

单词 制造
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bakelite〕A trademark used for any of a group of synthetic resins and plastics found in a variety of manufactured articles.电木,酚醛树脂:一种商标,用于存在于各种加工制造物品中的任何一种合成树脂或塑料制品美国传统〔FEEL〕We're trying to create an atmosphere of trust between management and staff. 我们正努力在管理层与员工之间制造一种相互信任的气氛。朗文写作活用〔MAKE〕Manufacturing industry was virtually wiped out in the UK during the 1980s. 20世纪80年代英国的制造业几乎全军覆没。朗文写作活用〔Trebbiano〕A white grape used extensively in the production of Italian wines and balsamic vinegar.特雷比亚诺葡萄:大量用于制造意大利葡萄酒和意大利香醋的白葡萄美国传统〔answer〕The Japanese never built any aircraft remotely answering to this description.日本人从未制造过与此描述有丝毫相近的飞机。柯林斯高阶〔antedate〕The pottery we found antedates the fragments in the museum.我们发现的陶器制造年代比博物院的碎片还要早。牛津同义词〔base〕A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing base.强大的经济依赖于健康的制造业基础。剑桥高阶〔black hole〕The government created a bureaucratic black hole that swallows up individual initiative.政府制造出官僚主义作风,吞噬个人创造性的大黑洞美国传统〔blowpipe〕A long, narrow iron pipe used to gather, work, and blow molten glass.(制造玻璃之)吹管:汇集、加工、吹制熔化玻璃的细长铁管美国传统〔brew〕He's brewing some sort of trouble for us all.他正给我们大伙儿制造一点儿什么麻烦呢。英汉大词典〔bring〕The manufacturer is bringing in a new model.那制造商将推出新型号。牛津同义词〔coating〕Cloth for making coats.上衣布料:制造上衣的布美国传统〔component〕Enriched uranium is a key component of a nuclear weapon.浓缩铀是制造核武器的关键成分。外研社新世纪〔contract〕The manufacturing economy contracted in October for the sixth consecutive month.10月,制造业经济已经连续第6个月出现萎缩状况。柯林斯高阶〔date〕An antique dealer had dated the vase at (= said that it was made in) 1734.古玩经销商推算那个花瓶的制造年代为1734年。剑桥高阶〔digital radio〕Manufacturers are working on a new generation of cheaper digital radios.制造商正在研制价格更便宜的新一代数字收音机。柯林斯高阶〔directive〕This approach emphasizes the directive role of the producer in determining the nature of the product.这个方法强调制造者在决定产品性质中的指导作用。外研社新世纪〔eject〕The heckler was ejected from the auditorium for creating a disturbance.起哄捣蛋分子因制造骚乱被赶出礼堂。美国传统〔feint〕To make a deceptive show of.制造假象美国传统〔guarantee against〕The makers guarantee this special glass against breakage!制造商保证这种特制玻璃不会打碎。21世纪英汉〔guiro〕A Latin American percussion instrument made of a hollow gourd with a grooved or serrated surface, played by scraping with a stick or rod.葫芦锯琴:拉丁美洲的打击乐器,以有着沟槽或是锯齿状表面的中空葫芦制造,以棍棒或是杆棒刮擦以演奏出音乐美国传统〔haute couture〕The creation of exclusive fashions for women.女性高级时装的制造美国传统〔hiding〕As regards commercial survival, a car manufacturer capable of making only 50,000 cars a year is on a hiding to nothing.谈到商业生存, 一个年产仅五万辆的汽车制造厂是活不下去的。外研社新世纪〔holophyte〕An organism that produces its own food through photosynthesis.自养的:经由行光合作用自行制造养分的有机物美国传统〔horror〕He had witnessed horrors committed by the enemy.他亲眼目睹了敌人制造的种种惨况。牛津搭配〔inappropriate〕They manufacture goods that are inappropriate for their economy.他们制造不适合他们经济的商品。文馨英汉〔juggle〕Manufacturers must be able to juggle demands of all kinds.制造商必须能够应付各种需求。21世纪英汉〔khaddar〕A coarse homespun cloth made in India.卡答布料:在印度制造质地粗糙的布料美国传统〔leader〕The company was an early leader in global manufacturing.该公司是全球制造业的早期领军者。牛津搭配〔lose〕He said some sections of the press had lost no opportunity to create the impression that she was guilty.他说某些新闻机构抓住一切机会制造她有罪的印象。外研社新世纪〔lull〕She was scared she was being lulled into happiness.她害怕自己的幸福只是别人制造的假象。外研社新世纪〔make〕Stop making so much noise! 不要再制造这么多噪声!麦克米伦高阶〔make〕The act or process of making; manufacturing.制造:制作或生产的动作或过程;生产美国传统〔manufacture〕The firm manufactures women's clothing.那家公司制造女装。麦克米伦高阶〔manufacture〕To make or process (a product), especially with the use of industrial machines.机械制造,机械加工:制造或加工(产品),尤指使用工业机械进行制造或加工美国传统〔mark〕An inscription, name, stamp, label, or seal placed on an article to signify ownership, quality, manufacture, or origin.标签:物品上的印记、名称、邮戳或封印,表明所有者、质量、制造者或其来源美国传统〔mass murderer〕War criminals, torturers and mass murderers can be brought to justice.战犯、实施酷刑的人和大屠杀制造者能够被绳之以法。外研社新世纪〔monkey pot〕A cylindrical or barrel-shaped melting pot used in making flint glass.熔料坩锅:制造火石玻璃用的圆柱形或桶形熔炉美国传统〔mousseline〕A fine sheer fabric resembling muslin, originally made in Mosul, Iraq.真丝薄绸:一种精致的、类似麦斯林沙的薄织物,最初由伊拉克的摩苏尔地区制造美国传统〔nearly〕British car workers did not earn nearly enough money to buy the products they were turning out.英国汽车工人的工资远不足以购买自己制造的产品。柯林斯高阶〔nylon〕Europe's largest producer of nylon is based in Belgium.欧洲最大的尼龙制造商总部设在比利时。柯林斯高阶〔oak〕Ships used to be made of oak.以前船舶常用栎木制造。英汉大词典〔pace〕His films were always paced so as to create maximum suspense.他的电影一般都安排得很紧凑,以制造最大的悬念。麦克米伦高阶〔pack〕Your information pack includes addresses of leading manufacturers.你的信息包里包含主要制造商的地址。牛津搭配〔perversely〕She was perversely pleased to be causing trouble.她执迷不悟, 以制造麻烦为乐。外研社新世纪〔phrase〕To make or render phrases, as in reading aloud.措辞,念辞:制造或说出短语,如朗读时美国传统〔plant〕The equipment, including machinery, tools, instruments, and fixtures and the buildings containing them, necessary for an industrial or manufacturing operation.工厂设备:工业或制造业生产所需的设备,包括机器、工具、仪器和固定装置,以及容纳它们的建筑物美国传统〔power〕The planes are powered by Rolls Royce engines.这些飞机由劳斯莱斯公司制造的发动机提供动力。外研社新世纪〔printing office〕An establishment where printed material is produced, especially one that is officially authorized.印刷所,印刷厂:制造印刷品的机构,尤指官方许可的机构美国传统〔produce〕To manufacture or create economic goods and services.大量生产:生产或制造有经济价值的产品或劳务美国传统〔return〕The manufacturer is asking for the return of all faulty models.制造商正在召回所有出现故障的型号。外研社新世纪〔rye〕The grain of this plant, used in making flour and whiskey and for livestock feed.黑麦粒:该植物的谷粒,用于制造面粉、威士忌和牲口饲料美国传统〔save-all〕A receptacle for catching the waste products of a process for further use in manufacture.省费器:一种在制造过程中用来承接废弃物以备将来之用的容器美国传统〔schematic〕A structural or procedural diagram, especially of an electrical or mechanical system.示意图:结构性或程序性图解,尤指电子或机械制造美国传统〔scream〕These verbs mean to make or give voice to a loud, piercing sound.这些动词的意思都是制造或发出响亮刺耳的声音。美国传统〔sculptor〕Abbr. sculp.One who produces sculptural artwork.缩写 sculp.雕刻家:制造雕刻艺术品的人美国传统〔semiconductor〕Semiconductors are used for making integrated circuits and computers.半导体用于制造集成电路和计算机。剑桥高阶〔service〕Mining rose by 9.1%, manufacturing by 9.4% and services by 4.3%.采矿业增长了 9.1%, 制造业增长了 9.4%,服务业增长了 4.3%。柯林斯高阶〔slant〕The findings of the report had been slanted in favour of the manufacturers.报告中的调查结果偏袒制造商。牛津高阶〔spandex〕A synthetic fiber or fabric made from a polymer containing polyurethane, used in the manufacture of elastic clothing.氨纶:一种由含聚氨脂聚合物制成的合成纤维或纤维物质,用以制造弹性衣物美国传统〔statement〕Glass, exposed beams, and antiques all combine to make a strong decorative statement.将玻璃、裸露的柱子和古董结合在一起制造出强烈的装饰效果美国传统〔thrombopoiesis〕The formation of blood platelets.血小板形成,血小板制造:血小板的形成美国传统〔time bomb〕By ignoring the wishes of their employees, the managers are setting/creating a time bomb for themselves.忽视了雇员的愿望,管理人员等于是在给自己埋下/制造一颗定时炸弹。剑桥高阶〔today〕Cars aren't built today like they were 30 years ago.现代的汽车制造与30年前不同了。韦氏高阶〔tracheotomy〕The act or procedure of cutting into the trachea through the neck, as to make an artificial opening for breathing.气管切开术:通过颈部切入气管的行为或程序,以制造人工呼吸通道美国传统〔tracking〕U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks.美国制造商将会发现出口热戛然而止。柯林斯高阶〔trypsinogen〕The inactive precursor of trypsin, produced by the pancreas and converted to trypsin in the small intestine by enterokinase.胰蛋白酶原:胰蛋白酶的惰性前体;由胰制造并由肠激酶在小肠内转化为胰蛋白酶美国传统〔turnkey〕More and more manufacturers are offering to tailor-make a turnkey system from their own components.越来越多的制造商利用自己的部件为客户定制即时可用的系统。剑桥高阶〔unaccountable〕Despite all the problems he has caused, he remains unaccountable for his mistakes.尽管制造了那么多麻烦,他仍然无须对自己的错误负责。韦氏高阶〔undercut〕To create an overhang by cutting material away from, as in carving.雕出(花样):象雕刻中切去…一部分以制造一突出部分美国传统〔until〕I was employed by a manufacturing company until 1999.我在一家制造公司一直干到1999年。麦克米伦高阶〔vibration〕Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce vibration for the sake of safety.飞机制造商出于安全的考虑而想要减轻震动。剑桥高阶〔wheelwright〕One that builds and repairs wheels.车轮修造工:制造、修理轮子的人美国传统〔wilful〕Wilful neglect of our manufacturing industry has caused this problem.故意忽略我们的制造业引起了这个问题。柯林斯高阶〔yard〕An area where railroad trains are made up and cars are switched, stored, and serviced on tracks and sidings.修车场:制造火车并在轨道和侧线上对车厢进行调试、贮放和维修的地方美国传统Car manufacturers argue that the more stringent pollution standards will increase prices.汽车制造商辩称愈加严格的污染标准将提高汽车的价格。剑桥国际It is vital for a manufacturer to have a reliable supply base (= a number of companies that supply materials, parts, etc.) 制造商有一个可靠的供应基地是至关重要的。牛津商务Japanese carmakers are coming to the market with more efficient engines.日本汽车制造商将更高效能的发动机带入市场。牛津商务Manufacturers will have to foot the bill for recycling their products.制造商不得不负担把产品循环再用的费用。牛津商务Phosphorus is used in making matches.磷用于制造火柴。剑桥国际She bought a dinner set of Chinese make. 她买了一套中国制造的餐具。译典通The Japanese company is looking for a tie-up with a European car manufacturer.这家日本公司正在寻求与一家欧洲汽车制造商之间的合作。牛津商务The UK's deficit in manufactured goods fell slightly in the last three months.英国在制造加工产品上的亏损在过去的三个月里略有下降。剑桥国际The aircraft maker announced a further 1 000 cuts (= in the number of employees) last week.这飞机制造公司上星期宣布再裁减 1 000 人。牛津商务The company is Europe's centre of excellence for producing aircraft engines.这公司是欧洲制造飞机引擎的卓越中心。牛津商务The economy's underlying strength is evident from the rise in manufacturing production.从制造业生产的上升中可清楚地看到经济的潜力。剑桥国际The latest model of computer was designed in our Luton office and produced by a subcontractor in Asia.这最新款式电脑是由我们卢顿公司负责设计并由一家亚洲分包公司制造的。剑桥国际The manufacturer's core brands include Zanussi and AEG.制造商的核心品牌有 Zanussi 和 AEG。牛津商务The manufacturers are really pushing this new shampoo.制造商们实际上在推销这种新的洗发剂。剑桥国际The manufacturers helpfully provide an instruction manual.制造商提供了一份便利的操作手册。剑桥国际The parts are made in China and shipped to Scotland for final assembly.这些部件在中国制造,并运到苏格兰进行最后的组装。牛津商务The police said 100lb of Semtex were used to make the bomb.警方说100磅捷克产的烈性炸药被用来制造这枚炸弹。剑桥国际These cars are built by robots.这些汽车是机器人制造的。牛津商务They are using a new process to make glass. 他们正在用一种新方法制造玻璃。译典通They have stopped manufacturing in the UK due to high labour costs.由于劳动力成本高昂,他们已停止在英国制造。牛津商务They rank among the top ten PC makers.他们跻身十大个人电脑制造商之列。牛津商务This price represents a saving of $ 13 off the manufacturer's recommended retail price.该价格比制造商的建议零售价还要低13美元。剑桥国际To make diamond, the crystallization of carbon must be done at extremely high pressure.要制造钻石,碳的晶化必须在超高压下进行。剑桥国际Toyota, Japan's largest carmaker 日本最大的汽车制造商丰田公司牛津商务Vehicle manufacturers are among the largest corporate issuers of dollar bonds.汽车制造商身居最大的美元债券发行企业之列。牛津商务




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