

单词 南中国海
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Hainan〕An island of southern China in the South China Sea, separated from Leizhou Peninsula by a narrow strait.海南岛:中国南部一岛屿,位于南中国海,与雷州半岛间隔着一条狭窄的海峡美国传统〔Leizhou Peninsula〕A peninsula of southern China between the Gulf of Tonkin and the South China Sea. A narrow strait separates it from the island of Hainan.雷州半岛:中国南部的一个半岛,位于越南湾和南中国海之间。一道狭窄的海峡把它同海南岛分开美国传统〔Malacca〕A channel between Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula connecting the Andaman Sea with the South China Sea.马六甲海峡:位于苏门答腊岛和马来半岛之间的海峡,沟通安达曼海和南中国海美国传统〔South China Sea〕An arm of the western Pacific Ocean bounded by southeast China, the Philippines, Borneo, and Vietnam.南中国海:西太平洋的一片海域,是中国东南沿海、菲律宾、婆罗洲和越南的海疆美国传统〔beat about〕The ship beat about, and headed for South China Sea.这艘船改变航向,朝南中国海驶去。21世纪英汉〔one〕The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles, the South China Sea on one side, jungle on the other.这条路依傍海岸绵延数百英里,一边是南中国海,另一边则是丛林。柯林斯高阶〔typhoon〕The 169,000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea.台风中,一艘169 000吨位的轮船在南中国海沉没了。剑桥高阶The 169,000-ton vessel went down during a typhoon in the South China Sea.在一场台风中一艘169,000 吨的轮船在南中国海沉没了。剑桥国际




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