

单词 匆匆
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔MAKE〕to make something quickly using whatever materials you have 利用手头的材料匆匆做成某物朗文写作活用〔barricade〕throw up barricades across the streets 在各条街道匆匆筑起路障英汉大词典〔buzz〕buzz in 匆匆地进来英汉大词典〔cram〕cram up on mathematics 临时匆匆准备应付数学考试英汉大词典〔flight〕her hurried flight from the palace in a cart. 她坐着马车匆匆逃离王宫柯林斯高阶〔flight〕her hurried flight from the palace in a cart她坐着马车匆匆逃离王宫外研社新世纪〔fling〕fling a dress on 匆匆穿上连衣裙英汉大词典〔fling〕fling off one's clothes 匆匆脱掉衣服英汉大词典〔flypost〕flypost an area with stickers 在一个地区匆匆张贴小传单英汉大词典〔fly〕a vacation flying by; youth that is soon flown. 匆匆飞逝的假期;稍纵即逝的青春美国传统〔gallop〕gallop over a book 匆匆读完一本书英汉大词典〔glance〕to take/have a glance at the newspaper headlines 匆匆看一眼报纸的大标题牛津高阶〔glimpse〕a brief glimpse of a figure hurrying by对一闪而过的人影的匆匆一瞥外研社新世纪〔hop〕a quick hop to the grocery store 匆匆去了趟杂货店韦氏高阶〔hop〕hop aboard (或on board) 匆匆上船(或火车、飞机等) 英汉大词典〔hurried〕a hurried meal 匆匆吃完的一餐饭朗文当代〔jump〕jump to conclusions 匆匆作出结论英汉大词典〔jump〕jump to conclusions. 匆匆地作出结论美国传统〔paint job〕old cars that are given a quick paint job before being sold 出售前匆匆漆过的旧车朗文当代〔passing〕a passing glance 匆匆的一瞥英汉大词典〔peep〕take a quick peep at the past 匆匆回顾过去英汉大词典〔preparation〕a hurried preparation of dinner 匆匆忙忙做晚饭英汉大词典〔quick〕a quick look/glance 匆匆的一瞥韦氏高阶〔quick〕have a quick look at sth. 匆匆看某物一眼英汉大词典〔race〕race through a letter (目光)匆匆扫过一封信 英汉大词典〔round〕dash round 急匆匆地四处转 英汉大词典〔run〕run up to New York 到纽约匆匆一游文馨英汉〔rush〕rush into a decision 匆匆作出决定英汉大词典〔rush〕to rush a bill through Parliament 使议案在议会匆匆通过牛津高阶〔scrabble〕scrabble hastily in a drawer for the key 急匆匆翻抽屉寻找钥匙英汉大词典〔scratch〕scratched off a thank-you note. 匆匆地写了一张感谢信美国传统〔scribble〕scribble a postcard to one's friend 匆匆写一张明信片给朋友英汉大词典〔scuttle〕scuttle across the street 急匆匆地穿街而过英汉大词典〔slosh〕slosh out the drinks 匆匆斟出饮料英汉大词典〔take〕take off in a jeep 乘越野车匆匆离去英汉大词典〔tear〕tear off a letter home in five minutes 用5分钟匆匆写成一封家信 英汉大词典〔throw〕throw on [off] one's clothes 匆匆穿上[脱掉]衣服文馨英汉〔whereto〕the place whereto they hurry 他们匆匆赶去的地方英汉大词典〔whiz(z)〕take a whiz(z) to the shore 匆匆去一趟海边英汉大词典〔whomp〕whomp up a last-ditch dinner 迫于无奈匆匆做一顿晚饭英汉大词典




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