

单词 制版
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aquatint〕An etching made by this process.蚀刻工艺品:用细点腐蚀制版法制作的蚀刻工艺品美国传统〔cerotype〕The process of preparing a printing surface for electrotyping by first engraving on a wax-coated metal plate.蜡模,蜡刻制版法:一种通过先在涂蜡金属板上刻字来准备电版印刷平面的工序美国传统〔chase〕A rectangular steel or iron frame into which pages or columns of type are locked for printing or plate making.版框:印刷或制版过程中用以固定页或各种栏的长方形钢框或铁框美国传统〔collotype〕A print made by this process.柯罗版:由此制版术制成的印刷品美国传统〔dub〕A dubbed copy of a tape or record.录音带的复制版美国传统〔enlargement〕Something that has been enlarged, especially a photographic reproduction or a copy larger than the original print or negative.放大的照片:被扩大了的事物,尤指照片、复制品或比原先版或底片大的复制版美国传统〔photo-offset〕A method of offset printing using photomechanical plates.照相平版胶印法:利用照相制版胶印的方法美国传统〔photoengrave〕To reproduce by photoengraving; make a photoengraving of.通过照相凸版制版法复制;制作…照相凸版美国传统〔photoengraving〕The process of reproducing graphic material by transferring the image photographically to a plate or another surface, which is then etched for printing.照相凸版制版法:通过照相似地将影像传送到一个印板或其它表面,从而复制图表资料的过程美国传统〔photomechanical〕Of, relating to, or involving any of various methods by which plates are prepared for printing by means of photography.照相制版(工艺)的:通过拍照的途径来准备印刷用的印版方法的;与之有关的;涉及此制版的美国传统〔phototypography〕Photomechanical printing that resembles metal typography.照相凸版制版法;照排文字版印刷:与金属凸版印刷类似的照相制版印刷美国传统〔plate〕He learned to plate expertly while still a boy.当他还是孩子的时候,就学会了如何制版。21世纪英汉〔plate〕Printing To make a stereotype or electrotype from.【印刷术】 制版:从…制铅版或电版美国传统〔press〕To make (a phonograph record or videodisk) from a mold or matrix.制版:按模型或模板制造(唱片或录像片)美国传统〔process〕Any of various photomechanical or photoengraving methods.照相制版术:照相工艺或照相制版的方法美国传统〔process〕His dad had a job as a process artist colour-inking the printing plates.他父亲是为印版上色的照相制版师。外研社新世纪〔tusche〕A black liquid used for drawing in lithography and as a resist in etching and silk-screen work.制版墨:一种供平版印刷绘制图像,以及在腐蚀和丝网印刷时作耐蚀膜用的黑色液体美国传统〔whiteprint〕A photomechanical copy, usually of a line drawing, in which black or colored lines appear on a white background.白背景印相:通常是线条画的照相制版印相,是在白色背景上印黑色或彩色的线条美国传统The company's bankers are aiming to sell the studio for $7 bn.这公司的银行正打算以 70 亿元的价格出售这家制版厂。牛津商务




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