

单词 原生
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Algonkian〕Geology Late Proterozoic.【地质学】 阿尔冈纪:原生代晚期美国传统〔Anaximander〕Greek philosopher and astronomer who speculated that the universe arose out of the separation of opposite qualities from one primordial substance.阿那克西曼德:希腊哲学家和天文学家,他猜测宇宙由一个原生质的相反品种分裂产生美国传统〔Chianti〕A dry table wine, usually red, originally produced in northwest Italy.勤地酒:原生产于意大利西北部地区的一种通常为红色的餐用干葡萄酒美国传统〔Proterozoic〕Of, belonging to, or being the later of two divisions of Precambrian time, during which sponges, sea worms, and other forms of sea life appeared.原生代的,元古代的:前寒武纪两个时期中的后一个时期的,属于这个时期的,在这个时期的在这个时期海绵、海洋蠕虫和其它形式的海洋生命出现美国传统〔Proterozoic〕The Proterozoic Era.原生代,元古代美国传统〔alien〕Ecology A plant or an animal that occurs in or is naturalized in a region to which it is not native.【生态学】 非原生植物,非原生动物:一种出现在一地区或适应了该地区环境的原产于其他地区的植物或动物美国传统〔animality〕Protozoans are at the lowest of the gradations of animality that include a wide variety of creatures.原生动物在种类繁多的动物界里是最低等的。英汉大词典〔archencephalon〕The part of the primitive embryonic brain from which the forebrain and midbrain develop.原脑:原生的萌芽期大脑部分,由之发展成前脑和中脑美国传统〔assimilate〕The body assimilates digested food into its protoplasm.躯体将消化了的食物吸收进原生质。英汉大词典〔autogamy〕Biology The union of nuclei within and arising from a single cell, as in certain protozoans and fungi.【生物学】 自核交配:某些原生动物或真菌中发生于或在单个细胞内细胞核的接合作用美国传统〔be where it's at〕In the classical music world these days, authentic instruments are where it's at.在当今的古典音乐界,原生乐器非常受青睐。剑桥高阶〔beach〕The island group has over 230 miles of pristine tropical beaches.这群岛屿有 230 多英里的原生态热带海滩。牛津搭配〔blastogenesis〕The theory that inherited characteristics are transmitted from parent to offspring by germ plasm.种质遗传:遗传特征通过胚原基原生质由亲本传给后代的理论美国传统〔blepharoplast〕A basal body in certain flagellated protozoans that consists of a minute mass of chromatin embedded in the cytoplasm at the base of the flagellum.生毛体,成鞭毛体:某些有鞭毛的原生动物的基体,由包裹在鞭毛底部的细胞质内的微小染色体块团组成美国传统〔cellulase〕Any of several enzymes produced chiefly by fungi, bacteria, and protozoans that catalyze the hydrolysis of cellulose.纤维素酶:由真菌、细菌和原生动物产生的能促进纤维素水解的一种酶美国传统〔ciliate〕Any of various protozoans of the class Ciliata, characterized by numerous cilia.纤毛虫:纤毛科的多种原生动物,特点是有无数的纤毛美国传统〔cirrus〕Zoology A slender, flexible appendage, such as the fused cilia of certain protozoans.【动物学】 触须:一种细长、柔软的突出物,如某些原生动物的融合的纤毛美国传统〔coccidium〕Any of various parasitic protozoans belonging to the order Coccidia and responsible for a disease of the alimentary canal in livestock, fowl, and human beings.双孢子球菌:任一种由寄生虫引起的原生动物,属于孢子球菌属,引起家畜、家禽和人类营养管道的疾病美国传统〔cocker spaniel〕A dog of a breed originally developed in England, having long, drooping ears and a variously colored silky coat.獚猎犬:原生长在英格兰的一种狗,有往垂下的长耳和各种颜色的细毛美国传统〔conjugation〕A process of sexual reproduction in which ciliate protozoans of the same species temporarily couple and exchange genetic material.配对:一种同种有纤毛原生动物的有性繁殖,是暂时结合并交换基因物质的过程美国传统〔explant〕To remove (living tissue) from the natural site of growth and place in a medium for culture.外植:把(活组织)从原生长处移植入一种基质中培养美国传统〔glycogenesis〕The formation or synthesis of glycogen.糖原生成:糖原生成或合成美国传统〔habitat〕In its natural habitat, the hibiscus will grow up to 25ft.在原生境中,木槿能长到25英尺高。柯林斯高阶〔heliopause〕The area in which the outgoing solar wind and the incoming plasma from interstellar space meet. It is the boundary of our solar system.太阳系边际:向外的太阳风及向内来自于星际太空的原生质交会的地区,这里是我们太阳系的边界美国传统〔heliozoan〕Any of various aquatic protozoans of the order Heliozoa, having numerous spindlelike pseudopods that radiate from a central cell mass.太阳虫目动物:太阳虫目中的任何一种水生原生动物,长有无数纺锤状的假足,由一个中心细胞团向四周扩散美国传统〔hematozoon〕A parasitic protozoan or similar organism that lives in the blood.血液寄生虫:生活在血液之中的寄生原生动物或者与此类似的有机体美国传统〔hemoflagellate〕A flagellate protozoan, such as a trypanosome, that is parasitic in the blood.血鞭毛虫:一种鞭毛原生动物,如锥体虫,寄生于血液之中美国传统〔humoral immunity〕The component of the immune response involving the transformation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells that produce and secrete antibodies to a specific antigen.体液免疫:免疫反应的一部分,它将B淋巴细胞转化成原生质细胞,这种细胞能制造并分泌针对某种抗原的抗体美国传统〔in the rough〕He admired the beauty of nature in the rough.他欣赏原生态的自然之美。韦氏高阶〔kinetoplast〕An independently replicating structure lying near the base of the flagellum in certain protozoans.动力体:在特定的原生物中位于鞭毛某部附近的独立复制的细胞结构美国传统〔macronucleus〕The larger of two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans, which controls nonreproductive functions of the cell, such as metabolism.大核:原生动物纤毛虫类体中两个细胞核中较大的一个,控制细胞的非生殖性功能,如新陈代谢美国传统〔mastigophoran〕Any of various protozoans of the class Mastigophora, all of which possess one or more flagella.鞭毛虫:鞭毛虫纲的几种原生动物,全部有一个或更多的鞭毛美国传统〔merozoite〕A protozoan cell that arises from the schizogony of a parent sporozoan and may enter either the asexual or sexual phase of the life cycle.裂殖子:亲本孢子虫通过裂殖法产生的原生动物细胞,能开拓新的无性或有性生命循环美国传统〔metaxylem〕The part of the primary xylem that differentiates after the protoxylem and is characterized by broader vessels and tracheids.后生木质部:初生木质部中不同于原生木质部的一部分,以更宽的导管和管胞为特征美国传统〔micronucleus〕The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.小核,微核:原生动物纤毛虫类体内两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有基因材料和繁殖功能美国传统〔microorganism〕An organism of microscopic or submicroscopic size, especially a bacterium or protozoan.微生物:一个微观或亚微观的有机体,尤指一个细菌或原生动物美国传统〔moneran〕A member of the kingdom Monera (or Prokaryotae), comprising the prokaryotes and including all bacteria.原核生物:无核原生物(或原核生物)王国的一员,由原核生物组成,包括所有细菌美国传统〔oogonium〕A cell that arises from a primordial germ cell and differentiates into an oocyte in the ovary.卵原细胞:由原生物胚细胞形成并且在子房里变为卵母细胞美国传统〔periplasm〕The region near or immediately within a bacterial or other cell wall, outside the plasma membrane.周质:在细菌或其它细胞壁之间或附近,原生质膜外的地区美国传统〔peritrichous〕Having a band of cilia around the mouth, as certain protozoans.口周围有周毛的,如些原生动物美国传统〔peritrich〕Any of various protozoans, such as the vorticella, having a wide oral opening surrounded by cilia.周毛亚纲微生物:任何一种原生动物,例如钟虫,其椭圆形阔口周围长有纤毛美国传统〔phase〕Any of the forms or states, solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, in which matter can exist, depending on temperature and pressure.态:由温度和气压决定的物质存在的形式或状态,如固体、液体、气体或原生质等美国传统〔plasmagel〕A jellylike state of cytoplasm, characteristically occurring in the pseudopod of the amoeba.原生质凝胶:变形虫的伪足中特有的细胞质的类似胶状物的状态美国传统〔plasmasol〕A state of cytoplasm that is more liquid than plasmagel.原生质溶胶:比原生质凝胶更液化的细胞质的状态美国传统〔plasma〕Protoplasm or cytoplasm.原生质或细胞质美国传统〔plasmodesma〕A strand of cytoplasm that passes through openings in cell walls and connects the protoplasts of adjacent living plant cells.胞间连丝:穿过细胞壁开口与相邻活植物细胞的原生质体连接的细胞质链美国传统〔plasmogamy〕Fusion of two or more cells or protoplasts without fusion of the nuclei, as occurs in higher terrestrial fungi.胞质配合:发生在较高级的陆生真菌中的两个或多个细胞或原生质体的融合,而细胞核不融合美国传统〔prairie〕Only about 5% of native prairie is left in Kansas.堪萨斯州只剩有大约 5 %的原生草原。牛津搭配〔primary〕Geology Characteristic of or existing in a rock at the time of its formation.【地质学】 原生的:岩石成形时期的特点的或在该时期存在的美国传统〔primeval〕Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars.原生气团形成了恒星。朗文当代〔primitive〕Biology Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.【生物学】 原生的:出现于某一发展或进化早期阶段的或具有其特征的美国传统〔protoctist〕Any of the unicellular protists and their descendant multicellular organisms, considered as a separate taxonomic kingdom in most modern classification systems.原生物:任何一种单细胞原生生物和作为它们后代的多细胞有机体,在大多数现代分类系统中将它分为一个单独的界美国传统〔protophloem〕The first formed phloem that differentiates from the procambium.原生韧皮部:首次形成的韧皮部,用来区别原生层美国传统〔protoplast〕Biology The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed.【生物学】 原生质体:植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜美国传统〔protostele〕A stele that has a solid core of vascular tissue.原生中柱:一种有管状组织的实心中柱美国传统〔protoxylem〕The first formed xylem that differentiates from the procambium.原生木质部:最先形成的木质部,与原形成层不同美国传统〔protozoan〕Amoebas are protozoans.变形虫是原生动物。韦氏高阶〔protozoan〕Amoebas are protozoans.阿米巴虫是原生动物。剑桥高阶〔protozoan〕Any of a large group of single-celled, usually microscopic, eukaryotic organisms, such as amoebas, ciliates, flagellates, and sporozoans.原生动物:大批单细胞的,通常要在显微镜下才能看到的真核细胞有机体中的任何一种,包括变形虫、纤毛虫和孢子虫美国传统〔protozoology〕The biological study of protozoans.原生动物学:对原生动物的生物性研究美国传统〔radiolarian〕Any of various marine protozoans of the order Radiolaria, having rigid siliceous skeletons and spicules.放射虫:一种放射虫目的海生原生动物,骨骼和针骨为硅质美国传统〔raw〕He also wanted to see Bangladesh in the raw.他也想看看原生态的孟加拉国是什么样子。柯林斯高阶〔raw〕This is nature in the raw.这是原生态的大自然。外研社新世纪〔raw〕This is nature in the raw.这是自然的原生态。柯林斯高阶〔rhizopod〕A protozoan of the phylum Rhizopoda, such as an amoeba or a radiolarian, characteristically moving and taking in food by means of pseudopods.根足虫:根足虫亚纲的一种原生动物,例如变形虫或放射虫目的根足虫,以通过伪足方式移动并摄取食物为特征美国传统〔saprozoic〕Obtaining nourishment by absorption of dissolved organic and inorganic materials, as in protozoans and some fungi.腐生的:依靠从分解的有机物或无机物中吸取养分的,如某些原生动物或真菌美国传统〔sarcodinian〕A protozoan belonging to the superclass Sarcodina.属于高级肉足虫的一种原生动物美国传统〔sarcodinian〕Of or belonging to the Sarcodina, a superclass of protozoans that includes the rhizopods.肉足(虫)纲的:肉足(虫)纲的或属于肉足(虫)纲的,一种包括根足虫在内的高级原生动物美国传统〔somatoplasm〕The entirety of specialized protoplasm, other than germ plasm, constituting the body.体质:组成身体的原生质全部,非生殖细胞的细胞质美国传统〔somatoplasm〕The protoplasm of a somatic cell.体细胞的原生质美国传统〔spheroplast〕A bacterial cell whose cell wall is absent or deficient, causing it to have a spherical form.原生质:因无细胞或细胞壁不完全而导致其呈球状的一种细菌细胞美国传统〔sporoplasm〕An infective mass of protoplasm within a spore that is injected into a host cell by various parasitic microorganisms.孢子原生质:一种传染性的孢子内原生质,该孢子通过寄生微生物可被注入囊状细胞中美国传统〔transplantation〕Primary liver cancer can only be cured with resection or liver transplantation.原生性肝癌只能通过肝切除或肝移植治愈。剑桥高阶〔trophozoite〕A protozoan, especially of the class Sporozoa, in the active stage of its life cycle.营养子,滋养子,营养体:尤指孢子纲的处于其生命周期活跃期的原生动物美国传统〔unsophisticated〕It was music of a rather crude kind which unsophisticated audiences enjoyed listening to.这是一种阅历浅的听众喜欢听的相当原生态的音乐。外研社新世纪〔zooflagellate〕A flagellated protist that ingests food and lacks chlorophyll.动鞭亚纲原生生物:一种有鞭毛的原生生物,它摄取食物并缺乏叶绿素美国传统Amoebas are protozoans.阿米巴虫是原生动物。剑桥国际The plains of North America are colonized by rodents. 北美大平原生长著许多啮齿动物。译典通




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