

单词 加印
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔headline〕To supply (a page or passage) with a headline.给(书页或文章)加印大字标题美国传统〔imprint〕To produce (a mark or pattern) on a surface by pressure.印,盖印:用力在表面上加印(标志或图案)美国传统〔negative〕I've borrowed the negatives of her wedding photos so I can get some pictures printed.我借来了她结婚照的底片,这样我可以加印几张。剑桥高阶〔overprint〕They overprinted the photo with red lettering.他们在那张照片上加印了红色字母。韦氏高阶〔overprint〕To imprint over with something more, especially to print over with another color.在…上套加印:在…上加印更多的事物,尤指以另一种颜色印于其上美国传统〔roll off〕He rolled off some extra copies of the document on the duplicate machine.他用复印机把这个文件加印了几份。21世纪英汉〔seal〕To close with or as if with a seal.封固加印:用印章或类似东西封固美国传统I've borrowed the negatives of her wedding photos so I can get some pictures printed.我借来了她结婚照片的底片,我可以加印几张。剑桥国际




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