

单词 原理
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BASIC〕To understand Keynesian theory we have to return to first principles. 要理解凯恩斯的理论,我们必须先回到基本原理。朗文写作活用〔Euclidean〕Of or relating to Euclid's geometric principles.欧几里德几何原理的:欧几里德几何原理的,与之有关的美国传统〔Gestaltist〕An adherent or a practitioner of the principles of Gestalt psychology.完形心理学家:拥护或实践格式塔心理学原理的人美国传统〔HIT〕The device works by bouncing sound waves off objects and measuring the time it takes for the sound to return. 这个装置的工作原理是让声波碰到物体反弹,然后测定声音返回所需的时间。朗文写作活用〔Jungian〕Maintaining Jung's psychological theories, especially those that stress the contribution of racial and cultural inheritance to the psychology of an individual.信奉荣格精神分析法的:坚持荣格的心理学原理的,尤指那些强调种族和文化遗传对个人心理有促成作用的原理美国传统〔LANGUAGE〕I want a book that will explain to me in layman's terms how my computer works. 我想要一本用通俗的语言解释电脑工作原理的书。朗文写作活用〔LIKE OR SIMILAR|像|相似〕The author notes the similarity between Western and Chinese principles and sees them as having a common basis in science. 作者注意到了中西方原理的相似之处,认为它们是具有共同的科学基础的。朗文写作活用〔LONG〕As a boy he had had an abiding curiosity about how things worked. 小时候,他对事物的原理有着持久的好奇心。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕He feels that his Christian beliefs and the principles of capitalism are diametrically opposed. 他感到自己的基督教信仰和资本主义原理是截然相反的。朗文写作活用〔afresh〕Only one expert source seemed prepared to analyse the problem afresh, from first principles.只有一位专家似乎已准备要从根本原理着手重新研究这个问题。柯林斯高阶〔alphabet〕The basic or elementary principles; rudiments.基本原则;基本原理,入门美国传统〔analogy〕To explain the circulation of the blood she used the analogy of a central heating system.她以中央供暖系统作比喻,解释血液循环的原理。牛津同义词〔antinomy〕A contradiction between principles or conclusions that seem equally necessary and reasonable; a paradox.二律背反:看上去同样必要及合理的原理或结论之间的矛盾;充满矛盾的人或事美国传统〔aphorism〕A brief statement of a principle.箴言:蕴含一原理的简练语句美国传统〔arbalest〕A medieval missile launcher designed on the principle of the crossbow.弩:根据石弓的原理设计的中世纪飞弹发射器美国传统〔axiom〕An established rule, principle, or law.公理,原理,原则:建立起来的规则、原理、或法律美国传统〔basic〕Once you've mastered the basic principles of using a computer, you can move on.你一旦掌握了使用计算机的基本原理,就可以进行下一步工作了。麦克米伦高阶〔bioelectronics〕The application of the principles of electronics to biology and medicine.生物电子学:电子学原理对生物学和医学的应用美国传统〔biomathematics〕The application of mathematical principles to biological processes.生物数学:应用于生物学过程的数学原理美国传统〔biomedicine〕The application of the principles of the natural sciences, especially biology and physiology, to clinical medicine.临床生物医学:应用于临床医学的自然科学原理,尤指生物学与生理学美国传统〔bounce〕They work by bouncing microwaves off solid objects.它们的工作原理是从固体上反射微波。外研社新世纪〔bounce〕They work by bouncing microwaves off solid objects.它们的工作原理是通过固体来反射微波。柯林斯高阶〔caveat emptor〕The axiom or principle in commerce that the buyer alone is responsible for assessing the quality of a purchase before buying.购买者注意:商业公理或原理,认为买方在购买前对所购货物的质量估计由其自己负责美国传统〔cladist〕One who classifies organisms according to the principles of cladistics.生物分类学家:依据生物分类学原理将有机体分类的人美国传统〔conformation〕One of the spatial arrangements of atoms in a molecule that can come about through free rotation of the atoms about a single chemical bond.构象:单一化学原理中通过原子的自由旋转而形成的分子中原子的空间排列美国传统〔conservation of charge〕A principle stating that the total electric charge of an isolated system remains constant regardless of changes within the system.电荷守恒:一个认为在一个隔离系统中,不管内部如何变化,其电荷总量保持不变的基本原理美国传统〔conservation of energy〕A principle stating that the total energy of an isolated system remains constant regardless of changes within the system.能量守恒:认为在一个隔离的系统中,不管内部如何变化,其能量总量保持不变的基本原理美国传统〔conservation of mass〕A principle in classical physics stating that the total mass of an isolated system is unchanged by interaction of its parts.质量守恒:经典物理学上认为一个隔离系统的质量总量不受其局部相互作用的改变的基本原理美国传统〔conversant〕Those in business are not, on the whole, conversant with basic scientific principles.总体上来看, 经商者不了解基本的科学原理。外研社新世纪〔conversant〕Those in business are not, on the whole, conversant with basic scientific principles.总的来说,那些从商的人并不太熟悉基本的科学原理。柯林斯高阶〔converse〕However, the converse of this theory may also be true.可是,该原理的逆命题也有可能成立。剑桥高阶〔correspondence principle〕The principle that predictions of quantum theory approach those of classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers.对应原理:在大量子的数目极限方面,量子理论的预言与古典物理的预言接近的一种原理美国传统〔covariant theory〕The principle that the laws of physics have the same form regardless of the system of coordinates in which they are expressed.协变论:认为不论物理学的规律无论是在什么样的坐标中表达的都具有相同的形式的原理美国传统〔demonstration〕Let me give you a demonstration of how the camera works.让我来给你演示一下照相机的工作原理。剑桥高阶〔demystify〕What I need is a book that will demystify the workings of a car engine for me.我需要的是一本能通俗易懂地讲解汽车发动机工作原理的书。剑桥高阶〔develop〕He develops the concept/theory more fully in his book.他在书中对此概念/原理做了更为全面的论述。韦氏高阶〔diesel engine〕An internal-combustion engine that uses the heat of highly compressed air to ignite a spray of fuel introduced after the start of the compression stroke.狄赛尔内燃机:内燃机工作原理为压缩冲程开始后,使用高压压缩空气产生的热量点燃喷入的雾化燃料美国传统〔doctrine〕A principle or body of principles presented for acceptance or belief, as by a religious, political, scientific, or philosophic group; dogma.教条,教义:由宗教、政治或哲学团体提出来要人接受或信仰的原理;教理美国传统〔elixir〕An underlying principle.基本原理美国传统〔embrace〕It embraces elements of chemistry, physics, and engineering.它包含了化学、物理学和工程学的基本原理。外研社新世纪〔ergonomics〕The ergonomics of the new office furniture have reduced eyestrain and back problems among the computer users.新办公家具的设计安装运用了人类工程学原理,缓解了计算机使用者的视觉疲劳和背部病症的问题。剑桥高阶〔explain〕I will try to explain how a car engine works.我会试着解释一下汽车引擎的工作原理。麦克米伦高阶〔explain〕Professor Griffiths explained how the drug appears to work.格里菲思教授解释了那种药物的工作原理。柯林斯高阶〔explain〕She explained how the machine worked.她讲解了这台机器的工作原理。韦氏高阶〔explanation〕For a full explanation of how the machine works, turn to page 5.关于机器运作原理的详细说明,请翻阅第 5 页。牛津高阶〔general〕I know how it works in general terms.我大致知道其中的运作原理。牛津高阶〔geometric〕Of or relating to geometry and its methods and principles.几何学的:几何学及其方法、原理的,或与之有关的美国传统〔grammar〕A book dealing with such principles.入门书:涉及这些原理的书美国传统〔idea〕He has a very good idea of how it functions.他非常了解它的工作原理。外研社新世纪〔in words of one syllable〕Could you explain to me in words of one syllable how an electron microscope works? 你能用简单的话给我解释一下电子显微镜的工作原理吗?剑桥高阶〔kerygma〕The proclamation of religious truths, especially as taught in the Gospels.基督福音的布道:对宗教原理的宣讲,尤指讲福音书中的原理美国传统〔lens〕A device that causes radiation other than light to converge or diverge by an action analogous to that of an optical lens.辐射镜:一种通过与光学镜片类似的原理使射线而不是光线聚集起来或发散的装置美国传统〔logic〕The formal, guiding principles of a discipline, school, or science.基本原理:一个学科、学派或一门科学的正统的、起指导作用的原则美国传统〔magnetoelectric〕Of or relating to electricity produced by magnetic means.磁电的:和由磁性原理产生的电流有关的或这种电流的美国传统〔mechanism〕Philosophy The doctrine that all natural phenomena are explicable by material causes and mechanical principles.【哲学】 机械论:一种哲学学说,认为一切自然现象都能由物质原因和机械原理来解释美国传统〔non-Euclidean〕Of, relating to, or being any of several modern geometries that are not based on the postulates of Euclid.非欧几里得的:属于、关于或是一种不是建立在欧几里得的基本原理基础之上的现代几何的美国传统〔operate〕Calculators and computers operate on the same principle.计算器和电脑的运行原理相同。外研社新世纪〔operation〕Science investigates the operation of general laws.科学研究探索的是普遍法则的作用原理。麦克米伦高阶〔postulate〕A fundamental element; a basic principle.基本因素;基本原理美国传统〔principle〕Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle 海森伯测不准原理麦克米伦高阶〔principle〕In all these instruments the principle is the same.所有这些仪器的工作原理都相同。英汉大词典〔principle〕The doctrine was based on three fundamental principles.这个学说建立在三条基本原理之上。柯林斯高阶〔principle〕These people lack all understanding of scientific principles.这些人对科学原理一窍不通。柯林斯高阶〔principle〕Windmills differ in design, but all operate on exactly the same principle.风车的设计不同,但操作原理都是完全相同的。麦克米伦高阶〔rationale〕He tried to explain the scientific rationale behind his work.他尝试解释他工作背后的科学原理。剑桥高阶〔rationale〕So what was the rationale behind the two men's experiment?那么这两个人实验的基本原理是什么?外研社新世纪〔reliant〕Students have become too reliant on/upon calculators and don't truly understand basic mathematical principles.学生过于依赖计算器,并没有真正理解基本的数学原理。韦氏高阶〔rethink〕It is more difficult to apply the principles to famous modern buildings which look like a total rethink.把这些原理应用到那些看上去以全新思路设计的著名现代建筑物上去更为困难。英汉大词典〔rudimentary〕Of or relating to basic facts or principles; elementary.基本的,初步的;有关基本事实或原理的美国传统〔seminar〕Architect Ken Bonner presented a seminar titled 'Elements of Design'.由建筑师肯・邦纳主讲的题为“设计基础原理”的研讨课。牛津搭配〔sketchy〕I have only a sketchy idea of how it works.对于其工作原理我只知道个大概。韦氏高阶〔soliton〕A pulselike wave that can exist in nonlinear systems, does not obey the superposition principle, and does not disperse.孤波,光孤子:可以存在非线性系统中,不遵循重迭原理而且不分散的类似于脉冲的波美国传统〔space science〕A discipline related to or dealing with the problems of space flight.航天原理:和外层空间飞行问题有关的或处理的原则美国传统〔strategy〕I've just been explaining the basic principles of strategy to my generals.我刚刚一直在向各位将军解释战略学的基本原理。柯林斯高阶〔superposition principle〕A principle holding that two or more solutions to a linear equation or set of linear equations can be added together so that their sum is also a solution.迭置原理:一个或一组线性方程的两个或两个以上解相加的和也是线性方程解的原理美国传统〔superposition〕Geology The principle that in a group of stratified sedimentary rocks the lowest were the earliest to be deposited.【地质学】 重叠原理:认为处于一组沉积岩中,最底下的岩石是最早沉积下来的岩石美国传统〔technical〕Without getting too technical, this is basically how it works.不用说得太深,这基本上就是其工作原理。牛津搭配〔technique〕The way in which the fundamentals, as of an artistic work, are handled.技巧:处理基本原理,如艺术作品的基本原理的方法美国传统〔the uninitiated〕For the uninitiated, let me explain how this device works.我仅向无此专业知识的人说明这个设备的工作原理。韦氏高阶〔theory〕A musician has to study both the theory and practice of music.音乐家不仅必须研究音乐原理而且必须研究音乐实践。英汉大词典〔translate〕The principle of relativity can be translated into simpler terms.相对论原理能用较为简单的措辞加以说明。英汉大词典〔underlie〕We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.我们讨论了他们所采用方法的原理。韦氏高阶〔understanding〕If you are using this software, it's helpful to have some understanding of basic design principles.如果你在使用这个软件,了解一些基本的设计原理是很有用的。麦克米伦高阶〔understanding〕The students seem to have a reasonable level of understanding of how genes work.学生们似乎对基因的作用原理有一定的理解。牛津搭配〔understand〕You don't need to understand how computers work to be able to use them.你不一定非要懂计算机原理才会使用电脑。朗文当代〔uniform〕Conforming to one principle, standard, or rule; consistent.一律的,统一标准的:统一于一个原理、标准或规则;一致的美国传统〔universality〕There are no economic universals.没有普遍适用的经济学原理。柯林斯高阶〔unscientific〕They argue that psychotherapy is unscientific.他们认为心理疗法不符合科学原理。英汉大词典〔what〕The fundamentals and details of a situation or process; the true state or condition.局势或过程的原理或细节;真实的状态美国传统He knew very little about the philosophy of aircraft designing. 他对飞机设计原理知之甚少。译典通In the first year of your law course, you will study the principles of the criminal justice system.在法律课程的第一年中,你要学习刑法制度的原理。剑桥国际It is possible, of course, that the converse of this theory may also be true.当然该原理的逆命题也有可能成立。剑桥国际It only took me an hour to learn/pick up the rudiments of French grammar/of skiing.学会法语语法/滑雪的基本原理只花了我1个小时。剑桥国际It's important for children to be taught the fundamentals (=main principles) of science.教给孩子一些科学的基本原理很重要。剑桥国际My new wallpaper stripper works by producing a lot of steam at high pressure.我的新去墙纸器工作原理是在高压下喷出许多水汽。剑桥国际The machine works according to the principle of electromagnetic conduction.这台机器根据电磁传导原理运行。剑桥国际The newspaper printed a rather unscientific account of how you inherit characteristics from your parents.报纸刊登了一篇完全不符合科学原理的关于人如何因父母遗传而具有性格特点的文章。剑桥国际The two machines work on the same principle. 这两部机器的工作原理是一样的。译典通We owe to Newton the principle of gravitation. 我们全靠牛顿才知道引力的原理。译典通Working on a new project like this, you need to start from first principles (= the simplest and most important truths).从事这样一个新项目,你需要从基本原理开始。剑桥国际




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