

单词 午夜
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EMPTY〕I want to record the late-night movie. Do we have any blank video cassettes? 我想把这部午夜电影录下来,我们有空的录像带吗?朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕Everyone left at about midnight, leaving the newlyweds alone at last. 大家都在午夜时分离开了,终于让这对新婚夫妇单独在一起。朗文写作活用〔MYSTERIOUS〕He was seen leaving the building at midnight with two men -- it was all very mysterious. 有人看见他在午夜时候和两个男子一起离开大楼—这非常神秘。朗文写作活用〔about〕The snow began about midnight.午夜前后开始下雪。21世纪英汉〔admission〕There is no admission after midnight.午夜之后不得进入。外研社新世纪〔almost〕It was almost midnight.午夜将近。朗文当代〔and〕All day crowds have been arriving and by midnight thousands of people packed the square.整个白天陆续有大批人到来, 午夜时有几千人聚集在广场上。外研社新世纪〔arrive〕Sharon's baby arrived just after midnight.刚过午夜,莎伦的孩子就出生了。朗文当代〔beating-up〕They were trying to beat the midnight deadline.他们要努力赶在午夜的最后期限之前完成。柯林斯高阶〔beyond〕He still stayed there beyond midnight.过了午夜他仍待在那儿。21世纪英汉〔beyond〕The disco went on until beyond midnight.迪斯科舞会一直持续到午夜以后。朗文当代〔break-in〕The break-in had occurred just before midnight.入室行窃就发生在午夜前。外研社新世纪〔calculate〕I calculated that he would arrive at midnight.我估计他将在午夜到达。21世纪英汉〔close〕It is close on midnight.时近午夜。牛津高阶〔comatose〕By midnight I was virtually comatose.到了午夜时分,我差不多昏睡过去了。剑桥高阶〔come〕If they don't come to a decision by midnight, the talks will be abandoned.如果他们到午夜还不能作出决定,那么就会放弃会谈。朗文当代〔deep〕By midnight, there were customers standing six deep (= in six rows) at the bar.到午夜时分,吧台边已经围站了6层顾客。剑桥高阶〔descriptive〕The black cat was given the descriptive name “Midnight.” 这只黑猫被人起了个形象的名字叫“午夜”。韦氏高阶〔devil〕He drives himself on, working like the devil from seven in the morning until midnight.他不断敦促自己,从早上 7 点一直拼命工作到午夜。柯林斯高阶〔didn't〕We didn't get to our hotel until after midnight.午夜过后我们才到达酒店。剑桥高阶〔expressly〕I expressly told you to be home by midnight.我明确告诉过你,你得在午夜前到家。剑桥高阶〔extension〕There was a bar extension until midnight.酒吧延时营业至午夜。麦克米伦高阶〔film〕We stayed in to watch the late-night film .我们呆在家里看午夜电影。朗文当代〔finally〕We finally arrived home at midnight.我们终于在午夜时分回到家里。麦克米伦高阶〔finally〕We finally got home at midnight.我们终于在午夜时分到了家。剑桥高阶〔form〕By midnight ice was already forming on the roads.到了午夜,路上已开始结冰。朗文当代〔get in〕Her husband was out late last night. He didn't get in until almost midnight.她丈夫昨夜很晚还在外面,快到午夜了才回来。韦氏高阶〔going on〕It was going on midnight when we left the party.我们离开聚会时都快午夜了。剑桥高阶〔gone〕It's gone midnight.过了午夜了。外研社新世纪〔house〕If he set his alarm clock for midnight, it would wake the whole house.如果他把闹钟设在午夜响,那会把全家人都吵醒的。柯林斯高阶〔illuminated〕His illuminated watch dial showed it was shortly after midnight.他那发光的手表字盘显示出此时刚过午夜。英汉大词典〔it〕It was nearly midnight when we got home.我们到家时已近午夜。麦克米伦高阶〔joint〕We arrived at the club just before midnight and the joint was already jumping (= busy).我们午夜前夕到达俱乐部,那里已经人声鼎沸了。剑桥高阶〔just on〕It was just on midnight.那会儿正好是午夜。韦氏高阶〔land〕It was after midnight by the time we landed.我们到达时已过了午夜。麦克米伦高阶〔linger on〕We lingered on until after midnight.我们一直呆到午夜之后才离去。21世纪英汉〔liven up〕George livened up after midnight.乔治午夜后活跃了起来。外研社新世纪〔liven up〕George livens up after midnight, relaxing a little.午夜过后,乔治来了劲,人也活跃起来。柯林斯高阶〔lock ... out〕He was locked out because he came back after midnight.由于午夜以后回来,他被关在了门外。21世纪英汉〔lower〕The phonograph was lowered a little before midnight.唱机的声音在午夜前放低了一些。英汉大词典〔mainly〕I mainly go to bed around midnight.我通常午夜前后睡觉。剑桥高阶〔make〕Make sure you're home by midnight.你务必得午夜前到家。剑桥高阶〔midnight sun〕The sun as seen at midnight during the summer within the Arctic and Antarctic regions.子夜太阳:南极和北极地区在夏季午夜可以看见的太阳美国传统〔midnight〕By the time he arrived, it was well past midnight (=after midnight) .他到的时候早就过了午夜。朗文当代〔midnight〕Downstairs in the hall, midnight struck.楼下大厅里响起了午夜的钟声。牛津搭配〔midnight〕It is totally out of the question to postpone the midnight deadline.想要推迟午夜的最后期限是完全不可能的。外研社新世纪〔midnight〕It's just after midnight.刚过午夜。麦克米伦高阶〔midnight〕She went to bed at midnight.她在午夜就寝。文馨英汉〔midnight〕The church clock struck midnight.教堂敲响了午夜的钟声。牛津搭配〔midnight〕There's a great film on TV at midnight.午夜时段电视上会播一部好片子。剑桥高阶〔midnight〕You can't phone her now – it's gone midnight (=after midnight) ! 你现在不能打电话给她,都过午夜了!朗文当代〔news〕I usually watch the early evening/late night news.我通常收看晚间/午夜新闻。剑桥高阶〔notwithstanding〕He still went home, notwithstanding the midnight.尽管已近午夜,他还是回家去了。21世纪英汉〔now〕From now on the gates will be locked at midnight.从现在开始,大门将在午夜上锁。剑桥高阶〔offensive〕They launched the land offensive in the middle of the night.他们在午夜发动了地面进攻。剑桥高阶〔over〕The guards change over at midnight.卫兵在午夜换岗。朗文当代〔past〕It was past midnight when she got home.她回到家已过了午夜。文馨英汉〔past〕It was past midnight when the party ended.派对结束的时候已经过了午夜。朗文当代〔peal〕Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.午夜时刻一到, 教堂钟声齐鸣。外研社新世纪〔peal〕Church bells pealed at the stroke of midnight.教堂大钟在午夜敲响。柯林斯高阶〔present〕She presents the late-night news.她主持午夜新闻。剑桥高阶〔press〕The newspaper will go to press at midnight.报纸将在午夜付印。剑桥高阶〔rate〕At this rate we shall not get to our destination before midnight.照这样的速度走,我们午夜前赶不到目的地。英汉大词典〔rev〕He requires little sleep. He'd start revving up as midnight approaches.他不需要多睡觉,时近午夜,他往往刚开始干得来劲。英汉大词典〔rule〕The music was turned off at midnight, in accordance with the rules.根据规定,音乐在午夜停止播放了。牛津搭配〔shore〕We sailed until midnight, hugging the shore.我们紧靠岸边航行,直到午夜。牛津搭配〔small hours〕The early hours after midnight.凌晨时分:午夜过后早上的时间美国传统〔so〕Neil left just after midnight and so did Roz.尼尔午夜刚过就走了,罗兹也走了。剑桥高阶〔start ... off〕They started off to Normandie at midnight.他们在午夜踏上了开赴诺曼底的征程。21世纪英汉〔stay〕The store will stay open until midnight tonight.商店今晚将营业到午夜。韦氏高阶〔strike〕Midnight had just struck when I went upstairs to bed.我上楼睡觉时时钟刚刚敲过午夜12点。剑桥高阶〔strike〕The town hall clock struck midnight.市政厅的钟敲响了午夜的钟声。麦克米伦高阶〔tolerable〕He fell asleep just past midnight with tolerable ease.他刚过午夜就睡着了,睡得还算安稳。柯林斯高阶〔treaty〕The treaty comes into force at midnight on December 31.条约于 12 月 31 日午夜生效。牛津搭配〔turn〕It's just turned midnight.刚刚过了午夜。麦克米伦高阶〔turn〕It's turned midnight.已过了午夜。牛津高阶〔twelvish〕He came at twelvish.他午夜时分来了。外研社新世纪〔ultimatum〕Their ultimatum expires at midnight.他们的最后通牒午夜时到期。麦克米伦高阶〔until〕He didn't come home until midnight.他到午夜才回家。文馨英汉〔until〕We didn't eat till past midnight.直到过了午夜我们才吃东西。剑桥高阶〔want〕It wants twelve minutes of midnight.差12分到午夜12点。21世纪英汉〔want〕It wants twelve minutes of midnight.离午夜还差12分钟。英汉大词典〔watch〕The first watch is from now until midnight.第一班从现在开始到午夜。朗文当代〔well〕I can't catch the bus - there are no buses after midnight, as you well know.我没法坐公共汽车——午夜过后就没有公共汽车了,你很清楚这一点。剑桥高阶All the stores on the street were shuttered at midnight. 午夜街上所有的商店都关门了。译典通As from/of now/ From now on (= From this moment and always in the future) the gates will be locked at midnight.从现在开始大门将在午夜上锁。剑桥国际At midnight they all decided to go bathing.午夜时分他们都决定去游泳。剑桥国际By midnight the children were tired and fretful (=complaining a lot because they were unhappy).到午夜时,孩子们既疲倦又烦躁不安。剑桥国际He returned in the small hours. 他午夜过后才回来。译典通I expressly (= clearly) told you to be home by midnight.我明确地告诉过你要在午夜前回家。剑桥国际I had intended leaving the party before midnight but stayed rather later. 我原本打算午夜前离开聚会的,但却待到很晚。剑桥国际I told you quite explicitly (= clearly) to be home by midnight.我相当清楚地告诉过你要在午夜之前回家。剑桥国际I want you home by midnight. And I mean midnight.我要你在午夜前回家,记住是午夜。剑桥国际It was going on midnight when we left the party.我们离开晚会时已将近午夜了。剑桥国际She presents the late-night news.她主持午夜新闻。剑桥国际She set the television to the Midnight News. 她将电视机调到午夜新闻档。译典通The debate did not come to a conclusion until midnight. 辩论直到午夜才结束。译典通The passage describes the slasher (= person who damages or kills by using a knife) breaking into a house after midnight to find a girl asleep.这一段描述了持刀袭击者在午夜后闯入一所房子发现一个睡着的女孩。剑桥国际The rotisserie on the corner of Waldorf Street stays open until midnight.沃尔多夫街拐角上的烤肉店一直开到午夜。剑桥国际We'll be lucky if we get there by midnight at this rate.如果能以此速度在午夜时分到达那儿,我们就算幸运的了。剑桥国际




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