

单词 原肠
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔archenteron〕The central cavity of the gastrula, which ultimately becomes the intestinal or digestive cavity.原肠:原肠胚的中心空腔,它最终成为肠腔或消化腔美国传统〔delamination〕Embryology The splitting of the blastoderm into two layers of cells to form a gastrula.【胚胎学】 分层,起鳞:指囊胚层分裂两个细胞层,形成一个原肠胚美国传统〔enterocoele〕The coelom formed from a pocketlike outgrowth of the wall of the archenteron, especially in echinoderms and chordates.肠体腔:由原肠壁的袋装生长而形成的体腔,尤其存在于棘皮动物和脊索动物中美国传统〔epiblast〕The outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation.外胚层:囊胚的外层,在原肠胚形成之后生后外胚层组织美国传统〔invaginate〕To infold or become infolded so as to form a hollow space within a previously solid structure, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula.套叠:折叠或变成折叠以便在原先实心的结构中形成一个中空的空间,如囊胚形成原肠胚的过程美国传统〔invagination〕Embryology The infolding of a portion of the outer layer of a blastula in the formation of a gastrula.【胚胎学】 肠套叠:在原肠胚形成过程中囊胚的外层的折叠部分美国传统〔involution〕Embryology The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula.【胚胎学】 内长:一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程美国传统




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