

单词 加报
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔NEWS〕There wasn't much about the event in the media. 这件事媒体没有多加报道。朗文写作活用〔bonus〕Each of these nouns denotes a form of extra payment.这些名词都代表一种附加报酬形式。美国传统〔exact〕He exacted(= took)a terrible revenge for their treatment of him.他因受他们的虐待而痛加报复。牛津高阶〔guilty〕Some journalists are guilty of reporting scandal in order to sell papers.有些记者为增加报纸销量而去报道丑闻,这种做法不对。朗文当代〔prominence〕Every newspaper gave prominence to the success of England's cricketers.各家报纸都对英格兰板球运动员的成功大加报道。朗文当代〔revenge〕Man may destroy the balance of nature, but, from time to time, nature takes a terrible revenge.人类可以破坏自然的平衡,但自然会不时痛加报复。英汉大词典Restaurant-goers ought to complain more about bad food and service.常去餐馆的人会更加报怨劣质的食物和服务。剑桥国际The assistants will receive auxiliary rates of pay.助手们可获得附加报酬。剑桥国际




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