

单词 加州
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔FIGHT〕an organization that is working to preserve California's redwood trees 致力于保护加州红杉树的一个组织朗文写作活用〔generically〕generic California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago. 5年前建造的有着白色墙壁和白色窗帘的普通加州公寓柯林斯高阶〔generic〕generic California apartments, the kind that have white walls and white drapes and were built five years ago标准的加州公寓——白墙、白窗帘、5年前建造外研社新世纪〔major-league〕a major-league player in California politics 在加州政坛上有影响力的人物朗文当代〔outsider〕a political outsider who is running for governor 参加州长竞选的一个外来政客朗文当代〔professor〕a research professor at the University of Southern California 南加州大学的一位研究型教授牛津搭配〔rush〕the gold rush to California 涌向加州的淘金潮文馨英汉〔show〕a pro bodybuilding show in California 加州职业健美表演牛津搭配〔town〕the sun-drenched beach towns of Southern California 沐浴着阳光的南加州海滩小镇牛津搭配〔tule〕tu.les [to͞o′lēz] Northern California Marshy or swampy land. Also called Regional tule land tu.les [to͞o′lēz] 【加州北部】 沼泽地或湿地 也作 【区域的】 tule land美国传统〔undergraduate〕during her undergraduate years at the University of California 她在加州大学读本科的岁月牛津搭配




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