

单词 加工
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-y〕The process results in a much fruitier wine.这种加工过程可酿造出果香更加浓郁的葡萄酒。柯林斯高阶〔ARTIFICIAL〕Processed foods may lack the vitamins and minerals found in fresh produce. 加工过的食品可能会缺少新鲜农产品中所含的维生素和矿物质。朗文写作活用〔Cuisinart〕A trademark used for a kind of food processor and its attachments.奎茨那特:一种商标,用来指一种食品加工器及其附属装置美国传统〔INCREASE〕He received loud applause when he told the crowd that low wage-earners deserve a raise. 当他对大家说应该给低工资的人增加工资时,得到了热烈的掌声。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕The Wagner Act prohibited employers from firing workers for joining a union. 《瓦格纳法案》禁止雇主以参加工会为由解雇工人。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Blend the strawberries with a little icing sugar in a food processor until it forms a smooth purée. 给草莓加入一点糖粉,放在食品加工机里搅拌成均匀的糊状。朗文写作活用〔NATURAL〕Ghana still imports both raw and processed tobacco. 加纳仍旧进口生烟草和加工过的烟草。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕Crude cocaine is only about 25 percent pure. 未经加工的可卡因的纯度大约只有25%。朗文写作活用〔angrily〕Health workers are angrily demanding higher pay.医务人员正怒气冲冲地要求增加工资。柯林斯高阶〔anticipation〕The workers have called off their strike in anticipation of a pay offer.工人们预料资方会增加工资,便取消了罢工。朗文当代〔artistry〕Tea processing requires both technique and artistry.茶叶加工对工艺和手法都有要求。外研社新世纪〔beeswax〕Commercial wax obtained by processing and purifying the crude wax of the honeybee and used in making candles, crayons, and polishes.黄蜡:由蜜蜂的粗蜂蜡加工和提炼而得到的商业蜡,用于做蜡烛、蜡笔和上光剂美国传统〔blowpipe〕A long, narrow iron pipe used to gather, work, and blow molten glass.(制造玻璃之)吹管:汇集、加工、吹制熔化玻璃的细长铁管美国传统〔butter〕A soft yellowish or whitish emulsion of butterfat, water, air, and sometimes salt, churned from milk or cream and processed for use in cooking and as a food.黄油,奶油:一种乳脂、水、空气,有时还加盐的软的浅黄色或白色的乳化物,通过搅拌牛奶或乳脂而得,加工用于烹饪和并作为食物美国传统〔cabretta〕A soft, kidlike leather used for gloves and shoes and made from sheepskin having coarse, hairlike wool.直毛绵羊革,软羊皮:一种软质的,小山羊皮似的皮革,用于制造手套和鞋子,由带有粗的,毛发状羊毛的羊皮加工而成美国传统〔carboxymethylcellulose〕A derivative of cellulose whose sodium salt is used in the manufacture of processed foods as a stabilizing and emulsifying agent and in medicine as a laxative.羧甲基纤维素,纤维素胶:一种纤维素衍生物,其钠盐在加工食品的制作过程中用作稳定剂和乳化剂,也在医药中用作通便剂美国传统〔center〕A bar with a conical point used to support work, as during turning on a lathe.中心杆:带锥形顶尖的用来支撑加工件的条杆,如开动镟床时所用美国传统〔cereal〕A food prepared from any of these plants, especially a breakfast food made from commercially processed grain.荞麦食品:一种用这些作物做成的食品,尤指商业加工过的谷物所做的早餐美国传统〔chaser〕A steel tool for cutting or finishing screw threads.螺纹梳刀:雕刻或精加工螺纹的钢制工具美国传统〔cheek〕He has the cheek to ask for a rise after a week in his new job.他上工才一星期,竟厚着脸皮要加工资。英汉大词典〔come out〕The workers are coming out for more pay.工人们为了增加工资正在罢工。21世纪英汉〔cook〕To prepare food for eating by applying heat.烹饪:通过加热加工食物使之可食用美国传统〔cool〕Wage demands will cool a bit.加工资的要求会缓和一点。英汉大词典〔crude〕A substance, especially petroleum, in its unrefined state.天然物质:处于未加工状态的物质,尤指原油美国传统〔dairy〕A place where milk and cream are stored and processed.乳品间,制酪场:贮存和加工牛奶和奶油的场所美国传统〔demonstrator〕A demonstrator was showing customers how the food processor worked.一个人在向顾客演示如何使用食品加工器。剑桥高阶〔digester〕Chemistry A vessel in which substances are softened or decomposed, usually for further processing.【化学】 蒸煮器:一种容器,物质在里面会变软或溶解,通常为以后的加工做准备美国传统〔drove〕A stone surface dressed with such a chisel.用石凿加工后的粗糙石面美国传统〔end product〕The result of a completed series of processes or changes.成品:经过一系列加工或运动后的最终产品美国传统〔enrol〕Isabelle enrolled her brother in a training programme for engineers.伊莎贝尔为弟弟报名参加工程师培训。麦克米伦高阶〔equivalent〕They will react with hostility to the price rises and calls for equivalent wage increases are bound to be heard.他们将会强烈反对价格上涨,同时肯定会要求相应地增加工资。柯林斯高阶〔farmer cheese〕An unripened cheese similar to cottage cheese but drier and firmer in texture.农家干酪:经加工的奶酪,类似于村舍式干酪,但结构上更干更紧美国传统〔feed〕The logs are fed into the mill for processing.原木被送到工厂加工。韦氏高阶〔fishery〕The industry or occupation devoted to the catching, processing, or selling of fish, shellfish, or other aquatic animals.渔业,水产业:从事鱼、贝类或其它水生物的捕捞、加工或出售的行为或职业美国传统〔flake〕A frame or platform for drying fish or produce.晒鱼架:晒鱼或加工鱼时用的架子美国传统〔flitch〕A salted and cured side of bacon.腌熏猪肋条肉:用盐腌过并且经加工处理过的熏猪肉美国传统〔food processor〕An appliance consisting of a container housing interchangeable rotating blades and used for preparing foods, as by shredding, slicing, chopping, or blending.食物加工机:由装有可变换的轮状叶片的容器组成的器具,用来制备食物,如用于撕碎、切片、剁、混合美国传统〔food〕Blend the egg yolks, lemon juice and herbs in a food processor.用食品加工机将蛋黄、柠檬汁和香草混合在一起。牛津搭配〔hem〕An edge or a border on a piece of cloth, especially a finished edge, as for a garment or curtain, made by folding the selvage edge under and stitching it down.褶边,褶缝:一块布的边线或边缘,尤指加工好的边,如用于衣服或窗帘之上者把下部的余边折好用线缝起来美国传统〔jig〕To machine (an object) with the aid of a jig.用夹具辅助加工(一物件)美国传统〔life〕I took my life in my hands and asked for a rise in salary.我豁出去了,要求增加工资。英汉大词典〔machinable〕The material is easy to machine.这原料易于用机器加工。21世纪英汉〔machine tool〕A power-driven tool, such as a lathe or milling machine, used for machining.机床:用来进行机械加工的电动工具,如走棱板或碾磨机美国传统〔machine〕The material is machined in a factory.这种材料在一家工厂里用机器加工成型。柯林斯高阶〔make〕Customers' own materials made up.(服装店告示) 承接来料加工。英汉大词典〔mango〕The ovoid fruit of this tree, having a smooth rind, sweet juicy flesh, and a flat one-seeded stone. It is eaten ripe or pickled when green.芒果:这种乔木的卵形的果实,壳平滑、果肉甜且多汁,中间有一个平的单种果核。成熟时可食用,也可在青绿时加工美国传统〔manufacture〕To make or process (a raw material) into a finished product, especially by means of a large-scale industrial operation.制造:把(原材料)制造或加工为成品,尤指经由大型工业运作美国传统〔manufacture〕To make or process goods, especially in large quantities and by means of industrial machines.制造:制造或加工产品,尤指大批量用工业机器生产美国传统〔metalwork〕Many are employed in the prison's wood and metalwork factories.许多人受雇于监狱的木材和金属加工厂。柯林斯高阶〔metalwork〕The class is an introduction to metalwork.这节课是金属加工入门。剑桥高阶〔mill〕To transform or process mechanically in a mill.磨出,以机械加工:通过研磨机而整形或制造美国传统〔modernize〕If they want to increase output from the factory, they'll have to modernize.如果他们想增加工厂的产量,就必须实行现代化。剑桥高阶〔oast〕A kiln for drying hops or malt or drying and curing tobacco.烘炉:烘啤酒花或麦芽或烘烤加工烟草的干窑美国传统〔packinghouse〕A firm that slaughters, processes, and packs livestock into meat and meat products.牲畜屠宰加工厂:把家畜屠宰、加工并包装成肉和肉制品的工厂美国传统〔packing〕The processing and packaging of manufactured products, especially food products.食品加工:对生产出来的产品的生产过程和包装,尤指食品产品美国传统〔pickle〕A chemical solution, such as an acid, that is used as a bath to remove scale and oxides from the surface of metals before plating or finishing.淡酸水,稀酸液:在金属电镀或精加工之前用来除去金属表面铁锈和氧化物的化学溶液,如酸溶液美国传统〔pinch〕Put all the ingredients, including a pinch of salt, into a food processor.把包括一撮盐在内的所有配料放入食品加工机。柯林斯高阶〔processing plant〕We'll need to have a small processing plant.我们得有座小型食品加工厂。外研社新世纪〔processing〕America sent cotton to England for processing.美国把棉花运到英格兰进行加工。柯林斯高阶〔processing〕America sent cotton to England for processing.美国把棉花运往英格兰进行加工。外研社新世纪〔processing〕Cocoa processing is far more profitable than cocoa growing.可可豆加工远比可可豆种植更赚钱。外研社新世纪〔process〕Before processing the cheese, bring it to room temperature.加工前把奶酪恢复到室温。外研社新世纪〔process〕The material will be processed into plastic pellets.这些材料将会被加工成塑料小球。外研社新世纪〔pug〕To work or knead (clay) with water.捣,捏:将(黏土)与水加工或揉和美国传统〔punch press〕A power press that can be fitted with various dies, as for metalworking.压榨机:用于金属加工的压榨机美国传统〔raisin〕A sweet grape dried either in the sun or by artificial means.葡萄干:用阳光或人工加工干制的甜葡萄美国传统〔rationale〕The rationale of reprocessing spent nuclear fuel is inevitably being questioned.对核废料进行再加工的理由不可避免地受到了质疑。柯林斯高阶〔raw〕Oil is an important raw material that can be processed into many different products, including plastics.石油是一种重要的原料,可以加工成包括塑料在内的许多种产品。剑桥高阶〔reek〕To process or treat by exposing to the action of smoke.熏:通过置于烟的作用下来进行加工或处理美国传统〔relief〕Workers in very dusty areas are given extra wages for nutritional relief.在多尘埃地区工作的工人被给予附加工资作为营养补助。英汉大词典〔rework〕Some of the waste material can be reworked for reuse.有些废料可以重新加工再次利用。21世纪英汉〔rewrite〕To put (material submitted to a newspaper or magazine) in a form suitable for publishing.加工编写:把(提交给报纸或杂志的材料)置为适合出版的形式美国传统〔shellfishery〕The industry or occupation of catching, processing, or selling shellfish.贝类渔业:捕捉、加工或出售贝类动物的工业或行业美国传统〔soft〕Easily molded, cut, or worked.柔软的:易于塑造、切割或加工的美国传统〔source〕Caviar should be packed at source.鱼子酱甫一加工完毕即应予以包装。外研社新世纪〔stint〕He did a stint abroad early in his career.他刚参加工作时在国外干过一段时间。牛津高阶〔strongly〕The fabric is strong enough to withstand harsh processing.这种织物非常结实,能经受粗加工。柯林斯高阶〔surimi〕Minced, processed fish used in the preparation of imitation seafood, especially imitation crabmeat, lobster, and scallops.碎鱼块:切碎的、加工的鱼肉,代用作海产品,诸如蟹肉、龙虾肉和干贝肉的代用品美国传统〔tolerance〕They were working to a tolerance of 0.0001 of a centimetre.他们在按 0.0001 厘米的公差加工。牛津高阶〔twist〕A loaf of bread or other bakery product made from pieces of dough twisted together.麻花状面包:用卷成一团的面团加工成的面包片或其它烤制的东西美国传统〔variety meat〕Meat, such as sausage, that has been processed.被加工过的肉,例如腊肠美国传统〔wave〕If you're not careful, you can wave goodbye to any pay rise this year.不仔细点的话,你今年别想加工资。朗文当代〔work〕Not all metals work easily.不是所有的金属都容易加工美国传统〔xanthan gum〕A natural gum of high molecular weight produced by culture fermentation of glucose and used as a stabilizer in commercial food preparation.黄原胶:一种高分子量的天然胶,它是将葡萄糖作培养发酵后制得,在食品加工业中作稳固剂美国传统Bacteria were found in meat processed at the plant.在这家工厂加工的肉类中发现了细菌。牛津商务Democratisation has brought workers the right to strike and join a trade union.民主化使工人获得了罢工和参加工会的权利。剑桥国际Here at the nuclear reprocessing plant we extract plutonium from spent atomic fuel rods.在这里的核后处理加工厂,我们从用尽的原子燃料棒中提取钚。剑桥国际If they want to increase output from the factory, they'll have to modernize.如果他们想要增加工厂的产量,他们就不得不现代化。剑桥国际Oil is an important raw material which can be processed into many different products, including plastics.石油是一种重要的原材料,可以加工成包括塑料在内的许多不同产品。剑桥国际Processed foods tend to be heavily seasoned with salt.加工过的食物往往要在其中加很多盐。剑桥国际She rather daringly asked the boss for a pay-rise.她相当鲁莽地要求老板给她加工资。剑桥国际Soda bottles contain only a few kinds of plastics and are relatively easy to reprocess.汽水瓶只包含几种塑料,比较容易重新加工。牛津商务The parts must be machined accurately in order to fit together properly.零部件必须精确加工以便正确组装。牛津商务The plant processes 7 million cubic metres of gas a day.工厂每天加工 700 万立方米的天然气。牛津商务The workers’demands for higher pay were not met by the management.工人们增加工资的要求没有得到管理部门的满足。剑桥国际There was a special stand in the shop where a demonstrator was showing how the food processor worked.商店里有一个特殊的柜台,示范者在这里显示食品加工器怎样工作。剑桥国际This food processor has a special attachment for grinding coffee.这种食物加工器有一个磨咖啡的专用配件。剑桥国际This material can be cut and machined easily.这种材料易于切割和机器加工。牛津商务To the south of the city is a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant.在这城市的南面有一家核燃料再加工厂。剑桥国际We process the photographs in batches of several hundred at a time.我们一次加工数百张照片。牛津商务




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