

单词 到很晚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕I like to stay up late most nights, much to the annoyance of my girlfriend. 大多数晚上我都喜欢熬到很晚,我女朋友很不高兴。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕The thing that I really hate about this job is having to work late at night. 我最不喜欢这工作的地方就是夜里要工作到很晚。朗文写作活用〔COMPLAIN〕She was grumbling about having to work so late. 她在埋怨说要加班到很晚。朗文写作活用〔ENTER〕When he was drunk he would sneak in late, hoping his wife was asleep. 他喝醉了就会到很晚才偷偷地溜进房间,指望妻子已经睡着了。朗文写作活用〔LATE〕Better not wake her - she was up till all hours last night, working. 最好不要叫醒她—她昨晚工作到很晚。朗文写作活用〔LATE〕It's really nice to get up late on Saturday mornings. 星期六早上睡到很晚才起来真舒服啊。朗文写作活用〔SHOULD/OUGHT TO〕I don't feel like working late tonight but I suppose I should. 今天我不想加班到很晚,可是我认为我应该这样做。朗文写作活用〔STAY〕In those days, teachers enjoyed running reading clubs, and stayed late after the bell to do so. 那时候老师爱办读书俱乐部,他们放学后会留到很晚才回家。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕She stayed late to complete a class assignment. 她留到很晚以完成课堂作业。朗文写作活用〔allow〕He is not allowed to stay out late.他不可以在外待到很晚。牛津高阶〔allow〕His parents won't allow him to stay out late.他的父母不会允许他在外待到很晚。牛津高阶〔anathema〕The idea of working late was complete anathema to him.一想到要工作到很晚他就非常厌烦。麦克米伦高阶〔annoy〕I only stay out late to annoy my parents.我在外面待到很晚只是为了气我的父母。牛津搭配〔catch up〕She's staying late at the office to catch up with/on some reports.她在办公室呆到很晚,赶写几份报告。剑桥高阶〔clean up〕We stayed late to help them clean up.我们帮他们收拾到很晚才睡。韦氏高阶〔concoct〕He concocted a story about working late at the office.他编造谎言说他在办公室工作到很晚。剑桥高阶〔continue〕The demonstrations continued until well into the evening.示威活动一直持续到很晚。麦克米伦高阶〔cursed〕It's a cursed nuisance, having to work late every evening! 真烦人,每天晚上都得工作到很晚!剑桥高阶〔encourage〕Cantor didn't mind if they worked late; in fact, he actively encouraged it.他们工作到很晚坎托也不在乎; 事实上,是他积极鼓动他们这样做的。朗文当代〔excess〕In an excess of enthusiasm I agreed to work late.我一时热情过度答应了工作到很晚。牛津高阶〔give sb a hard time〕My mother gave me a really hard time (= was angry with me) about staying out late.我母亲对我在外面呆到很晚感到很生气。剑桥高阶〔grace〕He works late to stay in his boss's good graces.他工作到很晚以得到老板的赏识。韦氏高阶〔hall〕The entire hall stayed up late studying.整所房子里的学生熬到很晚还在学习美国传统〔hit a/the wall〕He worked late every day and took frequent business trips for several years before he finally hit the wall.他每天都工作到很晚,几年来又经常出差,直到最后他撑不下去了。韦氏高阶〔hour〕They were up talking until all hours.他们一直谈到很晚才睡。麦克米伦高阶〔if〕So what if sometimes they stayed rather late, it doesn't mean anything.因此,即便有时他们熬夜到很晚,那也说明不了什么。柯林斯高阶〔knowledge〕The rape did not come to my knowledge until much later.直到很晚我才知道强奸这件事。外研社新世纪〔late〕Ellen has to work late tonight.埃伦今晚得工作到很晚。朗文当代〔late〕He often works late.他常工作到很晚。文馨英汉〔late〕Kathryn's just phoned to say she's working late this evening.凯瑟琳刚才打电话说今天晚上要工作到很晚。剑桥高阶〔late〕She had to work late.她不得不工作到很晚。外研社新世纪〔late〕She's been working late.她一直都是工作到很晚。韦氏高阶〔late〕They stayed late.他们待到很晚。韦氏高阶〔late〕We got caught in a late meeting and almost missed the start of the film.会议一直开到很晚,我们脱不开身,差点误了电影的开场。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕Don't give me that line about having to work late again.别再跟我说不得不工作到很晚这样的话。牛津高阶〔long〕She was a TV reporter and worked long hours.她是个电视台记者, 总是工作到很晚。外研社新世纪〔loose〕John has gone out on the loose, and won't be back till late.约翰到外面寻欢作乐去了,不到很晚不会回来。英汉大词典〔many〕Plenty of stores stay open late.许多商店都营业到很晚。牛津高阶〔matter〕If I have to stay late at work tonight, it won't matter because we can go out another night.如果今晚我必须工作到很晚的话,那也没关系,我们可以另找个晚上出去。朗文当代〔morning〕He stayed in bed late on Sunday morning .星期日早上他睡到很晚。朗文当代〔need〕There's no need for you to stay late – I can finish this.你不必呆到很晚,我能完成这个。麦克米伦高阶〔night〕I'm working late tomorrow night.明晚我要工作到很晚。牛津高阶〔office〕I sometimes have to stay late at the office.有时我不得不在办公室工作到很晚。牛津搭配〔often〕Often, she works late.她常工作到很晚。韦氏高阶〔one〕I've never been one for staying out late.我从不喜欢在外呆到很晚。剑桥高阶〔or no〕Extra pay or no extra pay, I'm not going to work late again tonight.不管有没有加班费,今晚我都不打算再工作到很晚。剑桥高阶〔rehearse〕The band stayed up late rehearsing for the big show.乐队为了那个大型演出排练到很晚。韦氏高阶〔resent〕He resented his boss for making him work late.他因老板让他工作到很晚而对老板愤恨不已。韦氏高阶〔security〕You'll need to notify security if you want to work late in the office.如果想在办公室里工作到很晚,你需要通知保安人员。剑桥高阶〔shopping〕The store is open for late night shopping on Wednesdays.每个星期三,该百货商店都营业到很晚。剑桥高阶〔shut〕Shops usually shut from noon till 3pm, and stay open late.商店通常中午到下午3点关门, 然后营业到很晚。外研社新世纪〔shut〕Shops usually shut from noon-3pm, and stay open late.商店通常中午到下午 3 点关门,然后营业到很晚。柯林斯高阶〔sit〕We sat up very late talking last night.我们昨夜谈到很晚。麦克米伦高阶〔slap〕We got a slap on the back for staying late at work.我们因工作到很晚而受到了表扬。英汉大词典〔sleep in〕I usually sleep in on Saturdays.我通常星期六都要睡到很晚才起床。剑桥高阶〔sleep〕Come on, you've slept in this morning.快起来,你今天早上已经睡到很晚了。英汉大词典〔smell a rat〕He's been working late with her every night this week - I smell a rat! 他这周每天晚上总是和她一起工作到很晚——我觉得很可疑!剑桥高阶〔sometimes〕I sometimes have to work late.我有时得工作到很晚。朗文当代〔stay〕I have to stay late at work every Thursday.每个周四我都得工作到很晚。麦克米伦高阶〔stay〕I'm staying late at the office tonight.今晚我会在办公室待到很晚。牛津搭配〔stay〕I'm staying late at the office tonight.今晚我要在办公室待到很晚。牛津高阶〔stay〕She stayed late to finish the report.为了完成报告,她工作到很晚。朗文当代〔stay〕The store stays open until late on Thursdays.这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。牛津高阶〔stop out〕He always stops out late on Fridays.每周五他都在外边待到很晚。外研社新世纪〔stop out〕He doesn't normally stop out late.他一般不会在外面待到很晚。韦氏高阶〔stop up〕She stopped up late last night.昨晚她熬夜到很晚。韦氏高阶〔store〕At Christmas the stores stay open late.在圣诞节期间,商店营业到很晚。朗文当代〔straw〕Making me work late on Friday was the last straw.让我周五加班到很晚终于让我不堪忍受了。朗文当代〔territory〕She has to work late most days, but in her kind of job that goes with the territory.她在大部份日子里都得工作到很晚,但根据她的工作性质,这是不可避免的。牛津高阶〔thing〕It's a good thing that you don't need to work late.你不用工作到很晚,这是件好事。麦克米伦高阶〔till〕She was wont to sit up till late.她惯常熬到很晚才睡。英汉大词典〔unpredictable〕The hours in this job are very unpredictable - you sometimes have to work late at very short notice.这份工作的时间非常不固定——有时突然接到通知就得工作到很晚。剑桥高阶〔until all hours〕He stays up drinking until all hours.他喝酒喝到很晚。剑桥高阶〔walk〕When Valerie worked late, Carl always walked her home.当瓦莱丽工作到很晚时,卡尔总是步行送她回家。麦克米伦高阶〔win〕You can't win, can you? You either work late and upset your family, or go home early and risk your job.你没有办法,是吧? 你要么工作到很晚,让家里人不高兴; 要么冒着失业的危险早早回家去。朗文当代〔work〕He worked on [away] till late at night.他一直工作到很晚。文馨英汉Extra pay or no extra pay, I'm not going to work late again tonight.不管有没有额外的报酬,今天晚上我都不打算再工作到很晚了。剑桥国际He likes starting early rather than staying late.他喜欢早动身而不是呆到很晚。剑桥国际He noticed an uncharacteristic sternness in her voice as she told her children not to stay out late at night.在她告诫孩子们晚上不要在外面呆到很晚时,他注意到她声音中有种不可言状的严厉。剑桥国际I had intended leaving the party before midnight but stayed rather later. 我原本打算午夜前离开聚会的,但却待到很晚。剑桥国际I often go for a swim in the afternoon and then go back to the office and work late.我经常在下午去游泳,然后回到办公室,工作到很晚。剑桥国际I slept late on Saturday.我在星期六睡到很晚。剑桥国际I usually sleep in at the weekends.我通常在周末睡到很晚。剑桥国际It looks like I'm going to be in the office until late tonight.看起来我要在办公室呆到很晚。剑桥国际My boss expects me to stay late at the office and take work home with me as well. It's just not on! 我的老板既期望我呆在办公室工作到很晚又要我把工作带回家去做。这不行!剑桥国际My mother gave me a really hard time (= was angry with me) about staying out late.我妈妈对我在外面呆到很晚感到很生气。剑桥国际Pat's just phoned to say she's working late and won't be back till nine.帕特刚刚打电话来说她要工作到很晚,9点前不会回来。剑桥国际She had put behind her memories of the gay young girl who nightclubbed until all hours. 她不再去想她过去年轻快乐时常去夜总会玩到很晚的那个时光了。译典通The hours in this job are very unpredictable--you sometimes have to work late at very short notice.这份工作的工作时间是无法预言的----有时突然通知你必须工作到很晚。剑桥国际They're not up yet --they were working until late last night.他们还没起来----他们昨晚工作到很晚。剑桥国际




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