

单词 反抗
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONTROL/NOT CONTROL〕As they grow older, kids begin to rebel against the restraints imposed by their parents. 随着年龄的增长,孩子们开始反抗父母亲强加在他们身上的条条框框。朗文写作活用〔DISOBEY〕The prisoners defiantly sang a revolutionary song as they were led away. 囚犯们被带走时唱起了革命歌曲以示反抗。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕You must fight back if you become a victim of discrimination. 如果你是歧视的受害者,你一定要起来反抗。朗文写作活用〔Promethean〕Boldly creative; defiantly original.勇于创造的:勇于创造的;富有反抗精神的美国传统〔REBELLION/REVOLUTION〕The troops would rise up in open rebellion if we tried to make them march any further. 如果我们要求这些部队再往前行进的话,他们就可能公开反抗起来了。朗文写作活用〔SECRET〕Slowly, the underground resistance movement grew. 地下反抗运动渐渐地发展起来。朗文写作活用〔antisubmarine〕Directed against enemy submarines.反潜艇的,防潜艇的:用来反抗敌方潜艇的美国传统〔apolitical〕Others maintain the violence is apolitical and the perpetrators are just gangs bent on defying authority.其他人坚称该暴力事件与任何政党无关,行凶者只是意欲反抗权威的一伙人。柯林斯高阶〔array (oneself) against〕They arrayed themselves against the enemy.他们一致反抗敌人。21世纪英汉〔beget〕Oppression begets resistance.有压迫就有反抗。英汉大词典〔buck〕He admired her willingness to buck the system(= oppose authority or rules).他赞赏她反抗现存体制的主动性。牛津高阶〔buck〕He wants to be the tough rebel who bucks the system.他想成为这种体制的坚定反抗者。柯林斯高阶〔buck〕Initially he had bucked against her restraints.最初他曾反抗过她的管束。朗文当代〔civil disobedience〕The opposition threatened a campaign of civil disobedience.反对党威胁发动民众进行非暴力反抗运动。柯林斯高阶〔contumacy〕Obstinate or contemptuous resistance to authority; stubborn rebelliousness.叛逆性:顽固的或藐视性的反抗权威;顽固的叛逆性美国传统〔conviction〕Their religious convictions prevented them from taking up arms.由于宗教信仰的原因,他们不会拿起武器进行反抗。柯林斯高阶〔countervail〕To act against with equal force; counteract.用同等的力来反抗;抵消美国传统〔defiance〕I left the room messy out of sheer defiance.我把屋子弄得一团糟完全是为了表示自己的反抗。牛津搭配〔defiance〕The child showed defiance by refusing to eat.那孩子以拒绝吃东西来表示反抗。英汉大词典〔defiant〕Marked by defiance; boldly resisting.反叛的:具有违抗的特征的;公然反抗的美国传统〔defiant〕She always was a defiant child.她一直是个具有反抗精神的孩子。外研社新世纪〔defy〕The black population is defying curfew and repression.黑人居民正在反抗戒严和镇压。英汉大词典〔denial〕Psychology An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.【心理学】 拒绝:(心理学)一种无意识的反抗机制,其特征是拒绝承认痛苦的现实、想法或感受美国传统〔desperately〕He will fight even more desperately if trapped.如果被困, 他会反抗得更疯狂。外研社新世纪〔establishment〕Young people are supposed to rebel against the Establishment.年轻人应该反抗当权者。朗文当代〔fan〕Her resistance only fanned his desire.她的反抗反而激起了他的欲望。朗文当代〔fist〕She raised her fist in a gesture of defiance.她举起拳头,以示反抗。牛津搭配〔foot〕The invaders didn't bring the people to their knees, instead, they brought the people to their feet.入侵者并没有使人民屈服,相反倒使人民奋起反抗。英汉大词典〔force〕He called on the local population to rise up against the occupying forces.他号召当地人民起来反抗占领军。牛津搭配〔iniquity〕They fought long and hard against the iniquities of apartheid.他们为反抗不公正的种族隔离进行了长期艰苦的斗争。剑桥高阶〔insubordinate〕Rebellious students stubbornly demanded that the CIA be prevented from recruiting on campus.反抗的学生们坚决要求不准中央情报局在学校里招募人员。美国传统〔insurgent〕One that revolts against civil authority.造反者:反抗国内政权的人美国传统〔kick ... out〕He'll kick out if you treat him like that.如果你那样对待他,他会反抗的。21世纪英汉〔kick〕It's no use trying to kick against the rules.试图反抗规定是徒劳的。 英汉大词典〔land〕Civil disobedience will land you in jail.非暴力反抗将会使你锒铛入狱美国传统〔land〕The land rose in rebellion.国民起来反抗。文馨英汉〔liberate〕Rebels fought to liberate the country.反抗者为解放国家而战斗。韦氏高阶〔martyr〕She fought against racism all her life and died a martyr to the cause.她毕生都在反抗种族主义,直到最后为这一事业英勇献身。剑桥高阶〔mother country〕The colonies rebelled against the mother country.各殖民地纷纷起来反抗母国。韦氏高阶〔mutinous〕There was a mutinous look in Rosie's eyes.罗西的眼里有一种反抗的神色。朗文当代〔noncooperation〕Failure or refusal to cooperate, especially nonviolent civil disobedience against a government or an occupying power.不合作:不合作或拒绝合作,尤指非暴力反抗政府或强权力量美国传统〔parent〕Despair is the parent of rebellion.走投无路是反抗的根源美国传统〔passive〕Accepting or submitting without objection or resistance; compliant.顺从的:无反对或反抗的接受或忍受的;驯服的美国传统〔precursor〕Opposition by colonists to unfair taxation by the British was a precursor of the Revolution.殖民地居民对英国不公正税收的反抗预示着革命的到来美国传统〔projection〕The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.不自主的防卫行为:把某人自己的态度、感觉或欲望归因到某人或某事上,以此作为与焦虑或内疚相对抗的幼稚或不自觉的反抗美国传统〔prolong〕Any defiance would just prolong the agony.任何反抗只会使痛苦延长。外研社新世纪〔reaction〕Her rebellious attitude is just a reaction against her strict upbringing.她叛逆的态度正是对自己严格家教的一种反抗。牛津搭配〔react〕The people reacted against the oppression of the government by holding a demonstration.人民举行游行示威,反抗政府的压迫。21世纪英汉〔rebellion〕An act or a show of defiance toward an authority or established convention.反抗,对抗:对权威或已被接受的传统习惯蔑视的行为或表现美国传统〔rebellion〕The new taxes provoked the population to open rebellion.新的征税引发了人们的公开反抗。牛津搭配〔rebellion〕There are fears that welfare cuts could provoke a rebellion among left-wing MPs.有人担心削减福利可能会引起左翼国会议员的反抗。麦克米伦高阶〔rebellion〕They are in rebellion against the conservative hierarchy of the Church.他们正在反抗教会保守的等级制度。牛津搭配〔rebellion〕Workers' rebellion against unfair working hours succeeded.工人们反抗不公平的工时规定取得了成功。英汉大词典〔rebelliously〕He responded rebelliously.他的反应是公开反抗。韦氏高阶〔rebellious〕The child is very rebellious.那个孩子很有反抗性。文馨英汉〔rebel〕Jacob rebelled against his parents' plans for him and left school at the age of 16.雅各布反抗父母替他做好的计划,在16岁就辍学了。剑桥高阶〔rebel〕Liberal parents often leave their kids nothing to rebel against.思想开明的父母经常让他们的孩子没有什么好反抗的。麦克米伦高阶〔rebel〕Most teenagers find something to rebel against.大多数青少年都有反抗意识。牛津高阶〔rebel〕The people rebelled against the tyrant.人民起来武力反抗暴君。英汉大词典〔regime〕The tyrannical regime violently repressed any opposition.这个独裁政权用暴力镇压任何反抗。牛津搭配〔repress〕The organized opposition has been brutally repressed.有组织的反抗遭到了残暴镇压。牛津搭配〔resistance〕The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police.示威者几乎没有对警察作任何反抗。牛津高阶〔revolt〕An act of protest or rejection.反抗,违抗:抗议或拒斥的行为美国传统〔revolt〕Autocracy often causes the people to revolt.独裁统治常常引起人民的反抗。21世纪英汉〔revolt〕He was facing a revolt in his own party.他正面临着自己党内的反抗。英汉大词典〔revolt〕Zanzibar's fortunes declined after the islanders revolted against the sultanate in 1964.桑给巴尔岛的居民于1964年反抗苏丹统治,随后时局便不断恶化。柯林斯高阶〔ride〕Having found a way to ride the wave of taxpayer revolt, he got reelected as Governor of California.他设法借助纳税人反抗浪潮的威力,再次当选为加州州长。英汉大词典〔rise〕Eventually the people rose against the oppressive regime.最终人民起来反抗压迫他们的政权。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕He called on the people to rise up against the invaders.他号召民众起来反抗入侵者。牛津高阶〔rise〕The oppressed people finally rose up against their rulers.被压迫的人民最终起来反抗他们的统治者。21世纪英汉〔rise〕The peasants rose up in revolt against the landowner.农民起来反抗地主。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕The prisoners rose against the guards and escaped.囚犯反抗狱吏后逃跑了。朗文当代〔rise〕They rose in rebellion against the king.他们起来反抗国王。朗文当代〔simmer〕Violent revolt was simmering in the country.这个国家里正酝酿着一场暴力反抗。朗文当代〔stamp on sth〕Any opposition to the new government was immediately stamped on by the army.对新政府的任何反抗都立即被军队镇压了下去。剑桥高阶〔stand up to〕He hit me, so I hit him back — the first time in my life I'd stood up to him.他打了我,所以我就还手了——有生以来我第一次反抗他。柯林斯高阶〔steadfast〕By now the government was well aware of the steadfastness and strength of his resistance.此刻政府已经清楚地意识到他的反抗是何等的坚定有力。柯林斯高阶〔steamroller〕They could simply steamroller all opposition.他们可以直接镇压所有反抗。柯林斯高阶〔struggle〕After 150 years of struggle against colonial rule, the country won its independence.经过 150 年反抗殖民统治的斗争,这个国家赢得了独立。牛津搭配〔stun〕The assault was so unexpected that he was briefly stunned into submission.袭击来得非常突然,他一时间惊得毫无反抗能力。牛津搭配〔suppress〕They often use violence to suppress opposition.他们经常使用暴力镇压反抗。牛津搭配〔turn back〕They fought to turn back the enemy.他们奋起反抗,以将敌军赶回去。韦氏高阶〔tyranny〕Self-expression and individuality are the greatest weapons against tyranny.自我表现与追求个性是反抗暴政的最佳武器。柯林斯高阶〔ward off〕She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant.她可能进行了反抗, 试图击退袭击者。外研社新世纪〔ward off〕She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant.她可能进行了顽强的反抗,试图击退袭击者。柯林斯高阶〔warlord〕A military commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.军阀:在某一地区行使行政权力的军事首领,不管其名义上是效忠于国民政府还是反抗它美国传统〔withstand〕To oppose with force or resolution.反抗:有力地或有决心地反对美国传统Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes. 孩子们通常以违背父母的意愿来反抗他们。译典通Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.在东部一次坚决的反抗后, 人民起义最终在首都举行了。剑桥国际Gandhi was one of this century's greatest exponents of non-violent protest.甘地是本世纪非暴力反抗的最伟大的倡导者之一。剑桥国际In an incendiary speech he called for a popular uprising against the government, whom he accused of dictatorship and oppression.在一次煽动性的发言中他号召人们起来反抗被他指责为独裁和压迫的政府。剑桥国际Only residual (= a little remaining) opposition to the government troops now exists.现在对政府军队只有少量残余反抗。剑桥国际Opposition to the government hardened after the massacre. 大屠杀使得对政府的反抗愈加激烈。译典通Our boy was always pushed around at school, until he fought back. 以前我们的男孩在学校常受欺侮,他开始反抗后就不会了。译典通Research has shown that if talented children's potential is wasted, they may rebel and become delinquent.研究表明如果有才华儿童的潜能被废弃,他们会反抗并成为少年罪犯。剑桥国际She was expelled for inciting her classmates to rebel against their teachers.她因煽动同班同学反抗老师而被开除。剑桥国际The demonstration is a pointless act/gesture of defiance against (= refusal to obey) the government.这一示威游行是反抗政府的无谓举动/表态。剑桥国际The protesters blocking the entrance to the offices remained defiant this morning.抗议者们堵住了通往办公楼的入口处,今天上午仍坚持反抗。剑桥国际To everyone's surprise the child piped up in protest.令每个人惊奇的是,那小孩竟反抗地尖叫起来。剑桥国际Two youths had dragged the man kicking and screaming into a field and stabbed him repeatedly in the chest.两个年轻人把这个男的拖进田里,尽管这个人连踢带叫地反抗,接着对着他的胸部刺了好几刀。剑桥国际




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