

单词 化学工业
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chemical〕The chemical industry produces such things as petrochemicals, drugs, and rubber.化学工业生产诸如石化产品、药品、橡胶之类的东西。剑桥高阶〔demerge〕Zeneca was at last demerged from its parent firm, ICI.捷利康公司终于从其母公司——帝国化学工业集团中分离出来了。外研社新世纪〔gird〕Chemical and steel industries are girding to fight for substantial changes.化学工业和钢铁工业正准备争取重大改革。英汉大词典The Middle East's petro-chemical industry began in 1908 with an oil strike in Persia.中东的石油化学工业开始于1908年,那时在波斯发现了油。剑桥国际The chemical industry produces such things as petrochemicals, drugs, paint and rubber.化学工业生产诸如石化产品、药品、涂料和橡胶之类的东西。剑桥国际The estimated worth of the plastics and pertochemical industry is about $ 640 billion.塑料与石油化学工业的估计价值大约为6400亿美元。剑桥国际There is growing concern in the chemical industry about safety standards in the workplace.在化学工业中,工作场所的安全标准正受到越来越多的关心。剑桥国际




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