and clothing to the poor 把食品和衣服分发给穷人英汉大词典〔slop〕slops Articles of clothing and bedding issued or sold to sailors. slops (水手的)衣服,卧具:发给或卖给水手们的成套的衣物或寝具美国传统〔stamp〕food stamp benefits for legal immigrants 发给合法移民的食品救济券牛津搭配a hardship allowance for doctors working in unpleasant conditions 发给在困难条件下工作的医生的辛劳津贴牛津商务means-tested benefits 根据经济情况调查结果发给的福利牛津商务




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