

单词 原居
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amorite〕A member of one of several ancient Semitic peoples primarily inhabiting Canaan, where they preceded the Israelites, and Babylonia.亚摩利人:在以色列人和巴比伦人之前原居住在迦南的几个古闪米特族人的成员美国传统〔Biloxi〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting territory around Biloxi Bay in southeast Mississippi on the Gulf of Mexico.比洛克西族:原居住在比洛克西湾地区的美国印第安人,位于墨西哥湾的密西西比州东南部美国传统〔Cumanagoto〕A member of an extinct South American Indian people of northeast Venezuela.库马纳戈托人:原居于委内瑞拉东北部,现已灭绝的南美印第安人美国传统〔Hindu〕A native of India, especially northern India.印度人:尤指居住在印度北部的原居民美国传统〔Kansa〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting eastern and central Kansas, with a present-day population in eastern Oklahoma.坎萨人:原居住在堪萨斯州东部和中部的美洲印第安人,现在居住在俄克拉荷马州东部美国传统〔Lipan〕An Apache tribe formerly inhabiting western Texas, with a present-day population in southern New Mexico.利帕:原居住在西得克萨斯的阿帕契族部落,今人口分布在新墨西哥南部美国传统〔Manchu〕A member of a people native to Manchuria who ruled China during the Qing dynasty.满族人:原居住于满洲里,后在清朝时曾统治中国的民族中的成员美国传统〔Mikasuki〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting northwest Florida, now forming part of the Seminole people of southern Florida.米卡苏奇人:原居住在佛罗里达西北部的美洲土著居民,现成为佛罗里达南部的西米诺尔人的一部分美国传统〔Missouri〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.密苏里族:美洲土著居民(印第安人)的一支,原居住于密苏里州中北部,现其后裔和奥托人居住在俄克拉荷马州的中北部美国传统〔Quapaw〕A Native American people formerly inhabiting parts of Arkansas along the Arkansas River, with a present-day population in Oklahoma.瓜坡族:一支美洲土著人,原居住在阿肯色州的阿肯色河流域的部分地区,现居住在俄克拉荷马州美国传统〔forsake〕She forsook the glamour of the city and went to live in the wilds of Scotland.她抛开城市的绚烂,去苏格兰荒原居住。牛津高阶〔plainsman〕An inhabitant or a settler of the plains, especially of the prairie regions of the United States.平原居民:平原上的居住者或定居者,尤指在美国的大草原地区美国传统




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