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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Beeb〕He joined the Beeb at 19.他19岁就加入了英国广播公司。柯林斯高阶〔CERTAINLY/DEFINITELY〕My future was cut and dried. I would join my father's firm, and take it over when he retired. 我的未来已经定好了。我先加入父亲的公司,在他退休时接管它。朗文写作活用〔IN CHARGE OF〕Two years after joining the police force, he was put in charge of the department's records. 他加入警察部队两年后,被调去负责部门的档案记录。朗文写作活用〔LIQUID〕Blend the strawberries with a little icing sugar in a food processor until it forms a smooth purée. 给草莓加入一点糖粉,放在食品加工机里搅拌成均匀的糊状。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕He joined the Los Angeles police department and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant. 他加入洛杉矶警察局,最终晋升为中尉警衔。朗文写作活用〔PTA〕He joined the PTA.他加入了家长教师联谊会。韦氏高阶〔PURE〕Lime is added to the liquid metal to remove all the impurities . 往液态金属里加入石灰以去除所有的杂质。朗文写作活用〔aboard〕Many firms are waiting for conditions to improve before they welcome any new employee aboard.许多公司都在等待条件改善, 然后才能欢迎新雇员加入。外研社新世纪〔accession〕Some 81.9% of voters backed EU accession.81.9%的投票者支持加入欧盟。外研社新世纪〔accretion〕The fund was increased by the accretion of new shareholders.由于新股东的逐渐加入,资金增加了。剑桥高阶〔ad-lib〕Seasoned comedy actors often put in ad-lib asides.老练的喜剧演员经常加入即兴的旁白。外研社新世纪〔adopter〕Podulski had joined the U.S. Navy as an aviator, adopting a new country and a new profession.波度尔斯基加入美国海军当上了飞行员,不仅改了国籍还换了行当。柯林斯高阶〔affiliate oneself with〕We affiliated ourselves with their club.我们加入了他们的俱乐部。21世纪英汉〔aim〕The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.该国仍在努力实现加入欧盟的目标。牛津搭配〔anneal〕Tough fighting annealed the peasants into the guerilla band.艰苦的战斗磨练了那些农民,使他们加入了游击队。英汉大词典〔anything〕You need not be anything in order to join our society.要加入我们的社团,不需任何资格[身分]。文馨英汉〔attachment〕They discussed the attachment of new conditions to the peace plans.他们讨论把新条件加入到和平计划中去。牛津高阶〔band〕Smith joined the band in 1989.史密斯在 1989 年加入这个乐队。朗文当代〔baptize〕She was baptized a Catholic/Methodist when she was a teenager.她在青少年时就受洗加入了天主教/循道宗教派韦氏高阶〔beat〕Add three eggs, lightly beaten.加入 3 个轻轻搅打过的鸡蛋。牛津搭配〔bicarbonate of soda〕Mix together 250 g plain flour and a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and then add to the cake mixture.将250克纯面粉与一茶匙小苏打搅拌在一起,然后加入蛋糕粉中。剑桥高阶〔board〕We joined the passengers waiting to board the ship.我们加入到了等待登船的乘客中。外研社新世纪〔camp〕He camps with the hawks.他加入鹰派。文馨英汉〔certainly〕You may certainly join us.你当然可以加入我们美国传统〔chair〕Please pull up a chair [=bring a chair to where we are] and join us.请搬把椅子过来加入我们吧。韦氏高阶〔coast guard〕Their son joined the Coast Guard last year.他们的儿子去年加入了海岸警卫队。韦氏高阶〔commune〕She left her husband to join a women's commune.她离开丈夫,加入了一个妇女群居团体。剑桥高阶〔convent〕I would rather join a convent than live with that smell.我宁愿加入修女会也不愿忍受这样臭气熏天的环境。外研社新世纪〔convoy〕Their truck joined a sixteen-vehicle convoy to Damascus.他们的卡车加入了一支开往大马士革的由16辆车组成的车队。英汉大词典〔cream〕To the creamed sugar/butter mixture, add the flour.在搅成奶油状的糖和黄油混合物中加入面粉。外研社新世纪〔cross〕He crossed over and joined the Opposition.他转变立场,加入反对党。英汉大词典〔dog〕They sit in impotent opposition while the country goes to the dogs.国家败落之际,他们加入了软弱无力的反对党。柯林斯高阶〔dole queue〕Another 29,100 people have joined the dole queue.又有29,100人加入了失业大军。柯林斯高阶〔draft〕He wasn't drafted for the war; he volunteered for the Navy.他不是因为这次战争才被征召入伍的,他是自愿加入海军的。柯林斯高阶〔dry〕Mix the dry ingredients first, then add the milk and eggs.首先把各种干的原料混合在一起,然后加入牛奶和鸡蛋。韦氏高阶〔email〕Add your name to the email list.把你的名字加入电邮列表。牛津搭配〔embroider〕To add embellishments or fanciful details.渲染:加入修饰或想象的细节美国传统〔exclusive〕He is already a member of Britain's most exclusive club.他已经加入了英国最高档的俱乐部。外研社新世纪〔expedition〕Caroline joined them on the shopping expeditions.卡罗琳加入了他们的购物之旅。柯林斯高阶〔extract〕Add one teaspoon of vanilla extract.加入一茶匙香草精。朗文当代〔finely〕Mix in the finely grated cheese.加入磨碎的干酪拌和。外研社新世纪〔fracas〕The prime minister has joined the fracas over the proposed changes.首相也加入到有关拟议改革的激烈争论中来了。剑桥高阶〔give up〕She gave up her job to join her husband's campaign.她辞去工作,加入到丈夫的宣传活动中。柯林斯高阶〔go out〕He went out for football last year. = He went out for the football team last year.他去年努力争取加入橄榄球队。韦氏高阶〔group〕She joined a discussion group.她加入了一个讨论小组。韦氏高阶〔haze〕To initiate, as into a college fraternity, by exacting humiliating performances from or playing rough practical jokes upon.戏弄:通过苛刻的侮辱性的表演或被恶作剧捉弄而加入,如一大学的大学生联谊会等美国传统〔heaped〕Add three heaped teaspoons of sugar.加入满满的三茶匙糖。朗文当代〔honeymoon〕Austrians voted for EU membership by a two-to-one majority in a June 1994 referendum, but the honeymoon is definitely over.奥地利在1994年6月举行的全民公决中以2比1的多数票支持加入欧盟,但这一蜜月期明显已经结束了。柯林斯高阶〔influx〕The work force is growing with the influx of youngsters.随着年轻人的加入,就业大军正在发展壮大。英汉大词典〔integrate〕If they want to integrate, that's fine with me.如果他们想加入, 我没有意见。外研社新世纪〔intercalary〕Inserted in the calendar to make the calendar year correspond to the solar year. Used of a day or month.闰的(闰日、闰年的):在日历中加入一天或一月而使历年与太阳年相吻合的美国传统〔involved〕He joined their organization but never really got involved.他加入了他们的组织但在情感上他从未真正投入美国传统〔join〕Although a sympathizer, he never officially joined the party.他虽然是该党的支持者,却从未正式加入其中。牛津搭配〔join〕Telephone operators joined the strike and four million engineering workers are also planning action.电话接线员加入了罢工的行列,400万工程技术工人也在计划采取行动。柯林斯高阶〔join〕When did you join the Labour party? 你何时加入工党的?朗文当代〔lad〕The lads don't join the union because they're frightened of being victimized.那几个伙计没加入工会是因为害怕成为牺牲品。柯林斯高阶〔league〕Hopefully he'll get called up to the big leagues soon.他有望很快受邀加入大联盟。牛津搭配〔little〕Mix in a little of the flour to make the liquid thicker.加入一点点面粉搅拌使液体变稠。麦克米伦高阶〔locally〕Some local residents joined the students' protest.当地一些居民也加入了学生的抗议行列。柯林斯高阶〔make〕Did you make the club?【美】=【英】Did you make one of the club? 你有没有加入那个俱乐部?文馨英汉〔make〕He made the basketball team as a freshman.他大学一年级时就加入篮球队了。英汉大词典〔movement〕They joined the antiwar/peace/feminist movement.他们加入了反战/和平/女权主义运动团体韦氏高阶〔one〕He always wants to be one of the boys, but he's too young to join the gang.他总想成为那些男孩子中的一员,但他太小了,不能加入到那一伙里面。麦克米伦高阶〔own〕He wants to come into the business on his own terms.他想依自己开出的条件加入该公司。牛津高阶〔pepper〕Add salt and pepper to taste (= in the quantity preferred).按口味加入盐和胡椒粉。牛津搭配〔pledge〕My brother pledged Sigma Nu.我哥哥宣誓加入 Σ NU 联谊会。牛津高阶〔police force〕More young people are needed to join the police force.需要更多的青年加入到警察队伍中来。剑桥高阶〔practice〕She's decided to leave the Health Service and join a private practice.她决定离开公共医疗卫生服务机构,加入私人诊所。剑桥高阶〔press〕To force into service in the army or navy; impress.强迫入伍或加入海军;强迫服役美国传统〔punk〕A young person, especially a member of a rebellious counterculture group.叛逆的年轻人:尤指加入反叛性的反文化组织的年轻人美国传统〔quantity〕Add 50 grams of butter, and the same quantity of sugar.加入 50 克黄油和等量的糖。朗文当代〔rejoin〕In 1938 he rejoined the Socialists.1938 年他重新加入了社会党。朗文当代〔rejoin〕The original drummer left the band in 2000 but rejoined two years later.原来的那名鼓手2000年离开了乐队,但两年后又重新加入进来。韦氏高阶〔remaining〕Add the remaining ingredients to the sauce.把剩余原料加入调味汁。韦氏高阶〔rope sb in〕At the last minute, we roped in a couple of spectators to complete the team.在最后关头,我们说服几位观众加入,凑足了比赛人数。剑桥高阶〔seduce〕The other team seduced him with a better offer.另一个队用更好的待遇来诱惑他加入。韦氏高阶〔sign up〕She signed up with another team.她签约加入了另一个队。韦氏高阶〔sketch〕I've just sketched out a rough proposal; we can add details later.我刚刚所讲的只是个粗略的提议;我们等会儿可以加入些详细的内容。麦克米伦高阶〔slant〕He puts his own particular slant on everything.他对任何事都加入自己的那种看法。牛津搭配〔start〕He joined the team prior to the start of the season.他在本赛季开始之前就加入了这支队伍。牛津搭配〔tail end〕Barry had obviously come in on the tail-end of the conversation.巴里显然是在谈话快结束时加入的。柯林斯高阶〔tap out〕Dermot joined her, his eyes on the dance floor, his fingers tapping out a rhythm on the table.德莫特加入了她的行列,眼睛盯着舞池,手指在桌子上敲着节拍。柯林斯高阶〔team〕She has recently joined our sales team.她最近加入了我们的销售团队。牛津搭配〔thicken〕Thicken the broth with the cornflour.加入玉米粉使汤变稠。外研社新世纪〔trainee〕She joined as a management trainee.她是作为一名管理培训生加入的。牛津搭配〔troop〕My brother joined the local Boy Scout troop.我的兄弟加入了当地童子军。剑桥高阶〔veto〕In 1961, President De Gaulle vetoed Britain's entry into the Common Market.1961年,戴高乐总统行使否决权,反对英国加入西欧共同市场。剑桥高阶〔wade〕She waded right into their argument.她直接加入到他们的争论中。韦氏高阶Foreign oil companies began to compete in the local market.外国石油公司开始加入本地市场竞争。牛津商务He became naturalized after living in the United States for ten years. 他在美国生活了十年之后加入了美国籍。译典通He's joined the navy as an engine fitter.他加入了海军,成了一名机务兵。剑桥国际His mother started (off/up) the craft market to sell her own goods but other people soon joined in.他母亲创办了一个工艺品市场来出售自己的货物,但其他人很快加入了进来。剑桥国际I'd like to paint the bedroom in white with a hint of blue.我想在白色中加入少许蓝色来粉刷卧室。剑桥国际It's a very select club --I've been trying unsuccessfully to join it for years.这是一个很优秀的俱乐部----我多年来一直想加入,都未成功。剑桥国际Overweight people sometimes join clubs to help them lose weight.超重的人有时加入俱乐部帮助他们减肥。剑桥国际Several more companies have entered the fray to win the contract.又有几家公司加入角逐,争取这份合同。牛津商务She joined the company on a basic salary of €40 000.她加入这公司的年底薪为 40 000 欧元。牛津商务She tried hard to join the in-group at school, but they rejected her.她使劲想加入学校里的密友会,但他们拒绝了她。剑桥国际Twenty-five employees have joined the union in this month alone, swelling its ranks (= increasing its size) to 110.仅仅这一个月就有25个雇员加入工会,使会员人数迅速增加至110人。剑桥国际You have to add the cost of postage to the subtotal.你得将邮费加入小计部分。剑桥国际




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