

单词 反针
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔knit〕Knit one row, purl one row.织一趟平针,织一趟反针。牛津高阶〔purl stitch〕An inverted knitting stitch, often alternated with the knit stitch to produce a ribbed effect.反针:通常与正针交替使用以达到罗纹效果的反向编织的针美国传统〔purl〕Inversion of a knit stitch; purl stitch.反针;朝上针美国传统〔purl〕Knit one, purl one.织一针平针,再织一针反针。剑桥高阶〔purl〕Purl across the row.沿着这一排织反针。韦氏高阶〔purl〕Purl for 3 rows.以反针织三排。英汉大词典〔seam〕To form ridges in by purling.(在编织物上)织棱线:通过反针在…上形成边美国传统〔stitch〕Purl and plain are the two main stitches in knitting.反针和平针是编织中的两种主要织法。朗文当代〔stockinette stitch〕A knitting pattern made by alternating rows of plain stitches and purl stitches.隔行正反针编织法:用轮流替换的正针与反针交织编行的一种编织方法美国传统I know how to do plain knitting, but I can't purl.我知道怎样织平针,但不会织反针。剑桥国际Knit a row of plain, followed by a row of purl.织一排平针,然后再织一排反针。剑桥国际Knit one, purl one.织一平针,再织一反针。剑桥国际




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