

单词 喷气式
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕Less than 24 hours after this cross-border raid, army jets hit back with a devastating air strike. 这次越界侵袭之后不到24小时,军队的喷气式飞机就进行了反击,发动了一次毁灭性的空袭。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕The P-50 is a forerunner of today's supersonic jet. P-50型飞机是现今超音速喷气式飞机的先导。朗文写作活用〔FAST〕The era of high-speed jet travel began after the end of World War II. 第二次世界大战结束后,高速喷气式飞机旅行的时代就开始了。朗文写作活用〔MACHINE〕Some residents fear the crops would attract birds that might be sucked into jet engines. 一些居民担心这些农作物会引来鸟类,鸟可能会被吸到喷气式引擎里去。朗文写作活用〔additive〕Jet fuel is a blend of kerosene and additives.喷气式飞机燃料是煤油和添加剂的混合物。外研社新世纪〔aircraft〕Three men were flying in a light aircraft at low altitude when a passenger jet approached.三个男子正驾驶着一架轻型飞机在低空飞行,这时一架喷气式客机跟了上来。牛津搭配〔airplane〕Any of various winged vehicles capable of flight, generally heavier than air and driven by jet engines or propellers.飞机:各种能够飞行的带翼交通工具,通常比空气重,用喷气式发动机或螺旋桨驱动美国传统〔airspace〕The jet had crossed into Russian airspace.那架喷气式飞机穿越了俄罗斯领空。牛津搭配〔approve〕He personally approved a huge contract for 20 jets.他以个人名义批准了 20 架喷气式飞机的巨额合同。牛津搭配〔arc〕The jet trail formed a perfect arc in the sky.喷气式飞机的飞行轨迹在空中形成一个完美的弧形。牛津搭配〔boom〕We heard the sonic boom of a jet overhead.我们听到头上喷气式飞机的声爆。牛津搭配〔buzz〕Military jets buzzed the city.军用喷气式飞机在城市上空低飞。朗文当代〔cantilever〕A turbojet aircraft contains many cantilevers.涡轮喷气式飞机上有很多张臂梁。外研社新世纪〔catapult〕Six jet-fighters catapulted from the deck of the carrier.六架喷气式战斗机从航空母舰的甲板上弹射起飞。21世纪英汉〔charter〕He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.他包了一架喷气式飞机把她从加利福尼亚送回瑞士的家。外研社新世纪〔consumption〕The jet's high fuel consumption makes it expensive to operate.这种喷气式飞机的高油耗导致其运营成本很高。韦氏高阶〔course〕Jets coursed the area daily.喷气式飞机天天飞越该地区。英汉大词典〔disengage〕The spaceship will disengage from the jet, fire a rocket, and head out of the atmosphere.航天器将与喷气式飞机相脱离, 使火箭点火, 然后飞出大气层。外研社新世纪〔dive〕The jet rolled into a dive.喷气式飞机旋转俯冲。韦氏高阶〔down〕Our pilots have downed 13 enemy jets.我方飞行员已击落了13架敌人的喷气式飞机。英汉大词典〔drag〕The jet's sleek design reduces drag.喷气式飞机的流线型造型设计可以减少空气阻力。韦氏高阶〔duck〕The jets ducked low over the fields.几架喷气式飞机急剧下降,在田野低空掠过。英汉大词典〔explode〕The jet smashed into a hillside and exploded.喷气式飞机撞上山坡爆炸了。牛津高阶〔fanfare〕The new jet was introduced with great fanfare.这种新型喷气式飞机的产品介绍铺天盖地。韦氏高阶〔flameout〕Failure of a jet aircraft engine, especially in flight, caused by the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber.熄火:尤指在喷气式飞机飞行中由于燃烧室内火焰熄灭而造成的发动机失灵美国传统〔flash〕A jet plane flashed by (或 past).一架喷气式飞机在空中掠过。英汉大词典〔flash〕A jet plane flashed by.一架喷气式飞机在空中掠过。21世纪英汉〔fly〕He flies jets.他开喷气式飞机。韦氏高阶〔formation〕He was flying in formation with seven other jets.他正与另外七架喷气式飞机编队飞行。外研社新世纪〔glamour〕Jumbo jets somehow lack the glamour of the transatlantic liner.搭大型喷气式飞机不像乘横渡大西洋的客轮那么有诱惑力。牛津搭配〔go〕Two jet fighters went racing across the sky.两架喷气式战斗机快速地划过天空。麦克米伦高阶〔hop〕This jumbo can cover up to 10290 miles a hop.这架巨型喷气式客机能一次飞行10290英里。英汉大词典〔impound〕They threatened to blow up the impounded jet.他们扬言要炸掉被扣押的喷气式飞机。英汉大词典〔intention〕We have no intention of buying American jets.我们无意购买美国喷气式飞机。柯林斯高阶〔jet in〕Fresh seafood is jetted in from all over the world.新鲜的海产品用喷气式飞机从世界各地运来。外研社新世纪〔jet in〕He had jetted in to Paris to see his old friend.他乘坐喷气式飞机到巴黎看望他的老朋友。外研社新世纪〔jet in〕The guests were jetted in on a private plane.宾客们乘坐的是一架私人喷气式飞机。外研社新世纪〔jet off〕She's jetting off on a two-week holiday.她正乘坐喷气式飞机进行为期两周的假期旅行。外研社新世纪〔jet propulsion〕Propulsion derived from the rearward expulsion of matter in a jet stream, especially propulsion by jet engines.喷气推进:由尾部形成喷气流所实现的驱动,特别指由喷气式发动机推进的美国传统〔jetfighter〕A jet-propelled fighter aircraft.喷气式战斗机美国传统〔jetliner〕A large passenger jet airplane.大型的喷气式客机美国传统〔jetpack〕A backpack that is maneuvered by jets and permits an astronaut to move about alone in space away from a spacecraft.背包:装有喷气式动力装置且可以使宇航员在离开宇宙飞船后能独自在宇宙空间行走的背包美国传统〔jetport〕An airport equipped for jet aircraft.装备有喷气式飞机的机场美国传统〔jet〕He and his wife, Val, will be jetting off on a two-week holiday in America.他和妻子瓦尔将乘喷气式飞机飞往美国度假两周。柯林斯高阶〔jet〕He flew to Bermuda in his private jet.他乘自己的私人喷气式飞机飞到了百慕大。牛津搭配〔jet〕He had arrived from Jersey by jet.他乘喷气式飞机从泽西飞来。柯林斯高阶〔jet〕He had arrived from Jersey by jet.他乘坐喷气式飞机从泽西来到了这里。外研社新世纪〔jet〕He jetted (off) to Tokyo for a conference.他坐喷气式飞机去东京参加一个会。英汉大词典〔jet〕He was photographed boarding his private jet.他在登上自己的私人喷气式飞机时被拍到了。牛津搭配〔jet〕Her private jet landed in the republic on the way to Japan.她的私人喷气式飞机在前往日本的途中降落在该共和国境内。柯林斯高阶〔jet〕She was flown by private jet to the capital.她由私人喷气式飞机送达首都。牛津搭配〔jet〕The accident happened as the jet was about to take off.事故是在喷气式飞机正要起飞时发生的。牛津高阶〔jet〕The airplane jetted at an speed of 600 miles an hour.飞机以每小时600英里的速度作喷气式飞行。21世纪英汉〔jet〕The pilot had to land the jet in a field.飞行员不得不把喷气式飞机降落在一片田野中。牛津搭配〔jet〕They spend a great deal of time jetting around the world.他们花了大量时间乘坐喷气式飞机环游世界。外研社新世纪〔lease〕A jet on lease to a rock group has been wrecked by vandals.租给一支摇滚乐队的喷气式飞机被恶意破坏者严重毁坏了。外研社新世纪〔narrow-bodied〕Being or designating a jet aircraft having a narrow fuselage with seats for passengers on either side of a single aisle running the length of the fuselage.窄身的:有窄机舱的喷气式飞机的,在有机舱的长度的单通道每一边有乘客座位美国传统〔overrun〕The new jet had overrun the landing field.那架新型的喷气式飞机滑出了降落场。英汉大词典〔passenger〕This is the biggest passenger jet the world has seen.这是迄今为止世界上最大的喷气式客机。外研社新世纪〔peel off〕One of the jets peeled off from the formation and headed back.有一架喷气式飞机脱离编队返航。韦氏高阶〔plummet〕The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.这架喷气式飞机突然着火,急速坠地。柯林斯高阶〔plummet〕The jet burst into flames and plummeted to the ground.这架喷气式飞机突然起火, 急速坠地。外研社新世纪〔plummet〕The jet plummeted into a row of houses.那架喷气式飞机一头栽进一排房子里。牛津高阶〔pound〕Air force jets have been pounding rebel positions all day.空军的喷气式飞机整天都在轰炸叛军的据点。麦克米伦高阶〔prance〕She prances down catwalks and jets from party to premiere.她趾高气扬地走秀, 乘喷气式飞机穿梭于晚会和首映式。外研社新世纪〔private〕Morris has a private jet.莫里斯拥有一架私人喷气式飞机。朗文当代〔pull out〕The jet was descending steeply, but its pilot was able to pull it out just in time.这架喷气式飞机直线下降,但飞行员及时制止了飞机的俯冲。21世纪英汉〔revolutionary〕Jet-weary travellers would like to see the development of a revolutionary drug capable of instantly shifting circadian rhythms over to destination times.疲于喷气式飞行的旅客都希望看到一种革命性新药的研制,这种药物可立即把昼夜生理节律调节到飞行目的地的时间轨道。英汉大词典〔roll〕Australia will roll out the prototype of its new jet fighter in January.澳大利亚将于1月份推出新型喷气式战斗机的样机。麦克米伦高阶〔schedule〕The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.喷气式飞机提前两分钟到达了约翰内斯堡。柯林斯高阶〔schedule〕The jet arrived in Johannesburg two minutes ahead of schedule.喷气式飞机比计划提前了两分钟到达约翰内斯堡。外研社新世纪〔scramjet〕A ramjet airplane engine designed for hypersonic flight that burns fuel in the supersonic airstream produced by the plane.超音速冲压喷气发动机:一种喷气式飞机发动机,设计用于极超音速飞行,燃料在由飞机产生的超音速气流中燃烧美国传统〔scream〕Jet planes screamed through the air.喷气式飞机在空中呼啸而过美国传统〔service〕That type of jet went out of service long ago.那种喷气式飞机早已停止使用。英汉大词典〔skim〕A jetliner appeared to skim buildings in the city.一架喷气式客机几乎擦着城市建筑物的顶部飞过。英汉大词典〔skyward〕Everyone looked skyward as the jets passed by.喷气式飞机飞过时,大家都仰头看。韦氏高阶〔smooth〕The jet made a smooth landing.这架喷气式飞机平稳降落。朗文当代〔superjet〕A supersonic jet airplane.超音速喷气式飞机美国传统〔test〕Rigorous safety tests are being carried out on the new jet.新型喷气式飞机正在进行严格的安全试验。牛津搭配〔the jet set〕She spends the summer jet-setting around the fashionable European resorts.这个夏天她乘喷气式飞机来往于欧洲各个时尚的度假胜地。剑桥高阶〔thunder〕Jets thundered overhead.喷气式飞机在头上轰隆地飞行。韦氏高阶〔totem〕Private jets are a totem of success among extremely wealthy people.私人喷气式飞机在极其富有的人当中是成功的象征。韦氏高阶〔tracking〕Our radar began tracking the jets.我们的雷达开始追踪喷气式飞机的动向。柯林斯高阶〔track〕Our radar began tracking the jets.我们的雷达开始追踪那架喷气式飞机的航迹。外研社新世纪〔turbojet〕A jet engine having a turbine-driven compressor and developing thrust from the exhaust of hot gases.涡轮喷气发动机:一种喷气式发动机,有一个涡轮推动的压气机,通过排出热气而产生推力美国传统〔turboprop〕A turbojet engine used to drive an external propeller.涡轮螺旋桨发动机:一种用于推动外部螺旋桨的涡轮喷气式发动机美国传统〔turn〕The jet began to turn off the main runway.那架喷气式飞机开始拐出主跑道。牛津高阶〔veer〕Moments before crashing, the jet was seen veering sharply to the right.坠机之前的一瞬间,有人看见那架喷气式飞机猛地转向右方。剑桥高阶〔violate〕Enemy jets have repeatedly violated the Allied no-fly zone.敌人的喷气式飞机反复闯入同盟国的禁飞区。麦克米伦高阶〔wide-bodied〕Being or relating to a jet aircraft having a wide fuselage with passenger seats divided by two lengthwise aisles.机身宽大的:机身宽、由两个纵向通道分开乘客坐位的一种喷气式飞机的美国传统〔wide-bodied〕Most of the planes which carry passengers across the Atlantic are wide-bodied jets.大多数飞越大西洋上空的客机都是宽体喷气式飞机。剑桥高阶A man armed with a pistol hijacked a jet that was travelling to Paris early today and demanded payment of $125 000.一名持枪男子于今天早些时候劫持了一架飞往巴黎的喷气式飞机,并勒索125000 美元。剑桥国际An advanced jet fighter is being developed which will fly at twice the speed of sound.人们正在开发一种速度为声速两倍的先进的喷气式战斗机。剑桥国际Future versions of the Boeing 747 will have a wingspan at least 30 ft wider than today's jumbos.未来波音747飞机的翼展将比现在的巨型喷气式飞机至少多出30英尺。剑桥国际She spends the summer jet-setting around the fashionable European resorts.这个夏天她坐喷气式飞机游览了许多时髦的欧洲名胜。剑桥国际She's certified to work on jet engines.她具备从事喷气式发动机工作的专业资格。牛津商务The Boeing 737 is the world's best-selling jet airliner.波音737是全球畅销的喷气式航空班机。剑桥国际The President is jetting in from Washington tonight.总统将在今天晚上坐喷气式飞机从华盛顿抵达。剑桥国际The jet levelled off at 10 000 feet.喷气式飞机在10 000英尺的高度开始水平飞行。剑桥国际We flew to New York by jet.我们乘了喷气式飞机去纽约。剑桥国际




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