

单词 加产
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔capital〕capital equipment that could have served to increase production. 本可以用来增加产出的资产设备柯林斯高阶〔hike〕to hike products to meet the needs of the market增加产量以满足市场的需求21世纪英汉〔increase〕to increase productivity增加产量21世纪英汉〔incremental〕our ability to add production capacity at relatively low incremental cost. 我们以相对较低的边际成本增加产能的能力柯林斯高阶〔resource〕resources The total means available to a company for increasing production or profit, including plant, labor, and raw material; assets. resources 财产:公司用于增加产值或利润的所有可利用财富,包括企业设备、劳工及原材料;财产美国传统〔squeeze〕squeeze extra output from the existing machinery 拼命利用现有机械设备增加产量英汉大词典〔step〕step up production. 增加产量美国传统〔up〕up output 增加产量 英汉大词典a trade-off between increased production and a reduction in quality 在增加产量和降低质量之间取得平衡牛津商务




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