

单词 原定
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACTOR/ACTRESS〕He got an unexpected chance to play the lead after the film's original star fell ill. 这部电影原定的明星病了,这使他意外地得到了一次担任主角的机会。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Heavy snow closed airports and forced the cancellation of scheduled budget talks at the White House. 暴雪使机场关闭,也迫使原定在白宫举行的预算会谈取消。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕I know, we're a week behind schedule already. 我知道我们已经比原定计划晚了一周。朗文写作活用〔a tempo〕In the time originally designated; resuming the initial tempo of a section or movement after a specified deviation from it. Used chiefly as a direction.恢复原先的速度,用先前的速度:在原定的时间内;经过一个特定的偏移后,重新回到乐章或章节的最初节奏。主要用作演奏演唱指示美国传统〔achieve〕We have achieved what we set out to do.我们完成了原定想做的事。外研社新世纪〔assembly〕The cost of the assembly building had been set at £26.6m.议会大厦的建造费用原定为2,660万英镑。外研社新世纪〔assignment〕An Australian division scheduled for assignment to Greece was ordered to remain in Egypt.原定去希腊执行任务的一支澳大利亚小分队接到命令后继续留在埃及。柯林斯高阶〔back out〕They backed out of the deal the day before they were due to sign the contract.在原定签合同日期的前一天,他们决定退出这笔交易。剑桥高阶〔blast-off〕The original planned launch was called off four minutes before blast-off.原定的发射在点火起飞前4分钟被取消。柯林斯高阶〔bottle〕He was scheduled to appear on the Russell Harty Show, but bottled it at the last minute.他原定参加拉塞尔·哈蒂主持的节目,但在最后时刻打了退堂鼓。柯林斯高阶〔default〕In default of (= because there is not) any better alternative, we will have to proceed with the original plan.由于没有更好的方案,我们将只好按原定计划行事。剑桥高阶〔diversion〕A maneuver that draws the attention of an opponent away from a planned point of action, especially as part of military strategy.牵制;佯攻:使敌方的注意力从原定的作战点转移开的策略,尤指军事战略的一部分美国传统〔gazump〕We were gazumped at the last minute.原定卖给我们的房子在最后一刻反悔卖给了出价更高的买主。朗文当代〔give〕They say they're not willing to give any more than they've already offered.他们说就原定的这些钱,不愿意再多给了。朗文当代〔godsend〕The grant was a real godsend, especially considering the theatre was going to be shut down next month.特别是考虑到剧院原定下个月就要关闭了,这笔拨款来得真是及时。剑桥高阶〔intended〕The intended target had been a military building.原定目标是一座军事大楼。柯林斯高阶〔intend〕We finished later than we had intended.我们完成时已超出原定时间。牛津高阶〔land〕Our flight was scheduled to land in Pittsburgh at 4:00.我们的航班原定4点钟在匹兹堡降落。韦氏高阶〔launch〕This morning's launch of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed.原定今早“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机的发射已被推迟。柯林斯高阶〔launch〕This morning's launch of the space shuttle Columbia has been delayed.原定于今早的“哥伦比亚”号航天飞机的发射已被推迟。外研社新世纪〔old〕Come back any old time. Don't give me any ol' excuse.按照原定时间回来。别又跟我提那个借口美国传统〔overtaken by events〕The original date for the meeting was overtaken by events and had to be changed.原定会议日期因故更改。韦氏高阶〔plan〕A planned demonstration has been called off by its organisers.原定的游行示威已被组织者取消。柯林斯高阶〔polling〕Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place.在原定投票日的前一天, 选举推迟了。外研社新世纪〔potluck〕The scheduled flight was canceled and passengers had to take potluck on the other airlines.原定航班被取消了,乘客们只能在其他航线上试试运气美国传统〔preempt〕The date for the celebration was preempted for the general election.原定举行庆祝活动的日期改为举行大选了。英汉大词典〔push back〕Her match was due to start at 12.45 pm, but it was pushed back by an hour.她的比赛原定下午12点45开始, 但是推后了一个小时。外研社新世纪〔put back〕News conferences due to be held by both men have been put back.原定两个人共同举行的新闻发布会被推迟。柯林斯高阶〔race〕Only 11 of the original 18 horses will be racing.原定的18匹马中只有11匹将参加比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔rain check〕A ticket stub entitling the holder to admission to a future event if the scheduled event is canceled because of rain.可继续使用的票根:一种票根,允许持有者如因原定的活动遇雨取消可以参加将来的活动美国传统〔rearrange〕The meeting on 31 October has been rearranged for 30 January.原定于10月31日召开的会议重新安排在1月30日举行。外研社新世纪〔reset〕He reset the alarming clock for six instead of seven.他把闹钟从原定的7点改拨至6点闹响。英汉大词典〔run over〕We try our best to limit our expenditure to the original sum,but we may run over by a few pounds.我们尽量把开销限制在原定的数目之内,但可能会超出几镑。21世纪英汉〔schedule〕The meeting was originally scheduled for March 12.会议原定 3 月 12 日举行。牛津搭配〔schedule〕We'll be stopping here for longer than scheduled.我们在这里停留的时间将比原定的久一点。牛津高阶〔spanner〕The eruption of agitation has thrown a massive spanner in the works.骚乱的爆发在很大程度上打乱了原定计划。英汉大词典〔span〕The speech continued well beyond its allotted span.这个讲话大大超过了原定的时间。牛津搭配〔stretch〕Paul's initial two months' work experience ultimately stretched to five.保罗原定的两个月的实习期最后延长到了5个月。麦克米伦高阶〔strike〕The reception has struck.原定的招待会已经取消了。21世纪英汉〔target〕Many pay agreements reached were over the original target of 4%.已达成的许多工资协议超过了原定的 4% 的目标。牛津搭配〔target〕Oil production was 15 per cent below target.石油产量比原定目标低了15%。麦克米伦高阶〔write in〕He got 32 write-in votes to Mr Rose’s 16.他作为非原定候选人得到了32票,而竞争对手罗斯先生得了16票。剑桥高阶〔write in〕They were running a last-minute write-in campaign.他们正在进行竞选前最后一场为非原定候选人造势的活动。剑桥高阶〔write-in〕A vote cast by writing in the name of a candidate not on the ballot.选举人对非原定候选人投的选票美国传统〔wrongheaded〕He is too wrongheaded to abandon his original objective.他太固执,不会放弃自己的原定目标。英汉大词典A few hours before touchdown, the base where the space shuttle was due to land was engulfed in fog.着陆前的几个小时,原定航天飞机所要降落的基地陷入了一片大雾之中。剑桥国际Further slippage would delay the target (= intended) opening date for the new airport.股票再次下跌会延迟新机场原定开放的日期。剑桥国际If my calculations are right, I got paid a bit over the odds for that job.如果我计算无误的话,我干那活所得的报酬比原定的略高了一些。剑桥国际The concert was meant to begin at 9p.m. but the band didn't take the stage (= start to perform) until after 11.音乐会原定于晚上9点开始,但乐队直到11点之后才登台。剑桥国际The new limits on government spending mean that next year's proposed tax cuts are now in the firing line.对政府开支的新限制意味着原定明年的减税如今要落空了。剑桥国际




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