

单词 可使
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACE inhibitor〕Any of a class of drugs that cause vasodilation and are used to treat hypertension and heart failure.血管收缩转化酶抑制剂:可使血管扩张的一类药,用于治疗高血压和心力衰竭美国传统〔ADVERTISING〕There's no question about it - scandal sells newspapers. 毫无疑问,丑闻可使报纸畅销。朗文写作活用〔ENOUGH/NOT ENOUGH〕Only hormone-deficient children are allowed to use the drug. 只有缺乏荷尔蒙的孩子才可使用这种药。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Scientists estimate that global warming could cause a six degree rise in temperatures by 2100. 科学家预测,全球变暖可使气温到2100年上升6度。朗文写作活用〔FUNNY〕The light-hearted way in which the author has approached this book should take some of the hard work out of trying to lose weight. 作者写这本书的风趣笔调可使读者减轻一些减肥的辛苦。朗文写作活用〔G spot〕An area of tissue surrounding the female urethra and running along the roof of the vagina, postulated to be erectile and to enhance sexual arousal.G点,高潮点:在女性尿道周围的组织区域,并沿着阴道顶端延续,被认为理所当然可使勃起,并进一步提高其性快感美国传统〔MEASURE〕Just quantifying your financial goals will make you feel more in control of your future. 用数字来表示你的财政目标可使你对未来感到更有把握。朗文写作活用〔Mach〕The hot air permitted higher speeds before the critical Mach number was exceeded.热空气可使之在超过临界马赫数之前达到更快的速度。柯林斯高阶〔abductor〕Anatomy A muscle that draws a body part, such as a finger, arm, or toe, away from the midline of the body or of an extremity.【解剖学】 外展肌:一种肌肉,可使身体部位如手指、臂或脚趾从身体中线或身体的一肢展开美国传统〔able-bodied〕The gym can be used by both able-bodied and disabled people.这家健身房健全和残障人士都可使用。柯林斯高阶〔accept〕The telephone booths accept 10 and 20 pence coins.电话亭可使用10便士和20便士的硬币。柯林斯高阶〔access code〕An alphanumeric sequence that permits access to an electronic network, such as a telephone network or an automated teller machine.存取编码:一组字母数字序列,可使进入如电话网络或自动取款机的电子网络美国传统〔admit〕There were no windows to admit air.没有窗子可使空气流入。英汉大词典〔advance〕This button advances the tape to the beginning of the next track.这个按钮可使录音带转到下一首歌曲的开始。牛津高阶〔aid〕Proper paragraphing aids clarity of presentation.分段恰到好处可使论述更加清晰。英汉大词典〔anybody〕Anybody can use the pool—you don't need to be a member.任何人都可使用这个游泳池,不必是会员。牛津高阶〔approach〕This approach allows students to learn at their own pace.这个方法可使学生按照自己的进度学习。牛津搭配〔arm〕To prepare (a weapon) for use or operation, as by releasing a safety device.打开保险装置:使(武器)处于可使用或操作的状态,如打开保险装置美国传统〔artesian well〕A well drilled through impermeable strata to reach water capable of rising to the surface by internal hydrostatic pressure.自流井:一种穿过不透水地层至地层内部流体静压力可使水升到地表水层的井美国传统〔awkward〕He could make things very awkward for me if he wanted to.如果他愿意的话,他可使我非常难办。牛津搭配〔banking〕The banking will allow you to get nice shots straight out of the window.倾斜飞行可使你直接透过舷窗拍到漂亮的照片。外研社新世纪〔barf bag〕A disposable plastic or paper bag provided to a passenger by an airline for use in case of airsickness.呕吐袋:由航空公司提供给乘客的,在晕机时可使用的一次性塑料袋或纸袋美国传统〔bell〕Belling out the end of the tube will permit a freer passage of air.把管端做成钟口状可使气流更畅通。21世纪英汉〔black rot〕Any of several fungal or bacterial plant diseases resulting in dark brown to black discoloration and decay of affected plant parts.黑腐病:一种真菌和细菌植物疾病,可使被传染植物部分由深棕色变为黑色,以至腐烂美国传统〔boss around〕They've bossed us around enough.他们把我们差来遣去的, 可使唤够了。外研社新世纪〔bridge〕The money will bridge her over.那笔钱将可使她应急。文馨英汉〔bulletin board〕Computer Science A system that enables users to send or read messages that are of general interest and addressed to no particular person.【计算机科学】 电子公告板,电子布告栏:可使用户发送或阅读信息的系统,其信息具有大众品味并且不发给特定的人美国传统〔condition〕On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.未经训练的员工绝对不可使用这一设备。朗文当代〔consistency〕Flour will give the dough a thicker consistency.加面粉可使面团黏稠一些。英汉大词典〔crawlspace〕A low or narrow space, such as one beneath the upper or lower story of a building, that gives workers access to plumbing or wiring equipment.爬行空隙:一幢楼最高层或最底层下面可使工人进入维修管道或电线设备的矮而窄的空间美国传统〔currency〕You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.你将需要一些当地的货币现金,但也可使用信用卡。牛津高阶〔cushion〕Computer rental packages cushion customers against upgrade costs.电脑配套出租可使顾客免受升级费用的影响。麦克米伦高阶〔de-stress〕Create a relaxing bedroom environment to de-stress you and help you fall asleep.营造轻松的卧室环境可使自己放松,有助于睡眠。剑桥高阶〔defoliant〕A chemical sprayed or dusted on plants to cause the leaves to fall off.落叶剂:一种化学药剂,喷洒在植物上可使叶脱落美国传统〔disperse〕A prism disperses light.三棱镜可使光色散。英汉大词典〔disposal〕Viewers now have sixty channels at their disposal.电视观众现在可使用60个频道。英汉大词典〔empty〕The city is letting useful housing stand empty.这个城市正任由可使用的住房闲置。牛津搭配〔exempt from〕Poor eyesight will exempt you from military service.视力不好可使你免服兵役。21世纪英汉〔extra〕Residents can use the gym at no extra cost .住客不必另外付费即可使用健身房。朗文当代〔facility〕The software's 'list' facility allows users to compile their own list.该软件的“列单”功能可使用户编辑自己的目录。牛津搭配〔fomite〕An inanimate object or substance that is capable of transmitting infectious organisms from one individual to another.无生命传染物,传染体:一种无生命的物体或物质,可使感染性的有机物从一人身上传播到另一人身上美国传统〔free〕These exercises help free the body of tension.这些锻炼可使紧张的身体放松。牛津高阶〔hallucination〕A high temperature can cause hallucinations.高温可使人产生幻觉。剑桥高阶〔hallucination〕High temperatures can cause hallucination.高烧可使人产生幻觉。牛津高阶〔hone〕A fine-grained whetstone for giving a keen edge to a cutting tool.细磨刀石:纹理细密的磨刀,可使切削工具刀刃锋利美国传统〔improve〕Land is improved by putting a building on it.在土地上造一幢楼可使地价提高。英汉大词典〔justify〕Printing To adjust the spacing within (lines in a document, for example), so that the lines end evenly at a straight margin.【印刷术】 调整版面,调整行距:调整(例如文件中的字行)的行距,可使字行长短一致,两边留出垂直的页边空白美国传统〔laugh〕A warm overcoat would make him laugh at the worst winter winds.一件暖和的大衣可使他不必畏惧冬季最凛冽的寒风。英汉大词典〔lead〕Self-examination may lead us to a knowledge of ourselves.自我反省可使我们有自知之明。英汉大词典〔leptin〕A neurotransmitter produced by fat cells and involved in the regulation of appetite.致轻素:由脂肪细胞产生的神经传递素,可使饮食有规律美国传统〔life〕A walk in the streets or a talk with passersby gives life to statistics.到街上走走或者同过路人谈谈可使统计数字变得生动。英汉大词典〔lubricate〕Songs and laughter lubricate the biological clock.歌声笑语可使人体生物钟顺畅运转。英汉大词典〔mixing〕A quick stir will mix them thoroughly.迅速搅拌可使它们充分混合。柯林斯高阶〔nudge〕This afternoon's sunshine could nudge the temperature above freezing.今天下午的阳光可使温度达到冰点以上。牛津高阶〔operational〕The airport did not become operational until December.机场到12月才可使用。英汉大词典〔ossify〕Osteoblasts ossify the tissue.成骨细胞可使组织骨化。英汉大词典〔paste〕This function allows you to cut and paste text.本功能可使你剪切并粘贴文本。牛津高阶〔pharmacy〕Research is bringing more effective new drugs to pharmacy shelves.研究可使更有疗效的新药登上药房的货架。牛津搭配〔pin〕Electronics A lead on a device that plugs into a socket to connect the device to a system.【电子学】 插头:一种设备的头部,插入插座中可使该设备与一系统相联美国传统〔play〕The plan can be defeated if you play upon its weaknesses.你如果利用这项计划的弱点就可使之失败。英汉大词典〔preadaptation〕A characteristic evolved by an ancestral species or population that serves an adaptive though different function in a descendant species or population.预适应(性):类或群体的祖先演化而成的特性,可使其后代形成虽不同但具有适应性的功能美国传统〔prolong〕The operation could prolong his life by two or three years.这次手术可使他多活两三年。牛津高阶〔proton synchrotron〕A ring-shaped synchrotron that accelerates protons to energies of several billion electron volts.质子同步加速器:一个环形加速器,可使质子的能量增加到几十亿电子伏美国传统〔provide〕Curtains provide privacy.拉上窗帘可使人有独处而不受打扰之感。英汉大词典〔pull out〕You're overtired and a good holiday will pull you out.你太累了,好好歇个假日可使你恢复正常。21世纪英汉〔rotator cuff〕A set of muscles and tendons that secures the arm to the shoulder joint and permits rotation of the arm.肌腱套:一组保护从手臂到肩关节部位并可使手臂转动的肌肉和腱美国传统〔round〕Dresses may make you either look slim or round.衣服可使你显得或苗条或丰满。英汉大词典〔safeguard〕Saving money regularly will help to safeguard one's old age from want.定时储蓄可使晚年免于贫困。英汉大词典〔seed〕The chemical will stop all seeds from sprouting (= starting to grow).这种化学制品可使种子无法发芽。剑桥高阶〔sell〕Advertising sells newspapers.广告可使报纸增加销路。英汉大词典〔sell〕Scandal sells newspapers.丑闻可使报纸畅销。朗文当代〔serviceable〕Some of these old tools are still serviceable.这些旧工具有些仍可使用。朗文当代〔shoulder holster〕A leather holster hung from the shoulder and usually worn underneath the arm, allowing a handgun to be concealed underneath a coat.腋下手枪套:从肩部垂下的一皮套,通常戴在胳膊下面,可使手枪隐藏在外衣里面美国传统〔slick〕An implement used to make a surface slick, especially a chisel used for smoothing and polishing.可使表面光滑的工具:用来使一个表面光滑的工具,尤指用于修光和打磨的凿子美国传统〔softly〕Regular use of a body lotion will keep the skin soft and supple.经常使用润肤露可使皮肤柔软而富有弹性。柯林斯高阶〔subserve〕It subserves your feeling to drink a whisky.喝下这杯威士忌可使你平静下来。21世纪英汉〔supervise〕The drug should only be used under medical supervision.这种药须遵医嘱方可使用。牛津高阶〔swell〕Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000.其他国家的支援可使兵力增至35,000人。外研社新世纪〔swell〕Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000.其他国家的支援将可使兵力增至 35,000 人。柯林斯高阶〔swell〕The rash is caused by the release of chemicals, including histamine, which swell body tissues.这种皮疹是某些化学物质的释放引起的, 其中包括组胺, 它可使人体组织肿胀。外研社新世纪〔tarnish〕Salt tarnishes silver.盐可使银失去光泽。21世纪英汉〔toughen〕He thinks boxing is good for kids, that it toughens them up.他认为拳击对小孩子有好处,可使他们变得坚强。柯林斯高阶〔triple〕The merger puts the firm in a position to triple its earnings.合并可使公司利润增长两倍。柯林斯高阶〔vitiate〕A single word may vitiate a contract.一字之差即可使合同作废。英汉大词典A five mile jog in the rain certainly blew the cobwebs away.在雨中慢跑五英里完全可使头脑清醒。剑桥国际A new video technique has enabled physiotherapists to predict potential injury problems in sports people by monitoring their limb movements.一个新的视频技术可使理疗师通过监测运动员的四肢活动预测他们可能会受到的伤害。剑桥国际Increased sales will add $1 million a year to turnover.提高销量将可使营业额一年增加 100 万元。牛津商务It's a general-purpose cleaner which you can use anywhere in the house.这是多功能的吸尘器,在房子里的任何地方都可使用。剑桥国际It's described as a moisturising treatment which leaves the skin visibly (= able to be seen as being) fresher.这被称作是湿润疗法,可使皮肤看上去更为鲜嫩。剑桥国际More and more manufacturers are offering to tailor-make a turnkey system from their own components.越来越多的制造商提供用他们的部件定制即可使用的系统。剑桥国际People hope their savings will safeguard them against poverty in their old age.人们希望他们的储蓄可使他们的晚年免于贫困。剑桥国际The braking system enables the car to come from 100 km an hour to a dead halt/stop in under five seconds.刹车系统可使车速为每小时100 公里的小车在不到五秒钟内猝然停下。剑桥国际The chemical will stop all seeds from sprouting for the rest of the year.在一年中的其他时间,那些化学药品可使所有的种子避免发芽。剑桥国际The exhibition allows visitors to share the sensation of flying like Superman.这个展览会可使参观者分享像超人那样的飞行的感觉。剑桥国际The foundation was promised a 7% increase to bring its appropriations (=appropriation) to $2. 07 billion.这个基金会得到许诺将获7%的增加额,这可使它的岁出预算增至20. 7亿美元。剑桥国际There is a lot of evidence that the new drug normalizes blood pressure.有迹象表明新药可使血压恢复正常。剑桥国际This sort of account offers you instant access to your money.这种帐户可使你随时取钱。剑桥国际Tough economy measures in every area of the company should halve the losses.公司在各方面采取的强硬节约措施应可使亏损减半。牛津商务What this sort of film does very well is to immerse the watcher in its own fantastic world.这类影片做得非常好的地方是,可使观众沉浸在片中的奇妙世界里。剑桥国际You can use (an) astringent to make your skin less oily.你可使用涩剂来减低你皮肤的油性。剑桥国际




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